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Everything posted by joe_cam

  1. bLiNd fAiTh i FeEl LiKe I ShOuLd TyPe LiKe tHiS iN hOnOr oF jOrDaN bUt iT's sO dAmN hArD tO kEeP iT uP! Screw it. BGC: your song is awesome.
  2. Man, I just talked to Jordan like a week or so ago and he told me what was up. It's great to see the community here at OCR pull together and do something like this for him. Hopefully he'll be feeling better and bustin out some hot uhn tss uhn tss of his own soon. I'd sing for ya, Jordan, but you already know I don't do that well. Much <3 to ya.
  3. Oh shit... BBQ. If I remember right it's the court theme from Chrono Trigger. And yeah, I know my delivery wasn't the best on 7am. it was the first song I SUNG in over 3 years and I only had enough time to go through the whole thing twice. There's so much I wish I could do over, but I'm not at Mustin's anymore to give it another go. I'll just chalk it up to being "parody" and it's all intentional. hahaha Regardless, that chorus is fucking GOLD. And hey, if you know somebody who wants to do album art, tell em to get in touch with me! I can barely sing let alone do artwork! Thanks for the kind words Larry! Get in touch wtih me sometime.
  4. Gone all weekend and nobody comments? I hate all of you.
  5. Man I remember inviting McVaffe to my wedding and he was all like "Hey I dont use the internets now bye" and I cried.
  6. First off, I am sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I'm never really sure where to post these things, so I'm just putting it in community and if it's the wrong place, I'm sorry. Love u. Ladies and Gentlemen, a Crakaz album. This marks the 3rd album release I've put out (Come Back REMIXED in 2002 and Hits & Misses in 2005) and it's nothin but Crakaz. Features 18 tracks spanning the 6 years of the history of the Crakaz and Craka related music. From the 2002 Roger Matthews "Come Back Bitch" to the sneak preview of 7am from the upcoming K.K. Setlist project, this is the definitive history of the Crakaz. Yeah. You guys get a sneak peek at the new Joe Cam Remix Project months before release.... Lucky assholes. Features classics like Funk Out, River City Rap and Da Black Market and even some forgotten and unreleased tracks such as OUSWTFBBQ5 (JM Flava Remix), Fine (with Diggi Dis) and Come Back (MP Remix), not to mention both of the Alien Hominid contest entrants! Oh yeah, and like 30 songs about DCT. Features the talents of Mustin, A_Rival, Flik, Shael Riley, Devon Riley, posu yan, Diggi Dis, DCT, Roger Matthews, Matt Pollard, Joshua Morse, zykO, DJ Potatoe, Chico Ray and plenty more. Tracklist: 1.) 7am (Feat. Chico Ray) 2.) OUSWTFBBQ5 3.) Happy Birfday, DCT 4.) River City Rap 5.) Believe In Jesus 6.) Betrayal 7.) Fine 8.) DCT DED OMG RIP 9.) OUSWTFBBQ5 (JM Flava Remix) 10.) Da Black Market 11.) The Invasion 12.) I Want the Fuckin Game 13.) Funk Out 14.) Hail to the Chief 15.) Come Back Bitch 16.) White Boy Rap 17.) OUSWTFBBQ5 (Unreleased Demo) 18.) Come Back (MP Mix) 18 tracks, 68 minutes of Crakaz! Download the full album at http://joecamnet.com/albums/Crazy%20Crakaz-A%20History%20of%20Crakatude/ Or grab the rar file and get everything at once at http://joecamnet.com/albums/crakatude.rar Oh and before anybody complains, I know that some of the songs are quieter and some are louder. This is years of different musicians, producers and what not. I know Hail to the Chief is particularly bad... I even tried to amplify it...it's just quiet. Blame DCT...if he's still alive. Spread the word! The ultimate Craka collection is out and who knows, if it gets enough buzz and attention, maybe I'll step back in front of the mic for more than one song in a year.... Make it happen!
  7. Son of a bitch. I wish Taucer would've said something to me about this. I hate you Taucer.
  8. Just an update that I have somebody workin on an absolutely INSANE medley. First 1/8th sounds awesome so far!! This will probably be the biggest surprise of the project.
  9. Strange I have to keep saying this. People express interest here but don't contact me... I'm not going to come for you. You come to me if you want to get involved... Contact info is in the first post in this topic
  10. (Psst. You have to contact me...)
  11. Quick note to anybody who was pondering joining this. All 24 of the themes for the hours of the day have been claimed. Still looking to get more people involved!
  12. *sigh* The world is a lot less funny now.
  13. Shit, Mustin is busier than half of ya'll and he finished already. Mazedude finished already too, but he's a friggin machine, so I'm not surprised. God I love that man. hell, even I have a song finished (well, a collaboration at least...)
  14. Gonna try giving this one more bump to see if I can drum up any more interest here on OCR. People complained with Bound Together that I didn't open it up for outsiders and now that I'm opening it up and asking for people to join up, I dont' get much interest. You guys are all totally off my christmas card list.
  15. Quick public apology to the emails and messages I've been missing over the past few days. I'm presently in Arkansas right now sitting on Ailsean's laptop for the annual OUS BBQ and I'm nowhere near my computer. If you've emailed me or messaged me, I'll be back home Tuesday and I'll reply then. wiwuhwhuh go ONK ONK
  16. It brought a tear to my eye to see my favorite track from my beloved Bound Together finally make it onto OCR after almost 3 years. I can't believe it's been so long and people still buzz about this project and it's still getting notice here on OCR. Much love to Z & Diggi for making one of my favorite songs ever and many thanks to djp for posting it.
  17. Thanks for the bump, but I don't think it's working.
  18. John, you gonna get involved in this? Also, am I gonna see you in two weeks?
  19. Man...I go away for two days and Dhsu kills the thread...
  20. DiggiDis, eh? Your name sounds unique... I'll give you a chance... You remind me of this kid "Disposer" I used to talk to...
  21. fat beats n shit. Miss u dain.
  22. Mazedude, the insomniatic remixer.
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