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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Go for it, but make sure you get me a WIP within the next two months.
  2. RIP :( - You were the bomb

  3. It's a little bit too soft. If you are going for a concerto piano effect, it sounds a little too much like a default midi keyboard sample. It also sounds a bit muffled. The arrangement is very nice. I am enjoying the nuances. I think you should elongate the part at 1:30. It FINALLY picks up the pace, but then dies off too fast. The next part should come later I think (the high notes all tinkly)... Explore the part at 1:30 and go with it. You THEN climax nicely at about 2:00, but I think it's just too premature. Good luck, I enjoyed this.
  4. happy day of the birth for the patchbeard swedish nut pootnanny called anso! <3
  5. Awesome, I want to thanks Jade for that, and I'm sorry for misinterpreting anything and for any miscommunication I gave. I really just want everyone to have a great time. Jade and Ari and I are going to be trying to make this an awesome time, with no more drama and bad stuff. Let's clear the air now! Like I said before, it's all text, and so much drama can come out of text! About time shares: Ari and I did the time share thing last year and got over 100 dollars worth of free stuff last year out of it. They changed some time share laws too, they are only allowed to keep you about 2 hours and they can't be pushy like they used to be. You just sit there, eating soda and chips and they act overly happy about them. Then you just tell them no for about an hour and they send you off with prizes. Maybe there are some horror stories, but I think things have changed recently in regards to what they are allowed to do.
  6. I am posting for Long Dao, he said the earlier in August, the better for him, because of school.
  7. I edited my post Stevo! I was looking at a January calender! damnIHTAIE! I meant the 8th or 9th (Sunday or Monday) may be the best :J
  8. I'd be more for a variable on this, because honestly, a lot of people will be having school start in mid-late August, something I completely forgot about but have been complained to about since then yesterday. This would probably also make the Mexico thing more feasible for others too. In general, most people who don't want to pay an arm and a leg will want to probably come that Sunday and check out later than Stevo's stay ending, so if we did do that, I would guess that the 8th or 9th would probably be the best for the party? (that Sunday or Monday?) and then that will give Blind and Jade plenty of time that weekend to hang with people they want to hang with, and the rest of the people will have the rest of the week to have a hotel for cheap. In otherwords, more like two overlapping meetups.
  9. On a side note: Jade and Blind: I don't think anyone was planning on crashing your place drunk. You set the rules of your place and that's cool, I am sure if you had a party for birthday people, if people wanted to drink, they could say happy birthday and eat cake and then go elsewhere, etc. etc. later on. I was just talking about what people do with themselves is just personal preference no matter what, there is plenty of space and people going to Vegas so that there will probably not be any problems with splitting people up. You have your meetup with the people you want to see, like Bahamut and Stevo and the rest, but this meetup is going to be way bigger than what you initially thought (which is why Ari contacted you in the first place, because it's been talked about a bunch since our last Vegas meetup and people asked him to try to plan it) And honestly, going to Vegas means just that, going to Vegas. It will be the first time there for a lot of people, and even though you will be having some of this at your house, I am sure that most people going to Vegas will want to see other people too, and will want to take advantage of the things to see there (especially those that have never been there before)... I want to make sure that they get to have as much fun as possible, taking advantage of the cool things that I experienced for the first time when I went there. That's my priority, fun, and having a great time. I wanna wish all you dudes a happy birthday, but I also think that we should just keep considering this as an OCR meetup, with the priority of people on OCR coming together and having fun in a way cool place like Vegas. If you have any problem with too many people at your place or drinking or anything, I am sure people will be okay with that and respect your decision. If you want to hang at certain places and show people stuff, then you can do that too... But some other people are going to want to do what they want to do as well, it's kind of expected. So let's all relax... I am sure that when we all finally get to Vegas, none of this silly bickering will really matter, text always makes everything so much more dramatic than it really is. PEACE AND LOVE! And by the way, I don't think anyone had to babysit anyone the last meetup. Everyone that went last time was responsible and cool.
  10. Guys count Long Dao in. He also wants you all to know that Blind stole his birthday even though he is older. He wants to tell you all that Blind knew he was coming, so he took the birthday opportunity as fast as he could. :J P.S: A majority of the people going to Vegas will probably want to get drunk and do all of that stuff, but that doesn't mean the people that don't want to get drunk will have to. I certainly will get drunk, not the whole time, but probably for the fun things we did last time, like watching starla in drunken karaoke night. That was the bomb. Slightly buzzed gambling is great too. Most of the time, we were sober in the daytime, and early evening, and eventually we would party and have a good time later that night (which is what led to going to the strip club afterwards) (or the drunken karaoke) (or gambling downstairs) (or REALLY late night breakfast, which was so awesome - with sober drivers) Anyway, those were all good time, but you PERSONALLY do not have to be drunk doing any of those, it was just that the majority of us were, at one point or another, to varying degrees.
  11. To clarify a few things, let me break down some stuff: 100 dollars on hotel for four nights (and that was us having our own room) 40 on one nice dinner (We went to the Emeril Restaurant with a coupon) 30 on half-price buffets and breakfast deals (and the 3 dollar steak and eggs deals, etc.) 30 dollars on gas for us to get there. I'm not counting gambling because that is optional, and we always end up leaving in the positive there anyway (we've paid for our Vegas trips before from winnings) Ari and I also saw our shows for free because we did a Time Share tour. They paid for over 200 dollars worth of stuff for us. You can get into some strip clubs for free, or nicer ones for smaller fees, it really depends on the club. If you look online for deals and in the newspapers in Vegas for deals (or buy a coupon book) you can really save a lot of cash. Basically Ari and I bought a coupon book that more than paid for itself (and also gave people at the last meetup some discounts as well) Anyway, my point is, you can have fun in Vegas for little money, or you can spend a lot, it doesn't matter. But what does matter to me is that as many people can have a great time, regardless of how much money they have. Long came to the last meetup with next to nothing and still had a great time, it can be done... We all just have to work together. Ari is going to be looking for hotel deals, we still have MONTHS before we need to figure out where we are staying, so lets not all jump the gun. PEACE AND CHILL YA'LL!
  12. Dude you'd better best be better best be coming! Also stop by in AZ and friggin come to MEXICO We are gonna friggin PARTY and BOY YOU KNOW IT! Also, like I said before... You can have a great time in Vegas for pennies. Really, if you know how to work the place, you can have a great time and spend less than 100 dollars. The last three times Ari and I went, we probably spent 200 dollars tops, and that includes hotel stay.
  13. Add a tentative: Jeff Ball Global Trance AE and Helen Matt P. to that list plz
  14. Haha gosh, unfortunately, ella_guru JUST let me know on irc she wanted to switch to that track from Heavenly Flight. (which is now open) Can I hear some of your stuff also? I would love to have you contribute though, so hopefully you aren't deterred.
  15. About the Hotel, we are not exactly sure which one we will pick, but we have a lot of time to decide. We will try to pick one that is cheap for everyone but nice as well, as well as convenient to get around the strip from. Last time we stayed at Imperial Palace because of the easy location in comparison to the rest of the awesome casinos and hotels. This year we may do the same but it really depends on tastes and prices, etc. WE ALSO REALLY PREFER to stay in the SAME HOTEL so people don't have to go around DRIVING in Vegas traffic to pick people up. Let's not be more spread out than we have to be.
  16. Well, my birthday is actually in September, on the 18th. However, my brother, if he came (which he might, he seems to tag along to these meetups with me a lot lol) His bday is August 9th. So maybe we could throw something for him. I would suggest we do Wes, about the 21+ thing, unless someone can really convince us otherwise? You can't gamble, you can't drink... What are you going to Vegas for?
  17. Hey guys, it was a great time. Thanks for coming and hanging out. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did! Pics are on pages 43 and 44 onward! The attendees were Monobrow Protricity Monobro Matt P. Long Dao Starla Posibolt Hemophiliac Level 99 Gario Lukas Jeff Ball diotrans Palpable Yosho Ashamee Obtuse Brandon S Arcana Ellie audiofidelity Salluz Prophecy Atomic Fog Ghetto Lee Lewis Ghetto Lee Wife superjoe Happy Birthday to: Stevo, Phil, Andrew, Ellie, Long, and Eric! There in spirit: Also Happy Birthday to Jordan who couldn't make it, and wish you were there to Nekofrog, Jade, and Rama who all planned on going until the last minute And Taucer, Val, Liz, and Abadoss that really wanted to go... Maybe next time guys! <3
  18. half this project is already done: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=22663
  19. Hey guys it is the perfect time to be important on the internet again! Let's go today! Let's hear it for us today!
  20. That whole Macey Gray scene in Spider-Man was pretty terrible. In fact, I think the first movie was pretty terrible, and like was said before, the good thing about it was it set up Spider-Man 2 decently. The only redeemable movie was Spider-Man 2, though I thought some of the story didn't make sense at all. The subway part, yeah that was really awesome, I even kind of forgave the bleeding heart reaction afterwards where they carried him over their heads and took off his mask (it was kind of corny and overplayed IMO) but still done okay... And Tobey's brothers were annoying lol. But yeah... That wedding scene thing also kind of made me groan too actually... But anyway... When Spidey 2 was good, it was really good, and made up for some of the parts that bothered me, is what I am trying to get at. Spider-Man 3 was just asking to be awesome, SM2 set it up so awesomely, and they just took a big dump all over everything instead. They built up Peter and Harry's relationship and rivalry pretty well. They built up Harry as having great potential for a villain as well. Green Goblin 2 would have been more than enough IMO. They should have left Sandman out, and they definitely should have left Venom out, since they portrayed him so horribly. If the studio insisted that they do the Venom story Arc and suit, EVEN AFTER setting up the last Green Goblin story arc, they should have teamed him up with Venom and MAYBE if they played their cards right, they would have had a decent movie. I mean wasn't Spider-Man 3 like three hours long, they COULD have done it... Goddamnit BUT I GUESS I AM USED TO DISAPPOINTMENT in movie franchises like this. This isn't the first or the last time Hollywood takes a shit all over my favorite stuff.
  21. Hey! I love you Mother 3 has the most excellent OST ever. Now to listen to your song. Oh man that BASS is PHAT. Your panning is cool too! Nice instrument choices, really sound like the original. Okay onto the crits: First thing I notice is your drumkit. That highhat is just too loud and I don't think the sample sounds good. Maybe wetten it up some. On second though, I'd really lower the overall volume of it, maybe put some compression on it, and do some details on the individual velocities of it. Your guitar is nice... I think sometimes it is too dry for the mix. Reverb/more release... Anything, I think could help.. Maybe even a tiny bit of decay? Some of your soloing kind of goes nowhere, maybe do a couple more takes and really feel out the song better... Better yet, instead of just soloing over the song for about two minutes and repeating what you arleady have going.... Wait your awesome rhodes part just came around. Yay! Okay I think this: Your soloing needs to be more sharp with your guitar, do another take and think of some melodic points through the solo that you'd really like to get across to the listener during it, since it is so long. The way you have it now, it just gets a bit grating by the end and seems too long... A few more melodic nuances and a little more forethought into can help a lot. Overall I am really chillaxing to this and I really like it a lot but here is a list of things that bother me: 1. Your drums and bass are just too repetitive. Get some tiss and zing out or your high hat and don't be afraid to give their parts some choice nuances here and there to spice up things. You don't have any breaks, where you could have a ton of way cool ones. 2. Your kit needs a little more oomph and maybe a tiny bit of verb. 3. I love the backing guitar a whole lot. At times I wish overall it would have a little more space or release or something. 4. The synth you use after the first minute is a great replica of the original in Mother 3, but I think you could do a lot more with it. It kind of drones on. Do some lines up and down the scale, maybe reference some other Mother 3 source material in there somewhere. 5. Basically your soloing in general could be a little more substantial and thought out. 6. Don't be afraid to combine the instruments you solo with in other sections, as backup. You do this somewhat but I think you could do it subtly during other solos, like rhodes with that synth, that synth with the guitar, etc. etc. etc. I enjoy the references you have to other source tunes, put more in! I think overall the song needs a little more direction, more contrast, maybe you could have a drum-less section, maybe you could throw in a couple key changes, some more breaks, and maybe you could duet or throw in more chords. The end.!~! Anyway please keep working on this, I really love it despite all the crits. Mother 3 rocks!
  22. All I can say about this is probably that there are some dissonant chords that don't sit too well with me starting at 1:06. I'd maybe look into the harp notes there and see if any other chord progressions around that part sound any better with what you have going with the flute. Good luck, it's pretty stuff.
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