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Everything posted by Monobrow

  2. Kyle if you can save up about 40 dollars, you can room for four nights in a room with 4 people, hopefully Jade and Jordan wouldn't mind putting a cool dude like you up, but if they can't, do you wanna be put on the list for looking for roomates?
  3. Really great, kate. I really like the vocal "yayeeeeees" and "yaaaaaahs" ... I love that kind of stuff. The viola/violin? playing is passionate too. Awesome work.
  4. Hahahaha... I dare you to try, and mangle it to the edge (was that what I think I just heard in his remix?)
  5. Didn't like Crystal Shards much, I really tried to get into it too. Loved Kirby Superstar, and I played it recently. For the life of me, the great cave offensive is just the best thing ever, I can't remember where everything was so it's still a challenge over a decade later. Anyway, I really like the direction of this game, and I hope it's good. That being said, I really hope the music in the trailer doesn't represent the style we see in the game. I'd be most disappointed if the music wasn't basically the Jun Ishikawa epic beauty we are all used to, I never get tired of it.
  6. Updated the first post. It is now current. I will give a grace period to a few individuals that I know are busy. If you need more time or have something to tell me please either contact me on IRC or pm me. Thanks.
  7. it's cool guys, as long as I know you are still interested, and touch base with me, things is cool
  9. Unofficial or not, it's just AWESOME to see a project run on this site be finished. Kudos guy, it's a big uphill battle is it not? Will be listening later tonight :J p.s. stop using internet explorer people! p.p.s. Hylian Lemon, check your pm box for possible solution
  10. Whatever kind of party thing we do, I would think would probably have to be earlier in the week, like a Monday or Tuesday... The 9th or 10th? If you want to do the mass birthday party at your apartment, that'd be awesome. AFAIK, the birthdays are: Jordan, Stevo, Eric (Posibolt), Long Dao, my brother, and hopefully I am not leaving anyone out. So maybe we could a HUGE HUGE HUGE birthday cake or something lol. Hopefully like 30 people max won't be too many at your place. If it is too many, lets start brainstorming and come up with something else. THE TIME IS NIGH!
  11. Yay some Hubbard love! Personally I friggin LOVE Skate or Die and Skate or Die 2 music... Amazing stuff that needs more love. Not familiar with this game though, but I love the strings. It is a little repetitive too, like Stevo said, but it still does the source justice. Nice job.
  12. You're welcome skrypnyk Can I make what you just said into a haiku? Also sounds very crisp. GOOD DRUMS AS USUAL.
  13. Hey, I saw that no one has reviewed this so far, that's a shame. I'm not familiar with the source sadly, but I will try to crit. I think your cymbals and highhats are pretty weak honestly... I think this is the same kit from the other song that I didn't like so much. Snare works okay though... Kick could use some more oomph, it clicks nicely though. Guitar playing is excellent, both rhythm and solo. I would take more liberties though, why not give yourself a section to go crazy and just take it to wherever you end up? Your lead synth, is that pro-53? If so I have basically heard it everywhere, I recommend trying to program it better, as you could do better just trying to program it yourself, give it some nuances, some tremelo, pitch bends, some different attack, anything... Don't settle. Anyway good luck, hope I helped.
  14. Okay... Intro was cool, it's all pretty fitting. Guitar is great. Organ comes in nicely, bass too. So far, this is very cover-ish honestly. It kind of follows note for note, but w/e. Yay, okay scratch cover, you broke off... finally, the organ comes in... Do more of that, do it all over the place, I love organ. Good solo and drums. Don't be afraid to put more organ EVERYWHERE, even if you are just stabbing with eighth notes or making it seem like the player is ODing and slamming keys everywhere and feels like soloing in the middle of the song and pissing the rest of the band off. I want guitar vs. organ BATTLE. So anyway, nice transition to the extreme... But bring it back to lion plz, and go crazy. HOPE I HELPED, LOL. Godo luck.
  15. Haha, first off... That intro panned synth disoriented the hell out of me me! Ahhhhhh! Bass sounds cool, drums are okay, I think they could use some EQ or compression, not sure if I like that plinky highhat and cymbal. I also think the drum writing itself is kind of strange, the kit sounds kind of out of place, something more realistic and acoustic could help. Something more rock. And like I said, the writing is kind of strange, it could be the kit, but I think there's no need to break the beat up as much as you do, just keep driving it, and only break it when you start/end sections. Guitar is cool, I have no problem with the dryness, though I think you could have some more wet sounding synths to emphasize it more. Hope this helps, keep it up guy!
  16. I think your strings still sound bleh... But they are certainly better than your last version. I think maybe you could do well with more filling out your upper mids with those clarinets plz. Woodwinds rock. Group group group. Overuse of the strings has kind of made certain parts sound more naked overall. Arrangement is still excellent. Also it's weird for me to say this consider how much I say the opposite, but I actually think just a little more reverb on basically everything could help with the atmosphere immensely. Realism may come via a more realistic atmosphere, and if everything sounds too dry then it will also sound too exposed. That piano needs some decay/reverb/relese... It's way too plinky... Mess around with parameters please. Please put some reverb on it, I would really prefer for it to sit back and some more like it's playing somewhere with the orchestra. Right now it sounds really out of place, way too dry. I know that's hard because you want it to come out at certain parts, so you're really gonna have to work hard with where it sits. I think I hear some clipping in the fifteen seconds before the fake ending, check your brass. Before you bring in teh chiptunz. Also I think your ending is kind of strange in general lol. Anyway this was very ambitious, and I know you are probably sick of this song by now, but please don't stop improving it! Good luck!
  17. He's right. Right off the bat, you need to humanize everything basically. Piano needs release/decay/sustain. Strings need some crescendo/decrescendo. Use volume automation, it is your friend. You want to the strings to flow in and out, they are your tool for building and then releasing. Your drum writing needs a lot of work. Please try to vary up, don't rely on that loop over and over. You need to use the drums as emphasis for the beat, you basically want to use them as a tool to emphasize the structure of your other instruments... Think of it like this, every measure counts with drums, you want each particular rhythm you write to coincide with what's going with the song, they all go hand in hand, so if you treat them that way, as important as the melody etc, you will be happy. Your bass would also do well to coordinate with the drums and melody better. Try to write these things with other instruments in mind, rather than separating them out. If you have problems with this, I suggest youtubing or just listening to one of your favorite songs that has similar writing to what you are going for, and then just work at getting that sound down. The song overall is very repetitive, try to make it more interesting, don't be afraid to try new things, or delete sections and start over, or move things around... No need to be conservative. Is this a midi by the way? Anyway good luck, I like that cool little synth... You know the one I am talking about :J
  18. Yo Gario, while I'm on my WIP board spree of the month, time to get to a cool dude's WIP. First thing I noticed right off the bat, strings could use some work. I don't think they need quite as much reverb/release/decay as you're giving them (and the rest of the orchestra) Also, the attack on the strings for the short notes would sit much better with me if you, well, if shortened it, or use a different sample, anything. You want those strings to have more punch and emphasis, because they are rhythmic. Later on in the song, they kind of suffer from the attack/toomuchrelease? thing again when they take stabs, this causes everything there to sound more sloppy, just because of them. You want them to emphasize, not take away. I feel like there could be more bass presence in this song, I'm on headphones FYI. Drums are okay, they are driving. Some EQ messing around could help to bring them out though, or a slight bit of compression. I feel like there should be some loud booms of timpani or something at more climatic parts of the song... Some loud booms or like, tribal stuff. I feel like the song needs more EQ too, things need to sit a little better, it's a little muddy, but I think that less reverb and release on those orchestral samples might help with this anyway. Also some of the higher notes in those strings are causing some resonance and hurt my ears a tad... Maybe mess with EQ a tiny bit in the higher mids (2-3khz range) EQ those down, and maybe EQ them up a tad in the 5khz+ range to compensate? Not much to say about the writing. With DA GUITAR ON YOUR SIDE, I think you're on your way so good luck
  19. Okay... This starts out very weird lol. First off, your strings have that "slow attack every note" thing that drives me bananas. Please, try to automate the volume of your strings, it will help you greatly once you stop relying on the slow attack for every note. You can crescendo and decrescendo accordingly, and it helps you build and climax. You have some strange dissonance going on with the strings and piano... Though I can't say for sure that this isn't supposed to happen, because I am not familiar with the source. Your piano is too plinky, put some reverb on it, mess with release and decay. Once that guitar comes in, wow. It's pretty cool, except it's also very fake sounding. Your drums are creating a lot of clutter, especially the cymbals... You don't have to use cymbal crashes as eighth notes to get the tension across, you can use them at more choice places in the song to have the same dynamic effect. The drums are also pretty plain in writing... I'd youtube some rock songs and try to emulate their beats, study when they use emphasis with certain parts of the set, (like the aforementioned cymbals)... That being said, I can definitely see what you are going for, and it's very ambitious. Just try to push yourself and if you can, emulate the sound you are going for, it's one of the best ways to learn. Don't be afraid to experiment and go for complexity, usually when people try different things, but think they might be straying too much, their music doesn't come off quite as liberal to other listeners as the person composing. Good luck!
  20. Pretty cool stuff. Work on making your instruments sound more crisp. EQ out frequencies your instruments aren't using in each channel. 1:40 had a cool weird panning effect, it made me stop and smile :J Okay anyway, search for sweet spots with EQ (just a tad) to bring out certain instruments in the spectrum, you've done a great job with how everything sits together in the mix so far, but there's always room for improvement. I'd have to say some of the arrangement is cool, though it meanders a little bit. You have some parts that feel empty, drums, and synth etc. Try to fill them with something else. Your song just needs more structure overall. It's kind of like telling a story (or sex loooooaldadla), you want to have an intro, start building, climax, and then release (you can of course play with how you do this) but it's mostly just about getting a point across. Why are you making this song? It's because you want to show us something. You have some pretty cool parts, I just want them to flow into each other better. I think you could do better with a different snare/hit too actually... I don't think it translates well as your main rhythm. Maybe double it with something else? Or on the eighth note strikes, use something else? Mess around with your percussion, don't be afraid to experiment beyond the "boom, tiss". Anyway hope I helped, good luck, it's really cool. I do really like that bass :J
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