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Everything posted by entropicdecay

  1. Skeletons in my Closet - The Fat Man and Team Fat
  2. Are you sure it wasn't your cock obscured by a moth? content: slow shutter speed example. Darkroom print.
  3. I will forever think of that sig now as a dickmoth. I have a long exposure of my own. 15 seconds at 2 AM. selective color fuckery light sockets of a closed-up historic theater in philly tag from one of my vintage jackets, dating from the 40s.
  4. Maelie, I LOOOOOOOOVE long exposures, especially at amusement parks. I happen to love Tsunami, too. [digital pictures with minimal processing - assignment was to fabricate a scene. I chose to get all conceptual in dealing with leaving a controlling relationship I'd been in for 3 years.] [darkroom print - assignment to choose light as the subject. The quote reads "in the real dark night of the soul it is always 3 o'clock, day after day.] [digital picture with processing, mostly desaturation and contrast-fiddling - assignment was to avoid focus on the center. I miss my neon pink hair D: ]
  5. That stuff is BITCHIN I hope your birthday is just as BITCHIN, broseph!
  6. He could at LEAST try to get all the details right. That tends to be a tip-off.
  7. I have done heat up plastic rod method but if you have a lot of games you'd be better off buying one. What you do is take a piece of plastic and heat it up to the point where it's moldable but not dripping everywhere and smoosh it into your screwhole of choice. Pull it straight up and let it cool. For the non-security screw games a regular flathead will work. IIRC Tengen carts use a different screw entirely... I'm too lazy to check. comedy option: hammertime!
  8. Akira Yamaoka and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn - Hell Frozen Rain
  9. All of mine still work, including Zelda and Maniac Mansion.
  10. Where's your marriage certificate with da fingah? I've been pretty lucky with my save files. My dad started a new game in Mario Party, but he ended up getting me past a game I was stuck on, so I guess it worked out. My Paper Mario cartridge mysteriously ate one of my files. This file was my baby. It was the first one I ever played and finished. I'd play it every time I wanted to see the ending and all that jazz. Well, last summer, I turn my N64 on one day to see "NEW" in its place. No. No no no no. Dear god no. I reset it. "NEW" What was bizarre is that it was the only file that was gone. The other three were just fine. Oh yeah. My first PS2 memory card pooted out on me after I finished Silent Hill 2. My PS1 memory card has never worked and as a result, I had to marathon Silent Hill. Certainly added to the experience.
  11. Ah, I remember this... and the controversy. IIRC, there was some rumor of it being some kind of MIDI rip or whatnot. That was pretty long ago. Nevertheless, it's still nice to listen to.
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