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Everything posted by joe_cam

  1. This thread is gold! I know not everybody would like this, and I honestly submitted it knowing the profane lyrics could be an issue, but thankfully the people in charge see this mix for what it is: fun. This isn't an inside joke and it's not a dig (sarcastic or not) at anyone or anything. We were at the BBQ, were talking about the FFIV remix project with varying opinions and decided to do our own remix. Think of it as our submission if we were ever asked. Then we picked a subject. Since it's the BBQ and people drink a lot, we wrote about alcohol and getting REALLY fucked up. Think of it as a MAGFest song as well, you know, unless you're one of those people who goes to MAGFest just to play video games and not to hang out with friends and party for 4 days. Are we the best rappers on the planet? No way. Never claimed to be. I figured that is kind of forcefully made apparent with how over the top I was in the first verse. Second guy, Pappy, isn't a rapper at all. He even sings like a girl. It took him like 10 takes to even sound that decent. If you don't like Flik in the third verse, I think you're just a terrible person. My opinion, but how can you NOT like Flik asking you to sit on his dick? To the people who get it, enjoy it or just accept it whether they liked it or not: Thanks. Thanks for "getting" that we're just a bunch of people hanging out at a BBQ having some fun and making some damn fine music with some over the top lyrics. To everybody else, and I've read all the comments so far: Either don't download a song listed as profane and then act shocked at the profanity, or don't download rap. If you hated it for the lyrics in general, that's cool. No harm done. Everybody has their opinions. Thanks for at least checking it out. And DJP, come on. We were PLENTY profane in Da Black Market. I mean, sure it wasn't this bad, but Black Market is the song that got me hate mail saying I ruined the entire Bound Together project by having "Ness" say fuck in that song. You can't ignore the profaneness of that song and jump right back to Niggaz 4 Life!
  2. So glad this made the site. One of the best tracks from my failed project. I thought the original was good, but this just makes it so much better. Much love, posu!
  3. An EarthBound rap? Interesting idea, for sure.
  4. Some suggestions: First, I highly support OCR = Good Guys and Bad Dudes = Villains. I mean shit, they're BAD Dudes, right? Seems like a perfect fit there. Second, I think when it comes down to games, it might be best to put the more recognizable stuff as top priority. I mean, it'd be awesome to have some nice obscure stuff, but speaking on a personal level, it's hard to care about songs that aren't as recognizable as opposed to songs you can indentify with. Can't wait to see the results here. I'd love to see EarthBound and Gitaroo Man get some coverage here.
  5. Don't tell Mustin.
  6. Oh Flik, you are the best. Thank god there's at least ONE picture showing this... Me. Playing Cowbell with The OneUps. Best part? My William Reyes shirt while playing cowbell next to William Reyes. This is my favorite shirt of all time. EDIT: OF ALL TIME!
  7. You look like one fine ass asian. You'd be a great bitch for some lucky inmate if you ever go to jail.
  8. Everybody needs to rock the fuck out to this song. Jazz band? JAZZ BAND??? Most of the entire set is uploaded by that same user. Sadly my cowbell skills are not there for the world to see. Doesnt' matter, because NOTHING compared to the awesome that was Hell March.
  9. Fingers crossed for Larry Oji Brand Teeth Whitener! Makes yo teef white as a muhfucka! How white? OJI WHITE!
  10. True. on the re-release. Fuck you Dhsu. I hate you so much. You and your asianness. I should've stabbed you with that chopstick at dinner. God I love you.
  11. Just a quick FYI, The OneUps (no dash) had absolutely nothing to do with Time & Space barring the fact that Mustin was a part of both. OneUp Studios is a label that puts out CDs such as Time & Space. The OneUps are a band that are a part of OneUp Studios. Mustin stated at a panel at MAG that he somewhat regrets naming things as he did because of the confusion, but ya know, what ya gonna do? Two totally separate entities. The OneUps only albums are Volume 1, Volume 2 and an upcoming Super Mario Kart album and eventually Volume 3. Oh yeah, forgot a Lowlight: FUCKING PARKING... Jesus... Oh yeah, can I get in on that grab bag sexiness too? I love grabbing things.
  12. I think he was asking why I had it as a lowlight. It was funny last year, then it caught on AGAIN this year. It's funny, but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too overdone. There's such a thing as running something into the ground. It's kind of like why the Shumcots didn't work out that well.
  13. Highlights 1.) Being there. It's always good to be at MAGFest. 2.) Finding out that there's probably no more than 10 or so other 8 year vets. I really am one of the few. 3.) Cowbell, motherfuckers. 4.) The OneUps rocking the fuck out with Command and Conquer. So who still thinks they're a jazz band? 5.) A_Rival is one of my favorite people on the planet. My little mexibrother. Love that dude. 6.) The number of people who would walk up and hug me, give me a handshake or just say "whats up Joe Cam!" without me even knowing who the hell they are. Too many faces to remember! 7.) Five Guys with Overcoat, Shael, Prince of Darkness and others 8.) Learning about the existence of Crabcore 9.) Letting everybody in the concert hall taste my balls on Sunday night. 10.) Singing Katamari (for like the 3rd time in 8 MAGs) with Mustin and virt during the Smash Bros set. 11.) Meeting tons of new people, whether we hung out at length or just a quick meetup 12.) The generosity of people willing to help out a broke friend. 13.) That goddamn Colossus yell will never die Lowlights 1.) Not really being in a good mindset due to my recent ER trip and impending surgery 2.) Being absolutely fucking broke due to previous entry. 3.) Smash Bros were damn good this year, but Prozax was waaaaaaay too drunk and was messing up a lot and throwing the other guys off as well. The show definitely suffered. 4.) The decision to spend New Years Eve at home was a stupid one and I doubt it will be repeated. 5.) The lack of hanging out with a good number of people at length, especially Stevo and Wire. 6.) That goddamn Colossus yell really will never die I'm sure there's tons of other stuff, but I just woke up from a 17 hour hibernation and I don't remember a lot. See you all next New Years.
  14. Handjobs for life* for anybody who enters this using "Da Black Market" *offer void unless you're hot.
  15. I forced Mazedude and Mustin to include it when I saw them at Game X a few months back. Violence was used.
  16. This is really really awesome. Found this thanks to a tweet from Shael Riley. Diggin the hell out of this. Awesome stuff, Nerd. Only downside to me? I hate clean edits. Would've much preferred the real uncut vocals.
  17. Added your rar to the initial post. Thanks for that.
  18. To my defense, Tim submitted his "final" track to me a good 7 months ago and I had no idea he improved on it in any way. Either way, it's an awesome track.
  19. Thanks, Oji. *hug*
  20. Can't wait to hear the results of this. Love me some Wild ARMs. Good luck getting Dale to do anything. You know he's busy when he didn't even have enough time to do something for CHRONOTORIOUS.
  21. virt was not involved in any way. I would prefer to keep to myself who the one behind "the song" was. He has his reasons for being unable to complete the song and while it annoys me that so much time was wasted waiting on him, I don't want others to be upset at him for this. Again, I wasn't even planning on releasing what is here. I emailed the remixers and told them that the project was off and they could do what they wish with the track they sat on for over a year. At the urging of a few of them and some other people, I threw everything together to give to the public. I don't feel comfortable releasing a project officially if it's only about 60-70% of what the planned release was. I know some people aren't going to understand my decision, but a lot of it came down to just moving on past this and honestly just getting it over and done with. So much time was wasted on this, all of the songs are over a year old... I just hope you guys are enjoying it.
  22. You know I'll be there pixie. I've been planning on going since talking to Mustin and hearing about The OneUps playing. This will be what, their third PA show? Haven't missed one yet! vgXpo last year, GameX this year and my wedding. I'll def see you there. I'll be the one cuddling with Kunal and Mazedude.
  23. Proto, think of this as your album release then. You're still getting all the songs that are finished (and a few that aren't). I don't do album artwork either way (Bound Together never had artwork) Xenon, <3
  24. I'd rather share the unfinished project in the state it's in than try to toss together a subpar "official" release. That's what OLR is for. Enjoy it for what it is, not for what it isn't.
  25. First off, note to mods, I have DJP's permission to have this thread posted in this forum. I fully understand it's only temporary and will eventually be moved, but he gave the ok to have it here for now. I'm sure many of you know that for well over a year I've been working on an Animal Crossing project. I had a good number of tracks, people I knew I could count on to come through last minute once I had a set deadline and a potential ace up my sleeve in the case of a massive 30+ minute medley. Hopes were high, progress was swift. Things were on track for a Christmas 2008 release. Then I hit a snag. That medley. The man working on it was to have worked on it all last summer for a fall deadline and a Christmas release. It wasn't going to happen, so I figured I would wait until spring 09 for a release. That got bumped as well. I finally asked what kind of time frame he would have needed as the project was very dependent on his track. He said he could have it finished over the summer... almost a full year from the original goal. I figured, "Sure, why not" and delayed the project to Christmas 09, a full year of a delay. Months passed and the song showed very little progress. I understand he's a busy person and the company he is with takes up a lot of his time, but I was hoping for a little bit more. Fast forward to today. I ask him the status and if there's any chance it'll be done any time soon. The answer was that it wasn't done, he doesn't have his guitar anymore, it would be months more until it was ready. I made the decision to end it. KK Setlist: An Animal Crossing Remix Project was going to be my ode to Animal Crossing. What started out as just KK Slider cover songs was expanded into a full Animal Crossing tribute spanning the different games and themes. I had high hopes that I'd be able to pull off what I wanted to do with the soundtrack. I was pretty close, but that one track was the killer for me. What I am releasing is a 34 track collection of many finished tracks and some WIPs of tracks that never made it. 22 tracks are complete and ready to go and feature artists such as Diggi Dis, Mustin, Mazedude, OA, posu yan, Sixto and what may be known as Benedikt "Zeratul" Terhechte's final song as he told me he no longer plans to make music. The final project would've included other songs that dont' even have WIP representations because they were artists that didn't start yet. They were the guys who would usually come through last minute and without a solid deadline, there was no reason to rush them to start. 12 WIP tracks are also included. Some are near finished, some are rough demos and some are just sketches. None of the files have been properly tagged and the WIP files aren't even properly named. There is no track order. And no, there is no album art (I know some of you are hardcore about having album art). I also do not plan on releasing any of the WAV files. What you get is 1 hour and 53 minutes of music that people worked very hard on for a project that will never see the light of day. At the urging of some friends and some of the remixers, I've made all the finished tracks and some select WIPs available in a bittorrent that you can download, check out and hopefully enjoy. Torrent is available at: http://www.legittorrents.info/index.php?page=torrent-details&id=bbbf29e8e5704eee610bcdfe591f4203cd573872 If you are interested in helping seed, contact me on AIM and I will get you a RAR file so you can help seed. Do not ask if you don't intend to help seed. I've got a small handful of seeders on board right now, but speeds may be slow, so please be patient. Tracks are as follows: Benedikt Terhechte-Kristina Crazy Crakaz-7am (feat. Chico Ray) (EXPLICIT LYRICS) DCT-7am (Instrumental) Diggi Dis-Camrade FFmusic Dj-KKmusic Dj FFmusic Dj-KKmusic Dj (alt) Girlz Melon-Only Me Level 99-Shimmering in the Dark Mazedude-Safari Mustin & Anthony Lofton-I Got Soul Mustin-K.K. Sex-A-Peel OA-Letting Go Pocketman-Just a Summer Drizzle posu yan-goodoldays posu yan-purdieoldays Salluz-Enjoying the Rain Sixto Sounds-Acetone Sixto Sounds-Rockin the Crossing Theory of Nonexistence-Mr. Soccerball Tim Sheehy-1am Smile Tim Sheehy-T.S. Aria VHDan-Rider's Bewailment I thank all the remixers who made music for this project and I apologize that you've all waited so long just to have it end without an official release. Enjoy the music guys. EDIT: Courtesy of KyleJCrb, here is a direct download rar file of all songs, tagged and numbered as he saw fit with album art included. http://kngi.org/mirrors/KKSetlist-AbortedAnimalCrossingReMixProject.rar
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