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Everything posted by Legion303

  1. Offtopic...but if you're considering switching to Reason, say goodbye to your VSTs. Unless you feel like fucking around with ReWire and something that hosts VSTs. Also, it's about time someone remixed the MST3K theme. Awesome. -steve
  2. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=83334 -steve
  3. My neighbors downloaded their SUV on Kazaapster. -steve
  4. This is the only one I want, and it seems to have been out of print for years: http://www.soundsonline.com/sophtml/details.phtml?sku=TASCD-85 Kontakt has native AKAI support. -steve
  5. But XLR > 1/4" phono is pretty common, and 1/4" > 1/8" convertors breed like rabbits. -steve
  6. I do the same thing, but...uh...online? LET'S TRASH THE PLACE! -steve PS: I bought FL Studio with money earned from my real job, just like all the hardware I buy. I'm not really sure what the point of this thread is. "How do you afford stuff?" Come on. Do you ask your neighbor how he could afford his new SUV?
  7. Bought it and MGS2 PC for the same price, but people should know the shipping is like $8 on that. Ouch. -steve
  8. The best way to learn any style after actually listening to music in that style is to search for tabs online. Hit google up for "drum tabs" and some bands you like and program the tabs into your sequencer. The best drum line I ever wrote started out as a stolen James Brown drum beat, which I ripped off from a drum tab. Edit: also, move all the drums back so that the snare hits on the first beat of each measure for an aggressive metal beat like so: HH x-x-o-x-x-x-o-x- SN x---x---x---x--- BD --x---x---x---x- Or even better, with double kicks: HH x-x-o-x-x-x-o-x- SN x---x---x---x--- BD --xx--xx--xx--x- -steve
  9. http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2006/04/24 I LOLed. -steve
  10. I don't remember how old *I* was, but my 2-year-old son sings songs in a flat monotone right now. I think he has a promising career in pop. -steve
  11. That was the worst movie I've seen all year. Seriously, what a steaming load of shit. Spoilers, I guess: Sony: "Hey, let's introduce the radio static plot device at the very beginning, then never mention it again, because building suspense would be a bad thing for a horror movie!" Me: "Go fuck yourself, Sony." Sony: "Also, we should subsitute buckets of blood for the creepy suspense that was used more effectively in the games." Me: "Please die." Sony: "Say, is your autistic cousin available to do some editing? We'd like to jump from scene to scene without making much sense or giving any explanation as to why the characters are acting the way they do." Me: "Yeah, I noticed that discontinuity. Eat shit." Sony: "While we're at it, we're going to make some really stupid and arbitrary changes, like the little girl's name. Marketing indicates more little girls will identify with a 'Sharon' than they would with a 'Cheryl,' hence buying more Burger King Silent Hill collector's cups." Me: "You suck." The two good things about it were the nurse scene and the fact that the protagonist is a hottie. The nurse scene lasts about 90 seconds, and I bet there are pictures of the hottie protagonist on IMDB, so take that into consideration before you spend money here. Edit: I forgot the Cybil: "I'm keeping you at bay with this gun, but it's just a bluff. Here, I'll prove it...*click*...see? Oops, I probably should have thought that one through a bit more." -steve
  12. (new response, sorry) I'm getting very close to picking up a set of AKG K240S phones (or 271 if I can score them cheap enough). I know the 240s are semi-open, but does anyone have experience using these with a microphone? I figure if I have the volume low enough I shouldn't have a big problem with bleed-through, but I don't know. Thanks. -steve
  13. GHETTO BLASTA! /me cranks up the Newcleus and busts out some backspins -steve
  14. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2359178#2359178 -steve PS: That said, a cubase/nuendo sticky would be nice.
  15. I took what I learned from my creative writing classes and just let it flow. I also avoid torturing my lyrics into unnatural language to force rhymes. -steve
  16. First of all, it's Wave capabilities are fairly new. You can can apply some vocals to an arrangement, but I found it fairly intuitive (IMO). Others might tell you something else. But what I tried so far... Recording is not simple, arranging is difficult too. I'm surprised to hear you saying this. I also find recording in FL to be something of a pain in the ass, which is why I still use other programs for live recording, but I can't believe you just made an argument based on how new FL's wave handling capabilities are when you should know that doesn't make a difference, unless people are finding bugs. To my knowledge, based on the FL message boards, that just isn't the case. Broad statements like that only weaken your other, better arguments against FL's wave functionality. I've used and been impressed with FL since version 1, because of its power and elegant interface (admittedly much more power since version 4 than older versions). Its price point is also incredibly low for what it does, but I used FL even when I was pirating it and could have used anything I wanted (in fact, I tried Reason and found it sucked for my needs). You know I started out on trackers (Scream Tracker 3, boyee!), so ease-of-use and learning curves aren't the reason I like FL. In the end, it's going to come down to what people can afford to get unless you advocate piracy, which you don't. Many people, including me, feel that FL is the best you can get for a small amount of money. It might not be the world's "studio standard," but most of us are just hobbyists, not studio engineers. Hell, why not recommend Nuendo? This isn't a holy war. If someone asks for recommendations, present your favorite software and point out its merits, but don't blow up at others who do the same. You know I respect your opinion quite highly, but read back over your posts here and tell me you haven't gone too far. Tchuss. -steve
  17. If the fix didn't work for you, send your song to ImageLine support and see if they can help. -steve
  18. Audition is crap, even at 2.0. I used to use it exclusively but the bugs forced me to look elsewhere for my audio editing needs. Once I started using other programs I found out just how lacking Audition really is. -steve
  19. Any sign of Amplitube 2? They've been saying they were going to present it at Musikmesse for the last month... -steve
  20. My advice to people with non-locking tremelos who don't like being out of tune is to remove the panel over the springs on the tremelo and tighten those springs down all the way, or even replace them with stronger ones. You won't be able to do whammy bar dives as easily, but you won't be out of tune as often or as badly either. -steve
  21. Cool, thanks. I've had my eye on some AKG K-171 studio phones for awhile now (thanks for the recommendation, Compy), which I feel would suit me better than monitors right now because of the noise levels where I do most of my music. Now I just need to wait for my bonus to hit the paycheck and I'm all set. Edit: whoa, K240 phones are going for $80-$100 on ebay from "authorized dealers" with 100% positive feedback. There seem to be a couple of different versions of them, though...for laptop mixing and production, I would want the low impedance model instead of the high impedance model, right? -steve
  22. I also had problems with my multitrack software of choice (Adobe Audition, which had sucky VST support), so I moved to Cubase. It's a somewhat steep learning curve for someone like me who has never used "real" mixing equipment, but it does everything I need it to. -steve
  23. If I wanted to buy either headphones or monitors, would people consider it acceptable to buy mail-order if I audition the real thing at a music store first? I would never buy a guitar online because of the vast differences in tone and playability in each individual guitar even of the same make and model, but I don't know what kind of manufacturing tolerances there are in headphone/monitor production. Thanks. -steve
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