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Everything posted by DragonFireKai

  1. Ok, there is a hint of Zeal's Theme found in the theme to shevat, and it is boiled down to that portion at 3:54, but Zeal's theme never had the double notes, which is how you can tell it's from xenogears. The Chrono Tigger song begins at :54 and ends at 2:24, It is the overland theme to 1000 AD. now, stop your blathering idiocy, He who nows all about Squaresoft games and the CT series in particular has shown you the way. Now, The remix is excellent. I love that someone finally linked the Xenogears saga and the Chrono Trigger saga. I would love it if someone took songs from all the games and fused them into a massive megaremix. I'm sure that you could find a site to post it on, and if someone does, Please, show me the site.
  2. This caps of a great set of songs based on Time's Scar. If you download all remixes of Time's Scar, Far Promise, Zeal, and To Far Away Times, your ears will never be bored. Thank you all who contribute to this mountain of talant.
  3. I love the soft setup. It's very soothing. Thank you Chronosis. I love this song.
  4. What have you been smoking? really I want to know. This song has everything, A light breezy melody, perfectly suited for a fair or carnival. It has the obligatory quotes that make you say "What was that?". AND it's from Chrono Trigger. beat that!
  5. I love all the nostalgia by fusing CC and CT songs together, It really ties the games together.
  6. This song captures the "Island in the Sun" aspect of Chrono Cross. I love it. great guitars.
  7. This is such an elegant piece, I love the piano, I can just see this being played in a concert hall. Great work.
  8. I don't think that it fits with the profile of the Chrono series, It seems more castlevainia-esque to me. but still excellent.
  9. I love the juxtaposition between the bambo flute and the electrict guitar. Time's Scar is a great song that you can do so much with. thank you Marc Star.
  10. I love christmas songs, don't really know why, but I love 'em.
  11. I love this mix. It's long, but not boring, I love the CT series, so it's got kind of a nostolgia factor.
  12. It's great. it's a combination of bloody hell, and the wickedest orchestra. while i think that both those songs are better songs, this song is a better concept.
  13. I'm not a great fan of the eight bit castlevainia soundracks, but Scott makes it so clear, so crisp, so grand. Kudos to you.
  14. I don't like CotMM's style, it's a bit to grating for my taste, but what I do like, are their titles. Seriously, the titles to their metroid songs, are great.
  15. Original. very garageous... garagic? are those even words? anyway, it's unique, check it out.
  16. This was a sub par mix. far too repetitive.
  17. I love both of these remixers, the guitar is excellent, the arrangement is great. this is the perfect Castlevainia song. Just jaw dropping.
  18. Ghetto Lee Lewis is the second best trance remixer after ffmusicdj. Lewis' remixes show originality, and skill. I love the voice samples.
  19. While not as epic as Flames of Valor, this mix takes the first doungeon of the series and gives you a blow by blow walkthrough. glorious!
  20. Being a massive fan of the Breath of Fire line back to the begining, I love the way that VHD takes us on a epic journey, The opening theme is increadible, and blood pumping, but Alan and Cerl's theme provides a soft juxtaposition. just magnificent.
  21. I love dance tracks, and I love the Breath of Fire series. Ergo, I love this mix. the synth lines are increadible.
  22. This is just standard eighties analog techno, no more no less. It's good, but not original.
  23. this isn't the best Remix by AmIEvil, nor is it the best Far Promise Remix. Good, but not great.
  24. I love solid piano, and this is great. The tempo changes keep it interesting, I want to play the game now, it intrigues me.
  25. this song is not too short. It focuses on the Cosmo Canyon theme, to extend it would make it too repetitive. and to counter that, he would need to splice in a new melody, and it would cease to be about cosmo canyon.
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