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Everything posted by Legion303

  1. Works fine on my laptop's onboard sound chip, which has an inherent latency of 7ms but no ASIO drivers. ASIO4ALL gets it down to 3ms with no problems. See above. -steve
  2. I keep meaning to really dig into Reaktor and program some shit, and I keep running short of time and being intimidated by the (maybe imaginary?) steep learning curve. One of these days... -steve
  3. The official FL forum is very poorly designed, unfortunately. Browsing it is just painful. Another sticky would be nice, but so would one for Cubase users. -steve
  4. The guy who started FL says if you're going to buy a computer specifically for FL, you're better off buying a faster single-core system than a slower dual-core. Also, here's some amazing news about the upcoming FL7! OK, one of the things I mentioned was serious and one wasn't. -steve
  5. u shd use reeson d00d3er itz da shiz yo. -steev
  6. (etc.) Yes, yes, we both know that, but let's help the guy with his current problem instead of wrestling with our e-peens. Edit: I see my suggestion failed, so your e-peen won. I feel so violated. -steve
  7. Even the best floating trems go out of tune if the springs were installed crappily (yes, that's a word. I'll wait while you grab the dictionary). Before blowing $200 on another trem, he's better off adjusting what he already has to see if it helps first. -steve
  8. Floating trems make strings go out of tune all the time if you're bending other strings, or even just playing sometimes (which sounds like what's happening to you). If it's too sensitive for you, remove the back panel and tighten the springs. -steve
  9. I used to have a Digitech guitar effects pedal that had a very good reverse reverb preset on it. -steve
  10. Which is what I was referring to. What were you referring to? -steve
  11. It sure is. The best example I can think of off the top of my head is Sepultura's "Slaves of Pain". Reverse-delayed vocals are awesome. -steve
  12. And to expand on that, after you mix on your crappy speakers, burn to CD and listen on a variety of other systems and learn where you need to focus on equalization to compensate for the crappiness. -steve
  13. I tried this a couple of years ago, and only ended up depressed when my list got to about a page long. Also, expect loads of email asking you if you've started a certain song on your "to do" list yet. -steve
  14. No fucking way, man! I mean, look at his post count! Wait... dankwhatever: I'm going to pirate everything on that page just to spite you. Thanks in advance. -steve
  15. Listen to Zoola and Kriko. At 600 Ohms you need a headphone amp. -steve
  16. The 240s are pretty quiet to begin with. Do you know the impedance on yours? The set I got is 55 ohm, which means I have to crank the volume to get something out of them. -steve
  17. Native Instruments B4-II is a drawbar organ VSTi that will probably let you recreate those sounds (he's using a drawbar organ as you can see from some of the angles). -steve
  18. Additionally, the song is McTallica's "Enter Sandman" with extra pinch harmonics, and the tone is about the shittiest I've ever heard from an amp. If you want to recreate it, I'd advise you to turn your bass and mid settings all the way down, treble (800Hz +) all the way up, and play as sloppily as possible. And make sure you have a mic pointed right at your brand new strings to get the maximum "jangly crap" effect. -steve
  19. Yes! Mangled pianos rule! Another thing I wanted to try but never did: find someplace with lots of wind in the fall months and iron posts with chains attached to them (the place I had in mind was on a horse ranch). That gets you some nice and spooky random clanking noises. -steve
  20. Pssssh, like anyone ever bothered to read them anyway. -steve
  21. Bumping thread to remind people of latest WIP deadline. -steve
  22. Take the back panel off a guitar with a floating tremolo bridge and hit the springs with various objects while your guitar is amped and run through some delay. -steve
  23. Possibly, but the forum over there is *really* bad--possibly the worst web forum I've ever seen in terms of usability. I'd rather ask questions here too. -steve
  24. That is a total ripoff of dBlue Glitch...but free! I'll try it out and see how it compares sound-wise. Edit: I am a big retard. It IS dBlue Glitch. When did it become a free program? No matter, it rocks. Thanks for the link. -steve
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