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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Because he's concentrating on MMX, and a lot of the people dedicated to this are instead spending their precious energy on that instead, at least that's what I understand.
  2. I did this with many titles as a kid: FFIV, FFVI, Lufia 1 and 2, SOM, Earthbound, MMX, Breath of Fire, you name it. Hell I even did fade outs to music, and the music always had to repeat twice on every song. I had it down to a science lol /nerd Anyway, yeah I friggin love Lufia... I even played the Gameboy version, which was okay, not great I hope this one is good! Though I love Lufia II, so it had better not suck
  3. On a side note, I may be accepting random dragon art from people to use as icons or whatnot on the website itself. They will be cropped and made smaller as needed, but if anyone would like to work on some dragons for me, go ahead and give it a shot. I think I have it covered as far as drawing the illustrations I'd like to make for this, but dragons are awesome.
  4. Okay last update for a while on the art. Check the first post for more details. I hope you all like the direction this is going in. THIS IS VERY ROUGH DO NOT JUDGE ME FOREVERJKALTAK%!!!!!! PS: After thinking about it, loin cloth or no loin cloth? I dunno, I think a loin cloth is tacky for a Soldier, but do I really want her ass showing? OH THE DILEMMA!
  5. Really awesome. Reminds me of Shnabubula's version (in the beginning) I love the slappy bass, friggin awseome. I also am in love with your organ and awesome synth work. GJ
  6. ok here is a small update on DQ3 soldier Basically the three or four of them or however many characters I cram in there will be fighting a dragon of maybe a wyvern or something... Either myself or someone else will draw this. If you are good at drawing dragons and want to make my time a little easier and want to draw the dragon in this picture for me, give me a holla. Anyway I will probably not show any updates on art for a while, but I just want to give you dudes a rough sketch of what it will look like. And get those WIPS in by 3-20 plz
  7. Give me Claus from Mother 3 plz. I'd also like a tentative claim on "The Doctor" from Cave Story if you don't mind
  8. That actually would be really cool What if I stuck an awesome glamorous sword into an ultra realistic looking slime monster!? P.S. I just noticed your avatar is shredder, how badass is that?
  9. hahahaahaha yeah that's what I'm talkin' about lol
  10. Okay guys, I started some project art today. Here is a small WIP I whipped up. I am having just a little bit of trouble with some of the characters, as images of them are kind of hard to find on the internet! (DQ III Male AND Female Classes anyone?) What I am going for is basically a more "American" version of the DQ games. Kind of like the old box art. This is VERY rough so yeah, no critiquing really necessary at this point, however as time goes on and I show more (it will probably be shown in the project forums, don't want to give TOO much away ) I would appreciate some input. So basically expect a moree "Dungeons and Dragons" type of art, old skool fantasy stuff. Anyway, what I WOULD like from people is for you to provide me with some inspirational art, your favorite fantasy art type stuff, just link it here and give me a looksie, and also if anyone can find some really good versions of obscure DQ Character and Monster Art (official or non-official) please do so, it would help a lot, because I find myself spending more time looking for references on what the characters look like than actually drawing anything Thanks again guys1
  11. damn and I thought I lucked out lol
  12. Arek use Kyle or Rama's forums. There are lots of projects on each *_*
  13. I'm pretty sure the first post implied otherwise. Besides, you hear BAD DUDES and you think "villains". I thought it was a good idea dhsu, you had it like on page 5 or something? Anyway it would have solved quite a bit IMO if things had leaned that way. Not everyone in this community was aware of The Joker's project, but that doesn't mean that it's not relevant to the issue of being the sucker in all of this. No matter how you look at it, it will divide the community and his project will most likely take the flack from it. The difference between Walan and Kyle's Super Dodgeball Project and your dude's project was that it was not an official OCR release when it came out. The Around the World Project is still alive and kicking, and will get that spotlight when the time comes, as it will be an official OCR Album. Your EP was not an official album. This project ,on the other hand, is. If both are released, people will most likely look at them and say "didn't OCR already do this?" Now you will have two different sets of artists doing the same songs and competing with each other. You might as well call this project Bad Dudes vs. Bad Ass because that's what it is going to turn into. The principle of it is what I have a problem with. The little guy is going to have to bow down and get very little support, when he could have had all the help in the world from a bunch of "vets"... This will undoubtedly affect how this project is perceived from now on, given the similarity. Given the struggle that projects in general have been having around here, the lockdown and the evaluations, and the air of "tiredness" projects have been getting, it wouldn't surprise me if this could be a nail in the coffin of the other project, which would make me very sad, because I hate to see people's hard work wasted, especially something someone took upon their shoulders to revive and try to get started again. The thunder was stolen, the other project will suffer, that's just the state of things right now. Regardless of intent, you guys know about it now don't you? So is anyone willing to try to work in a compromise?
  14. Have a good one, Amy Haha, now that I think about it, you shoulda been posted on your birthday! That would have been odd/awesome timing.
  15. Bahamut is probably thinking about my bonus track for the FFIV Project. Also thanks fro the comments guys! I really appreciate the feedback. I agree the vocals could have been louder, I had turned them up already twice actually in two previous versions... But I didn't have enough time when I thought the song was due to go through it once more and tweak all the automations with volume... And I liked how it sounded subtle anyway. It is a song where I was just... so done with it by that point haha. Sorry to those that wanted them louder though!
  16. Giving midi information could be valuable though, in the very least. While duh, I can't load someone else's 4584964 dollar samples without having them first, I can still guestimate what they were going for. The more similar setup I have going, the more I can see EXACTLY what was going on, but any bit of information can be valuable in the eye of the beholder. I may not be able to load someone else's project completely (it's actually really annoying to even try)... But at least if I have the saw DAW as they do, I can see details like what they were using that I do not have, and try to guestimate how to replicate that effect with what I do have. That in itself could be a very useful and learning experience. Hands on is almost always the best way to learn for a great amount of people. Just looking at someone's project file, and seeing the intimate details of how they work can be a great learning experience. After all, even if you can't get the whole sound that they had when they originally worked on the song, you have the mp3 for reference at least. At Vgmusic.com for example, all those midiphiles basically sit around trying to replicate SNES, GENESIS, PSX, etc. sound with their limited format (Midi) and try to emulate what they have heard in the game. I think it is amazing how close some of those people have gotten when they replicated everything from BPM to timing and velocities as well as the timbre and tone of each note. I am sure that most of the regulars to this community would tell you that replicating and knowing the nuances of the songs they worked on has helped them drastically with music in general. It's hands on. I mean yeah the same can be said for the ReMix community here, we spend hours trying to recreate (and expand upon) themes we hear in limited formats, and use (depending) a more unlimited format to give homage to the originals. But regardless, in order to make a good song, you need to pay attention to the details, and usually in order to pay a decent homage to anything, you have to be able to analyze it, and know what it was trying to convey in the first place, to work with it. Anyway, my point is, you can say that it's useless or illegal, but I think that's besides the point here. No one I know of in this thread was asking for any illegal sample libraries, but the information behind the samples, that makes them work, the notes, the velocities, the automations, the writing of the song itself... Seeing the process running before your eyes. Besides, knowing of the samples that someone uses could be an influence in what samples they eventually seek out and hopefully buy... Since there are so many out there that many people just do not know about.
  17. Well Amy... I am not a huge fan of your vocals honestly. I think maybe a different room spacing may have helped, maybe a tiny bit of autotune. Maybe some more reverb, but honestly it would only cover up some core problems. There is a lot of very nice emotion though, and you KNOW what you are doing and conveying, I really get that from the dynamics and annunciations, emphasis on words, etc.... I get that... Just the voice as an instrument itself needs a some work, and even more control. I understand that this is a difficult song to sing, but none of the other instruments are having problems, and I view the voice as an instrument :J HOWEVER, that being said. I absolutely love the arrangement. The guitar and violin/viola/cello are friggin excellent. Uber excellent, seriously. I'm very impressed. There is a lot of emotion and depth to this arrangement. The recordings are excellent, the space the song has too. It's very professional. The vocals? Maybe some people like them right away. That's cool too. Just not my cup of tea, and maybe they will grow on me, who knows? The arrangement is excellent enough for me to want to listen to the song again anyway. I would never try to sing over something like this, I do not have the balls. You do, so kudos girl!
  18. I like the arrangement of this a lot. But it just sounds so low fi. If you are recording this, please get a better mic. You just need the sound to come through, and I think you've basically got this. Also the bass is WAY too overpowering. It is basically all the way up the whole time on the spectrum... thingy...
  19. Basically what Garian said. Your bass and drums are VERY weak. Please don't use a drumloop, especially one that is so hard to hear. You really need a badass bass in here also. Get a kit in there, and try to make your own drums, take control. Those little pauses are pretty cool. I think you could do with some backing synths to follow the chord progression, without anything like that, I think the song sounds kind of empty. Anyway good luck!
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