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Everything posted by Legion303

  1. I'm ordering some nylon guitar strings for a flamenco-ish track -steve PS: $30 for 6 fucking strings?! AAAAH! But the good news is, I can get by with the $7 set too. It was a bitch to find a cheaper set without silver wrapped around the lower strings.
  2. I'm in agreement here. I didn't know anything about it until 17 pages of comments were added. Contact DJP and see if he'll give the project a blurb on the front page. You'll have more interest than you can manage. An alternative to deadlines might be milestone deadlines--say "concept by blah blah," "rough draft by blah blah," etc. -steve
  3. What's the deadline? I'm overworked and under-timed (or something), but I have good ideas for the Guile ending and Vega's stage. Edit: since someone else has been working on Guile's ending and my flamenco Vega stage would make you (Shael) want to punch someone in the face, I'll concentrate on the Vega. -steve
  4. I'm working on a death metal remix of a song from Clive Barker's Undying, and frankly I don't have the voice for the kind of brutal vocals I have in mind. If you can do vox in the style of Pestilence (old or new, doesn't matter), Morbid Angel or the like (no "nu-metal," please...must be brutal grindcore), PM me. Thanks in advance. If you have a real bass and can play it, that's a bonus. My pitch-transposed guitar isn't quite right. Scratchpad (EVERYTHING will be changed, especially the shitty piano sample): http://www.neutronstar.org/music/undying_v0.1.mp3 Edit: grammer iz hard -steve
  5. Write me an .flp > .rsn converter and I will. -steve
  6. I agree. It blows, and I wish I hadn't submitted it. However, don't blame DJP for my title...it was a double pun on "rigor mortis" (because I knew it was repetitive even when I submitted it) and "riverdance". -steve
  7. I haven't tried it, but isn't it possible to export a single channel to MIDI and then import it into your other project? -steve
  8. "It's not aweful" Yes it is. I'm glad it's still here, though, because you can see my progress from the crap I started with to the crap I churn out today. -steve
  9. I haven't downloaded anything in about a year or so (not for lack of quality remixes, but I just got burned out on vg stuff for awhile), but as soon as I saw this on the front page I said, "hey, goat rocks." So I guess what I'm saying is if you only download one remix this year, make it this one. Incredible guitar work, as always. It reminds me of Mustaine's playing at times. You show a real mastery of fret control. My only complaint is the fake-sounding drums and bass (they actually sound very good, but not *quite* real). I see from your site that you now have a bass guitar, so that should help, but I'd swoon if you made your remixes 100% perfect by getting a talented drummer involved too. Top-notch remix. -steve
  10. I haven't posted in awhile. I haven't even been downloading new remixes for a month or two. I'm here tonight posting this to tell anyone who hasn't heard this remix to get off your ass and get it. Now. Amazing work, Matt. I think this is easily something Richard James would enjoy listening to. -steve
  11. I'll see if my drummer is up for it. Maybe an update is in order... -steve
  12. Holy shit, Batman, that's some mighty fine guitar work. I didn't have as much of a problem with the sudden transitions as others did, but this track could have used some mastering to boost the levels after everything else was finished. -steve
  13. Do you mean to tell me you really can't tell the difference between a MIDI guitar and a real one? Astounding. -steve
  14. Nope. Ardour is looking quite impressive if you run linux and can get it to compile. http://ardour.sourceforge.net Yes. GPL license. More of a format. Also, don't overlook http://www.maz-sound.com/ -steve
  15. Ambient music is all about setting a mood. Whether you liked the minimalist melody or not is beside the point--CoTMM was very successful at setting up a mood (hopefully intentionally) of despair with this piece. Excellent work. -steve
  16. Forgive my ignorance, but where is this located on 52? "event controller" is greyed-out on 53, and "enable CC to host automation conversion" in 52's menus doesn't seem to do anything. I tried just live recording while playing with the modwheel as well, and it's not working... -steve
  17. The guitar work is excellent. The vocals, however, could use quite a lot of work. I'm not saying this to be an asshole, and it did take large iron balls to submit with singing in the first place, but the vox really do drag this piece below its potential. The singing sounds a little better during the louder parts, so that may be where your dynamic range is best (vocalists, correct me if I'm wrong). I'd like to see an updated version of this with lots of practice behind it. -steve
  18. OK, putting this on...impressions as they went through my head: Hmmm, jazz. Bleh. Jazz sucks. Hey, wait, those...those drums...AHHHH! EARGASM! (*wipes ears off*) This is just too cool for words, and that's coming straight from someone who hates most of the jazz he's heard. -steve
  19. Hmm...I said Triangle II and Pentagon when what I really meant was Pro-53 and possibly Absynth (have to re-install that one). My biggest problem is that the mod and pitch wheels are useless to me due to the lack of automation/live recording. -steve
  20. Is there any way to automate VSTi controls that aren't specifically automatable? I really want to use Pentagon and Triangle II to their fullest, but not being able to tweak parameters live is bugging me. -steve
  21. I'm guessing you've never really listened to music from the 70s. As for other peoples' complaints about this being repetitive...I just don't hear that, sorry. Yes, the melody reprises, but that's what most songs do. I think there are enough changeups and differences in the sections to save it from being repetitive--this obviously isn't a cut-and-paste job. JAXX is a musician; he might be down and out right now, but I have a feeling we will hear more from him just because he has no say in the matter. -steve
  22. That's interesting, because I *did* reverb the snare track (always do), and I dropped everything higher than 250 Hz from the bass drum track. It was too bassy at first, so I lowered bass frequencies and boosted midrange across the mixdown in the remaster, which may be what you're hearing in the kick drum. I'll keep the gating comment in mind, though...I've never tried that with kick drum. Might be fun. -steve
  23. Hmmm...I liked the first version I heard a few months ago, and I like this one too. As others have mentioned, it's very repetative, but rather than being a hindrance (as it is with most songs), this is a good thing in this mix. The repetition fits perfectly with the laid-back, flowing vibe I get out of it. Exceptional work. -steve
  24. Which part? The bass and drums were tracked, so I guarantee you they're not off timing-wise. and the bassline is my own, in the same key as the rest of it, so there aren't going to be any wrong notes when compared to the original. -steve
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