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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. Mario's just a Ryu clone, anyway. XD
  2. Link's arrows can curve upwards?
  3. I'm out of the tourney, guys. Sorry. Maybe next time around.
  4. http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/urltrurl?url=http://www.jeux-france.com/news20104.html&lp=fr_en&tt=url
  5. eh? where's it say it's a blog?
  6. First time I find myself wanting to DL all three of the VC's monday releases. Damn.
  7. Tried uploading it to your own space?
  8. Fire Emblem, F-Zero, and Earthbound?
  9. The fang moves are better than the punches how...? Less power, less accuracy, in turn for a chance of flinching? As slow as T-Tar is, he won't be flinching anyone unless you can set up a Trick Room before hand for him.
  10. Looking at Serebii's pages for each of them. They each have equal max attack, and Dragonite has higher special attack. T-Tar has the higher max defense, but Dragonite gets a higher speed. Dragonite can learn Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave, Aqua Tail, Dragon Dance, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Brick Break and Flamethrower (both 2x against ice), Stone Edge, Surf... So...I'm still not seeing how Tyranitar is so overpowered and Dragonite isn't.
  11. Zelda theme. FF Victory Fanfare. Green Hill Zone.
  12. Ice is neutral damage on Tyranitar. And he's got a 4x weakness to fighting, so anyone with a strong enough Attack stat may OHKO him....just like ice can OHKO Dragonite.
  13. And Tyranitar can be killed easily by a STAB Fighting attack. And, really, if you compare their stats, Tyranitar isn't that much better than the others. Highest defense, yeah, but he's met or outclassed by the others in all his other stats.
  14. I'm not trying to bicker, I'm just curious as to why the hell Tyranitar is being banned and not the other four. It just doesn't make any sense to me. *shrugs* EDIT: And yeah, I'm joining. Just need to finish some breeding.
  15. Yes, and all the ones I mentioned have godly stats, too. Those five are generally considered to be in the same class of pokemon, the psuedo-legendary class. It makes little sense to ban one and not the others.
  16. Why is Tyranitar banned? If he's banned, then Dragonite, Garchomp, Salamence, and Metagross should be banned, too.
  17. Yeah, okay, fuck you Squeenix. We have to wade through almost 15 new FF titles to finally get to something us PE fans have been waiting on for years, only to find out it's a damn cell phone title? Screw that. I'm not giving Square any more of my money, period.
  18. http://www.joystiq.com/2007/05/11/project-rygar-revealed-for-wii/ This makes me happy.
  19. I'd put SSX3 over Tricky, myself.
  20. GSC starters are in Emerald. The legendary dogs from GSC are in Fire/Leaf, but only one per playthrough, if I recall. Ho-oh and Lugia can only be gotten in Fire/Leaf via event items. :/ Colosseum/XD suck, but they're the 'easiest' way to get those.
  21. <3. *damn10charlimit*
  22. I only name Pokemon I plan on using in my party. That being said, I've got... Torterra: Yggdrasil Luxray: Atem Lucario: Anubis: Togepi: Orion Honchkrow: Nightshade Golduck: Ducki (Real original, I know XD)
  23. Nope. I mean Dark Pulse. It learns it via Heart Scale.
  24. If only I had money... If only I had a brain...
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