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Everything posted by Escariot

  1. So what Internet Radio Stations (if any) do you listen to? Anything you might suggest others to listen to? I personally prefer: - http://radio.keiichi.net/index2.php - Anime Radio - http://www.pulsradio.com/index.php?op=home - PulsRadio - Non-Stop Dance Music
  2. Shit... Bad fucking timing... It's all up now... Hosting company fuxxed my server...
  3. That's actually some pretty shitty music... I was greatly disappointed after listening to the whole thing
  4. Meh... shit = stuff... Not shit as in shit music... I'm hosting your stuff... Will edit...
  5. Yes, while I dislike both of them, I understand the reference, and wondered why you would list them... Didn't get the reference on anything else if there was one...
  6. Now your sig is much less abrasive. Now I approve
  7. No, Suzu, yours was not on there. I quit managing the site before you submitted a WIP. I thought so, and posted a link without thinking. And upon checking my site stats, I realized that there were a lot of downloads on OOOLD WIPs...
  8. Bumpity. Uhm... Aeth - I'll try to get ahold of you via AIM or something
  9. I agree with Sphincter above. Last Exile....
  10. Did you listen to mine? I'm too embarrassed to show you what it was before the collab... And I was thinking of submitting it then
  11. I'm hosting his EDIT: audio files. http://ton.escariot.net/
  12. Then I'll get to work EDIT: I see vBulletin is commercial software... Which kills any chance of me getting a copy to write it. djp, I'm sorry if I made it seem like either or both of those insults. If you don't have the time, or don't want to because of updates killing it, then it's fine. If I get my hands on a copy of vBulletin, I'll work on a hack to do it. Too late
  13. I occasionally browse through here looking for inspiration, but the requests don't seem to fit what I want to do... I'll occasionally throw a "I'll try it out, and see what I get" into a thread because it seems do-able... But it usually doesn't work out... It seems the Requests forum is more of a "REMIX THIS SONG", being replied to with a "NO, PICK A NEW SONG OR A NEW STYLE"... And usually they just get ignored
  14. You can write a vB hack to only allow privileges to certain threads. Simply by adding a table called "Compos" with "AdminID", "CoAdminID", and "ThreadID". And when the script checks, it grants topic edit privs to AdminID and CoAdminID to ThreadID alone... Wouldn't be too hard... Instead of granting the general forum priv to the admins.
  15. Win... Go for it
  16. Good luck doing a DT version of anything. *suggests a large group of people from a meetup*
  17. Bump. Anybody have the Tyrian OST?
  18. Again, I've recently gotten a huge amount of inspiration, and decided to browse through the requests forum. If I have time (Between 20 credits this semester, 3 project websites, 1 project song, and various vocal recordings) I'll give this one a shot...
  19. I've been thinking that FFIX needs some more love... And have actually tried to do a little bit of it... I did a really shitty battle theme once... Never released it. I may have to try again. DragonAvenger is currently working on a vocal remix of You Are Not Alone (http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=8537). Anything specific besides the battle theme?
  20. I've heard the WIP's, and if you have something better than that, more power to you. Can't wait to hear the full version.
  21. Noah Ludington
  22. Assholes... That's the Audition that's available on the public forum... check the link before making assumptions... Because you'll just make an ass out of your mumptions...
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