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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Like I said in irc... Remixinator is a broken release. You guys should have beta tested more... Somehow, the guitar is generating "Terra" in my "Schala" mix. wtf? Way to go staff >
  2. To address the issues of Project Flow, everyone on this Project, go here: http://www.kngi.org/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=784
  3. XMark has grabbed DQ1 Battle Theme Demonstray is grabbing DQ2 Battle Theme Yay two battle themes in the same day!
  4. The younger you start in music, the more opportunity you have to grow in a smaller amount of time *at certain things*. I envy people who started composing with music programs in their teens. I didn't start until I was around 25 years old. This doesn't mean that I'm bad and never going to get certain things or wrap my head around them, it just means that it's going to take me a little longer than maybe it would have for me ten years prior. It's called brain plasticity. Someone immersed into a certain realm of expertise (in this case, music) at an earlier age will most likely pick up techniques and skills easier. They will become hard-wired into their brains, and their brains will adapt to this knowledge and memory, and retain these skills well into adulthood. It's like building a house... You start from the ground up, and for someone with music as a cornerstone, it's going to be easier for them to keep going back to that solid foundation. Of course you can have Neuroplasticity well into adulthood and it's been documented that you can still reshape and rewire your neurons etc. well past adolescence, but circumstantially, those that are exposed to certain skills and experiences at an earlier age are able to adapt easier. The more you progress into life, the harder it is to rewire your brain. That's why we really work at teaching children, why we force them to go to school... Because they have room for the really fundamental information. That's why we talk about 'shaping' them so much. The way I see it, you have so much room in your brain, at a certain point, people seem to hit this place where there's too much information to retain everything, a type of glass ceiling... Even if we supposedly have this unlimited potential for learning, as you get older it still becomes harder to retain everything. Anyone can focus though, and work it through... But it feels that with things like memories, life experiences... The more you experience, the more you have to slowly sift things out, put less important things way in the back in a folder of experiences... It's weird, but to me, the things I remember learning the most were skills as a teenager, when I was into drawing every day after school, or when I was listening to music from my favorite artists, wondering how they did what they did, or when I was in highschool band... Or all the video games I played when I was a young teen... I keep going back to those experiences... Take for example, I have amblyopia, this means that my brain favors one eye over the other. I do not have stereoscopic (no REAL depth perception) vision like most people do. This wasn't discovered as a problem I had until I was seven years old, and the powers that be in the 1980s told my parents that there was nothing to be done, that I was too old to have this brain dysfunction fixed. I never really understood, but when I was much older, I went into a lasik center to see if I could get my eyes fixed. I have astigmatism in my left eye as well, which was the source of the problem of my brain favoring my right to begin with. Astigmatism itself, however, is easily fixed, but they refused to try to do this because they have no idea what to correct my vision to, because my brain automatically doesn't favor my left eye. Thus I am considered legally blind in my left eye... All I see is a blur in it. Had my optometrist been smart, they would have told my parents to patch my right eye right away, for a month, and that would have probably been all it took. My left eye would have adapted, and my vision would be completely different today. Now, at 28 years old, if I patch my right eye, if I spent maybe a year, patching my eye for three hours a day, I MIGHT improve this problem, with a ton of dedication, but no one really documents whether or not this works. Anyway, all this aside, to become a really good musician, you need ambition, some natural talent, and a hell of a lot of work. How much of each of these you have depends on the person, but to really succeed, you need to work with what you have, focus on your strengths, and bring your weaknesses up to an adequate level. The earlier you start, the more you can focus, in your lifetime on being the best you can be. This isn't necessary to make music, and if someone gives up just because they didn't have that early shot, well that's a real shame. As long as you're alive, you're not missing the boat.
  5. Sure dude, tell me which one and sign up at KNGI forums :J
  6. I've also made a serious sig for those of you who mean serious business: ANYWAY! I've sent out a pm to everyone who is on the project. Hopefully it clarifies some things. Songs available for new people to claim tracks! Go for it guys! Also: NEW WIP DATE IS JUNE 20th, for songs, halfway done, conceptually at LEAST GET ON IT!
  7. Ari's song keeps getting longer and longer *_*
  8. New Sigs Available! Come on, you know you want to. Tiny URL version Anyway, thanks everyone for the great WIP response. It warms my heart I will be setting a new WIP due date soon. Please don't stop working on yours songs now. We;re just getting warmed up. If you have an extension, please keep in mind that the more I hear from you, even if you don't have anything from you, the more comfortable I feel about it. Let's stay in contact. Another big project recruitment sweep will be happening soon. Thanks!
  9. Don't really have any time now to start a new song, but I will definitely get you something before the deadline. Just have to prioritize right now.
  10. Whoa. I didn't even realize this was posted until now. I blame traveling across USA forever in December. Anyway... This has always been my favorite song by Sam... For years. I am so glad you guys upped the size limit for this amazing song to finally be posted. It was on Tha Sauce for years. The intro to this song is just amazing... When he finally gets to the real meat at 1:20, I just die every time. This song really means a lot to me, so I am glad that it has been brought to a broader audience. It's also a song now that brings me back to a very different time of my life, when everything about it seemed so up in the air, and in a haze. Makes me a little sad actually. 5:40 - 5:44 really strike me every time. Everything there is so powerful and moving. Then, everything after just slowly takes me back down, not to earth, but off somewhere, and then leaves me there to contemplate... Best piano song on the site now.
  11. Yeah wow... See I knew I wasn't crazy. I'm not really a harsh person but the new music was so distracting and disjointed... Just ugh. Why do great things always fall into the wrong hands?
  12. weren't you in diapers when half these games came out
  13. They stick to old franchises because they kind of lost their souls somewhere along the way. At least that's how I feel. The closest they came to getting it back was FF12, which I think was a neat game. Why? Because they tried something different, even the most annoying characters weren't as annoying as say... Tidus... They TRIED to have a semblance of a story, the battle system was great... The music wasn't Uematsu but it wasn't TRYING to be... They paid homage to Final Fantasy Tactics, had lots of side quests... And a really nice atmosphere, it felt open and adventurous. That being said... I haven't played FFXIII, and don't really intend to for a while... Why? Because I just don't expect it to be great... Why? Because they turn me off with all the fluff... Character designs have gone way off the ridiculous board and into just... I dunno... what happened? Why does every character have to look like they from the 90210 or Friends cast, dressed in ten thousand feathers and belts with their hair dipped in blood and rainbow clothing that seems more detrimental to their crazy and amazing, yet nonsensical battle animations, p.s. COLORS EVERYWHERE!!! /rant Why remake FFVII? Because it was the game that those guys made, before they had REAL success... Before they started letting it get to them, before they lost their edge and covered it all up in fluff. I don't want them to, but honestly I think Square had a good run, that ended about ten years ago, we've just all been in denial about it. Or maybe I am just getting old. And anyway... Why not remake it? That's what EVERYONE is doing nowadays to make a buck. Why not one more eh? The decade of everyone and their mother selling out. p.s. Tifa didn't say anything because she was confused, and wanted to wait and see... That's the explanation that was given, not saying it was great but I find it understandable. And sorry but "OMG WE FORGOT THAT WE ALL GREW UP TOGETHER BECAUSE OF OUR GFS" is the worst plot element of a FF game ever.
  14. Yeah, the music is pretty awful... I really don't understand... It is very disjointed and... just really odd choices. For example, Egg Corridor... I can't really tell where the song starts or ends, except that I already know it, and theres like a ten second dropoff of music then BLAIRINGLY OVERLOUD chords... Just ugh. All of the original feel is lost... And honestly, a lot of it just feels like a mess. There also seems to be a lack of percussion, something that really made the original music great. The cool beats are gone. What's worse, the guy that did the music? He's posted. And what's even worse, and what I don't understand... Pixel likes the new music and hates the old.
  15. LousySpy?? I am a fangrl from like 2001 haha. Anyway, my initial take on this song is it starts very layed back and chilled. The drums/bassline/arpeggiation in the background is simple, but works pretty well. Not too complex, but I guess it really doesn't need it. I'd say it's a very moody song. I also say it has a really good build, layer upon layer. Some of my favorite bands do this, like the Cure does it really well. Anyway... I think all that's missing from this is some more interpretive sections, I am always a sucker for solos, no matter how small. I'd say a good place for something like that would have been around 3 minutes in. Nice key change at about 3:40. The ethnic drums that come in really help. I also really like your lead synth, works well. Everything is well-mixed and atmospheric. Yay, welcome back
  16. I'm really offended at what you guys said about my music being "weird"... Just, stop being smug and pretentious and stop reviewing songs on irc during a listening party plz.
  17. I am angry because I didn't like something you did I am angry because someone doesn't like something I did Where is Yoda he has something to say about fear and hate and suffering OH I KNOW WHERE HE IS, HE IS GONE BECAUSE THOSE LAST MOVIES SUCKED AND HE IS COMING TO MY HOUSE TO JEDI KICK MY ASS BECAUSE I INSULTED HIS MOVIES edit: NININININININININININININININININININININININI GUARDS, GUARDS!!! NININININININININI!
  18. Happy Birthday. I hope this birthday thread works its magic on you.
  19. Maybe don't come up with a name set in stone until you start getting a real feeling for the album *_*
  20. thanks, but don't post it in the thread please, post it on KNGI forums http://www.kngi.org/phpbb3/index.php tell Kyle you are on the project and ask for access to the COE private WIP forum. Edit: Important changes announced on the first page. All musical artists please read, and if you have not already, join the KNGI Forums for more details.
  21. Yeah pm me, I am on ETG as always, but anyway you should also post it up at KNGI Forums, some people are finally giving feedback up in dat bitch, a second or third opinion wouldn't hurt IMO as well.
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