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Everything posted by Nase

  1. try it again meteo, this thing is the shit. i grabbed me a yoshi's island spc, 30 minutes later: Txai: i'll let you know if i find out how the vibrato works, because atm i don't know either. Found it! It's linked to the modwheel. You simply have to automate CC #1. open a midi out for each channel and link CC1 to a knob on there.
  2. http://picopicose.com/software.html Wasn't aware of this until now. An easy way to create authentic SNES music. Apparently it can load sounds from .spc files too! Awesome! Not on my DAW atm, but i'll test it later. Give it a whirl and see how it works!
  3. Definitely possible. But hell i wouldn't try myself, arranging somewhat complex stuff is such a pain on it. The few sounds it has are good enough for great sounding stuff, but either you get really good at live performing them or you fiddle around with edits in a slow and ineffective manner. The only real bottleneck is the drums. Too little in there. Anyway, decent start. Bring on the Smart Strings!
  4. They're great instruments, it's a good deal, and no one in the world really needs them all. Take your picks and learn to use those well. I'll never get komplete because the picking process takes away too much time from making music for me.
  5. Tune is cool! I can probably come up with something, however small it may be.
  6. Eh, nevermind for now. I just made this 10 minute ambient midi rip to test some new effect plugins. Would've been fun to boost this week's turnout some more
  7. can you submit a bonus mix with the same account if you already got a regular one? or does "new entry" delete the previous one?
  8. :3 Rock on dude! Happy Birthday to me, 3 weeks in advance!
  9. ST2 has zero wow factor these days, it's just very old. It's very usable though, has very economic sounds, and you can still make excellent music with it. Stuff like Nexus is just more in your face. It's clearly the better choice if you want a rompler for mainly EDM, but the insta-OMG-phat-preset factor can be deceptive. I have relatively high hopes for ST3 because ST2 was simply a good rompler, precisely because of its unassuming nature. It wasn't super impressive but super usable.
  10. If you have the time, watch this part of an interview with george sanger. some great perspectives in there on aspects of early game design and music that haven't come to fruition as much as he'd have hoped. I feel what he's saying. It's not the simplistic nostalgia based argument, it's about pioneers working in a setting of highly creative anarchy, and how that freedom can be compromised when the industry 'grows up'.
  11. http://www.remar.se/daniel/iji.php i challenge anyone to remix something from this incredible indie metroid type game. it's not the easiest task as unlike the graphics, the music isn't retroesque at all, but it should be done.
  12. never thought about remixing nifflas type exploration games. good idea, some great music to be found in these. what was that exploration game called where you control a bouncing ball that gains different properties/skills to switch between as the game progresses? that one had some great music.
  13. Haha, the first paragraph of the first answer is already brilliant. Here's a great video interview with Fatman. He's delightful imo. Good vibes.
  14. While Zebra supposedly is very awesome, it sounds to me like you're looking for a rompler to cover all your needs. (Rompler means more focus on good and diverse sounds out of the box, rather than deep editing options) Kontakt is an ok choice for that (it's way more than a rompler but most people use it like one) I'd keep an eye out for Sampletank 3 which is to be released this year. If all goes well, it should offer the broad palette of sounds that made ST2 so good, while getting it up to date with features like round robin and more velocity layers and all that. And yeah 24 gigs is A LOT. Probably cheap enough these days, but 12 are plenty.
  15. Hm, anyone working on something? Have to admit i don't dig the source that much. Sounded pretty remixable tho. Maybe i can make some really quick mincemeat of the midi.
  16. Liquidwind: you totally should've sampled some Enya (yea, THAT song) and mixed it into your mix!
  17. Ha, i just started something retarded. Probly gonna finish it today. edit: YAY!!!! edit 2: i just realised i took kind of a huge dump on this compo's premise. sorry!!
  18. I might compile a list of some of my fav soundfonts sometime. I'd pay for some of them if they weren't free, honestly.
  19. Yeah this is getting good. I like everything you added. The intro/buildup is good, as are the drops (1:20 is ace). Very minor thing: the arp thing playing the melody at 3:00...play with the note decay/length a bit. Myself, I'd make the repeater notes more staccato. Fun mix!
  20. Oh yeah, i'm doing stuff with 90% soundfonts atm. Dont have my kontakt dvds here. Found a mellotron and chamberlain (its predecessor) soundfont that i love to death. No velocity layers, one sample per key like the original. It sounds alive because each key is articulated a bit differently. The greatest thing with soundfonts is that FL pitch event notes work. I'm using them so much for just volume changes by now. It's easier than automation!
  21. neat. do tell if you find something really good in there. i dlded some for testers, didn't get anything larger than a mb. size doesn't strictly matter, but rarely do i hear a soundfont below a couple megabytes that is worth keeping.
  22. Another option would be to make/take drum samples of any kind, load them into the dpcm channel in famitracker, make a drum track, export as WAV and cut that into single samples in your host. Not the quickest or most surgical method, but completely authentic. It might not sound much like what you feed it tho. While you're at it you could also make some synthesized drums in ft.
  23. Or atleast call it Sonic in the Sky with Scrapers! The 'buildings' reads and sounds HORRIBLEE ARGHGGH HAVE U NO SENSE
  24. been toying around with single synth projects a bit, and i now have a likely candidate for the hypothetical round 1. it's actually a combination of one VSTi sans fx and one VST effect. i like this sort of combo, it doesn't really break the 'one thing' paradigm (being one of each), plus it makes everyone use the same fx with just one additional download required. quick electro cheese demo: it also became obvious that two effect types should always be allowed, namely: - EQ - Dynamics tools (read: compressors, limiters. expanders and gates should be ok as well but i doubt many people use them much) - on the fence about reverb, i'd probably allow it unless the synth features its own reverb or a delay unit that can produce reverb-like echo. all this pertains to synth editions. with soundfonts, FX use would likely be free for all.
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