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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. 36. Unless there's some secret guys I'm not aware of. Jill and Shuma (who apparently ARE on the disc) bring it to 38.
  2. Guys the game isn't even out yet, we have a few people playing it, and even then it's only been a few days. Let's try to keep things in perspective.
  3. Red, do you like movies about gladiators?
  4. FFTA2 had an interesting female villain in Illua, though. I liked her, even if her motives weren't ever really explained. Also, I highly recommend the Penny Arcade Adventures games. The battles are fast-paced and strategic, and the music rocks.
  5. Costume Quest, because it's a simple, fun game with a unique concept. Yes, it's not strictly a JRPG, but it has similar mechanics to one.
  6. I never even intended it as a pun. I meant Kirby has always been a soft and cutesy series. When your series is about a pink puff that eats things and jumps over doe-eyed blobs, edginess isn't really present.
  7. Tales games tend to take common tropes and at least attempt to make them interesting/subvert them. I'd go so far to say that it is their "schtick".
  8. Can I interest you in a copy of Tales of Graces for Wii to help you practice? I guarantee you'll know what "arigato" means by the time you're done playing.
  9. Yeah, this makes my japanese copy of Graces useless. Maybe I can ebay it...
  10. I imported it. Playing it in moonspeak was not fun. I only had the slightest inkling of what was happening during the whole prologue deal.
  11. Well, unless it's a sequel nobody really wants or cares about. See: Battle Network, Resident Evil, etc.
  12. But it isn't. If it were, these characters would be available on the same day as the game's release. They aren't. They're available a month after the release. And if you assume they are STILL on the disc, then there's no sense arguing with you since nothing I can post here will change your mind.
  13. Uh, the DLC characters aren't in the game. Jill and Shuma weren't done on time for the final release and every other DLC character is still up in the air. Which is why we've only seen Jill and Shuma's art and nothing in-engine.
  14. People assume there'll be more character announcements because the blog says so. However, any new characters will be DLC -- the final roster for the game is 36.
  15. Ken is not in the game. There are 4 Street Fighter characters: Ryu, Chun-li, C. Viper, and Akuma. http://marvelvscapcom3.com/us/characters The complete roster.
  16. Needed a yarn motif.
  17. There's this other fighting game, you know, where you can play as Ken, Sakura, Dan, M. Bison, Dudley, and all those guys... What was it called... it's something-something 4... Fairly new, I'm sure. Also Venom might be DLC later on. If not, expect SOME Spider-Man villain. Maybe Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus.
  18. Cable and Sonson are staples? Please explain.
  19. Excellent. Now for endless speculation on DLC characters when after Jill and Shuma we might not see anything for months to come.
  20. I got $30 for Other M. That's pretty decent.
  21. You know, back when shattered memories was first released, people were making jokes about the sequel having to do with rain and being a reimagining of silent hill 2.
  22. Thing is, I heard Sony just replaces your machine with a refurbished one. If that's the case, I'd rather buy a new one. I'm not exactly experienced with building PCs, but I checked out a few how-to videos, and it looks doable, though not easy. If it really is just a temp fix, I suppose I'll just bite the bullet and get a new one. I still gotta crack this one open to get the game stuck inside it, though. Thanks for the advice, guys.
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