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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Hey lay off my metaphist or I will have to give you a meta fist! Update! Prophecy has returned from the depths and has shown interest in DQ 2 Prophecy... GO FIGURE THAT ONE! Hurrr! GET IT? GET IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT????????????????????
  2. He's a furry! loalaoal Happy Birthday Marc, if you are even around to read this. :J
  3. This is... lol It's wacky and insane... But I can't stop listening. I can't exactly figure out what to say about this, except maybe everything is way too dry. Move things forward and back in the soundscape, with a little reverb and room size etc. adjustment maybe? Good luck.
  4. Also I have included some carpool and rooming information. If you want on any of these lists, to offer rides or ask for them, ask away. So keep checking the first page for updates from myself and Jade!
  5. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=397737923202 Ari and I went ahead and booked our hotel rooms at the Flamingo. Going rate right now is $37.5 a night for four nights consecutively. We booked from Sunday night, August 8th through Thursday night, August 12th. If you are going to book, I'd recommend doing it now, because this is a very good rate, especially for Flamingo. So start figuring out who you are rooming with, and figuring out cost splitting and planning, and lets get this goin'! This is the link to the good Flamingo Hotel rate If it goes up again, don't worry, it will go back down sooner or later, as I have watched it fluctuate for the last couple months. And remember, if you book now, and have to cancel, there are no fees or pentalties up until 3 days prior to the date you booked for... So book early!
  6. Yeah, at 2:00. I think it's not so much as blowing harder, as just a small volume issue. My impression was just that I heard it, but barely... Every time I hear a song that uses this motif, I always really like it, and notice it in a good way... It's subtle but noticable... IMO it's just a tiny bit too subtle, and thusly it's not going to be fully appreciated. So it's mostly like, you want to keep it subtle... But my initial reaction was that it wasn't enough... My advice is, only on the first few initial notes of the run, bring the volume of those flutes up subtly, or lower the volume a tiny bit in contrast of other overpowering instruments just for those few notes, but just a TINY bit... I don't need to hear the whole run to know where it's going. Anyway, it's kind of odd, because the highest notes in those flutes should be loud and noticable anyway, just because that part of the spectrum isn't being filled up, like the mids and most of the lows are (they are bulging)... Maybe a tiny EQ on the flutes to find more of a sweet spot in those higher ranges could help. It's really not about loudness, but about balance to me... My ears want to hear that high B flat from that flute when it starts the run. I hope this makes sense. Something else I noticed... I think the harp might be a little too clashing in spectrum (in terms of resonance) with other instruments... at like 1:40 ish... Not sure what you could do, would it be possible to raise it an octave? That might not be the right choice though... It's a small thing... Like I said before, the selling point of this song is in the details... It's sounding really nice and fleshed out now, all I think that needs to be worked on is embellishments here and there, subtleties in velocity/dynamics (which you already have going) and balance. And basically an extreme acute attention to details in the end. Your strings are great, but they could flow a little bit better here and there, not sure if the samples you are using completely hinder this, but anything you can do, tricks etc., to keep the strings sound more fluid would be awesome. Can't wait to hear what you do with the last section. Great work
  7. Happy birthday Scardism, and happy birthday STONER! jk... Have a good one
  8. Haha, this mix was going pretty well, it was nice... But as soon as 2:33 hit it got amazing. Great job dude! Way to take it to the next level :J
  9. Heylo. 1:25 with the whistle and xylo thing is pretty and interesting. I'd like it if the song experimented more with these things First off, I think your kit doesn't really fit the song. I would go for a more ethnic feel, at least until the song picks up. Some neat textures, but I think also when the song picks up, some of those panned fx are annoying on the ears (2:20) The song is pretty repetitive and really doesn't meander from the source much... You do some cool things with texture, but the song needs to ... go somewhere? Hard to explain, but I feel that you really need to take this song and try to make it yours more, don't be afraid to explore more... Stray from the source and see where it takes you... The drumkit at about 3 minutes in doesn't really fly for me. It's all muted and weird... I think what you should do is, take the original kit that you are using, and compress it and make it pick up a lot for that part, but don't use it until about 3 minutes in... Before this, replace your original drums with something more ethnic or electronic... Anyway, just a suggestion. I think your strings could use some volume automation... Some instruments seem to stick out too much on my headphones (organ in the middle sections mostly)... Also there's some dangerous resonance at about 3:40... Be careful with the frequencies there. Anyway, this is interesting, some good ideas, but I think overall it doesn't really "go" anywhere, it meanders a lot, but not in exciting places... You certainly can patch this up though, just keep at it... Also please continue to post more music, and I hope this doesn't sound too harsh! It takes courage to ask for crits! Thanks for the listen :J
  10. I actually have this so I can safely say I liked it! Yay Sebastian, this has probably been a satisfying week :J
  11. First off... Paladin's Quest... Excellent source <3 I like this... Once it gets to the slow section, it's really nice. You have a nice full orchestral sound going... Very cinematic actually. Very John Williams. Keep going and don't be afraid of more flute...runs etc. as the slow stuff progresses. Nice treatment. Afraid I can't comment too much right now because I feel I should hear more first. What's required to really sell this is in the details honestly. Anyway finish this please because I love Paladin's Quest :J Edit: turn up your woodwinds...Especially the flutes in the later sections of the WIP (the more John Williamsey parts)
  12. I don't think the piano could be brighter... Just more organic... More full. Get something more organic, realistic... The writing is awesome. Digging the updated version, the bass and the rhodes solo is awesome. The flute towards the end of the WIP... I'd like if the tremelo were... less apparent, or there was more attack on it. That section is really nicely written too... Honestly Doug, my only qualm at all is the mixing... You're gonna have to really work at bringing everything out nicely. EQ EQ, give the song some space and breathing room... Reverb is your friend if you treat it nicely... Your drum samples could have more punch to them... The bass is awesome though. Try to really make choices of where the instruments sit in the mix, EQ out what's not needed, and search for sweet spots to bring out in each instrument... Gonna take some choices! Anyway good luck Doug!
  13. Hey... Impressive. But I think you can do better. Work on tone of your instruments. What VST are you using? I this EWQLSO? I think your strings are what give it away the most. The highs (especially when playing really fast) are very synthetic sounding. The really low instruments sound best when grouped... Try not to expose the more unrealistic instruments, group them. It's really about working with what you have. This problem is pretty standard, it's extremely hard to get a better sound out of high/fast strings like that... I'd recommend experimenting with many different samples and keyswitches, as well as trying to basically wring out as much realness with active parameters. If something's not really working, try another technique. Your mids sound great. I also like the timpani, and the chromatic lower violin parts. Anyway, that's the best advice I can give... It's a little vague but hopefully you can get what I mean. Good luck!
  14. JUST WANT TO LET EVERYONE KNOW THAT THE DEADLINE IS JUST OVER A MONTH AWAY! I will be sending MASS pms out soon, so beware! Take care! Beware! Of the Big Green Dragon (warrior) that sits on your doorstep... PULL THE STRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. She's a decent songwriter. Too bad none of that has translated into her Pop music... Well, except this is basically the same bluesy chord progression from Pokerface. Honestly I find her current songwriting mediocre, her gimmick is what sells... But that's most pop artists so! If she had kept this up, who knows if she would ever get recognition. This video has really changed very little in my view of her music lol. I'm still waiting for a song from Lady Gaga that impresses me, without seeing the video *_*
  16. Invisible Touch also has this crazy Secret of Mana type part in it. I love it.
  17. This was a WIP thingy I was doing to possibly give to OA for his project, but decided against after a while (and basically moving across the country and being MIA for a few months) I may finish it sometime just because it was coming together nicely. I went through about 30 photos of children for reference.
  18. I'm now 5 lbs from my goal. I didn't work out for like two weeks because I am stupid. But it's not horrible... I started back last night. :J
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