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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. You're charged tax on XBox and Wii cards when you buy them -- not so with PS3 cards. It's the same amount, either way.
  2. Gee it sure is 4chan around here today.
  3. So hey guys I'm still sorta waiting on someone to tell me how to objectively tell whether a game is good or not besides looking at either commercial or critical success (including non-official reviews, in the latter's case). Please help I just don't know what to think anymore.
  4. It could be argued that any time Samus fought Ridley before, for some reason or other, he wasn't ACTUALLY killed. The early games were lacking in context a fair bit. Just because something blows up does not mean it's dead. But that's neither here nor there. Personally, Other M's story silliness and bizarre gameplay choices didn't really bother me much. I mean, yeah, the authorization thing stopped making sense right around sector 3, but the authorization was just there instead of roaming hither and thither for the upgrades. The Metroid Queen was fairly anticlimax for a real final boss, though (I don't count MB). All in all, gameplay-wise, I wouldn't mind another Other M. But not on a space station.
  5. How does one objectively measure success, then? By number of games enjoyed? That's about as subjective as it gets. We all know that just because something makes money doesn't mean it's good, but with entertainment that's really the only way to measure it. Unless you have some sort of funometer that measures the kilojoys. The only way for Nintendo to REALLY drop the ball is to stop making money. Maybe when that happens you can lord it over the Nintendrones and say it's because the games sucked. But when Mario Galaxy 2 and DKCR are huge critical and commercial successes? Yeeeaaaaah, no.
  6. That would be awesome. Also, this is a small thing, but I hope the new VC has Sega CD games for download.
  7. As a total fanboy, I'm basically stuck buying this system... But I hope this time I won't have to wait outside at 3 am for one. If Nintendo really wants this system to sell fast at launch, they should have a Mario game prepared for it... Or maybe another Smash Bros. But maybe we'll just get an HD Skyward Sword.
  8. Kirby's been getting a lot of games this generation. Which is awesome, so long as they continue to be fun. This looks very fun, in a "controlled chaos" kind of way.
  9. Remember, dark is evil here. Why is poison weak to psychic? EDIT: Beaten to it. But ice beats dragon because dragons are cold-blooded.
  10. I will only 100% a game if it's easy to do, and usually if it's possible to do before the credits. I have a backlog of like 25 games. I'm not about to go earn pure platinum trophies on every difficulty in Bayonetta, or do the bonus dungeon in Arc Rise Fantasia, or even get the true ending in Radiant Historia. Too much work for too little reward, especially when I can just pick up a completely new game off the pile and play that.
  11. Yarrr, this be the prime translation if yer lookin' fer some classic pirate speak.
  12. Sadder than seeing them get sequelled out the arse? I don't think so. If anything, it means Capcom has learned something.
  13. This is a total noob question, but... how does one "add" people to their friend list on the ps3? I ask because I'm so used to either the simplicity of anonymity or the drudgery of friend codes. online nick is Thalzon, of course, if anybody ends up adding me.
  14. Except for digital copies. It's on the PSN, at least.
  15. So, anyone see the supposed dlc plan leak? Marvel: Dr. Octopus, Juggernaut, Elektra, Apocalypse, Thanos, Iceman, Ms. Marvel Capcom: Frank West, Phoenix Wright, Jon Talbain, Gene, Strider, Megaman X, Gail On the Capcom side they seem like pretty sweet choices, but the Marvel side looks a tad questionable. Honestly, Iceman? And both Thanos and Apocalypse? Do they even have firmly-established powers, or are they just generically powerful? And why Juggernaut, when there was contention that Thing was too similar to Hulk? Wouldn't Juggernaut ALSO be similar to Hulk? Oh well. I know, it's just a rumour, but considering the last time there was a leak and it was perfectly accurate, there's a chance this one might be too. Also, it's got a time limit: there's supposed to be an announcement next week.
  16. Yeah you don't exactly have to lure me in with 3D to get me to buy a new Paper Mario game.
  17. I didn't know it was possible to hate that game.
  18. Hey, that's uncalled for. I'm sure The Coop is just as good at Epic Yarn as he is at other Kirby titles.
  19. It was admittedly a far cry, conceptually, from the other games in the series, but I loved the game. It had a lot of interesting and unique gameplay elements, the character designs were pretty stylish, and the battle system was probably the most awesome thing ever. The only downside is that towards the end every boss basically requires you to curb stomp them with your dragon powers, but its premise and scope felt very close and personal. As for worst sequel? Xenosaga Episode 2. It took a concept that was already struggling to be enjoyable and made it even more incomprehensible, slow, and short.
  20. Akuma's cheap-ass infinite also got patched, as did a few other bugs. Dormammu got a power boost on one move.
  21. UuuuuuuUUUUUUUGH playing normal mode is murder on my arms. I played as Hsien-ko, Taskmaster, and Shuma versus a dude's Dante, Wolverine, Ryu team. He got me every time, but I got SO CLOSE to winning the third round. I was down to Hsien-ko, he X-factored as Dante (his Wolvie was dead already) and I spammed the low H attack. For some reason he didn't bother blocking. I kill Dante, Ryu jumps in, I prepare to X-Factor, and... Time's Up. I was so mad. So, so mad. EDIT: I should probably ask here, since I'm trying to master Shuma, but... What does it mean by "charge" in the movelist? For example: < (charge) > H I've tried holding down buttons to charge and dashing in the move, but neither seem to produce the desired effect. Granted, it feels like inputting moves is a crapshoot half the time anyway, but perhaps someone here could clarify what they mean by "charge"?
  22. Shuma's a great character, fun to use and all over the place. Jill is a great technical fighter, but from a "character" perspective, she's lacking. Her lines are all generic and she only says anything special when fighting Chris (maybe Wesker too, but I couldn't find anything in her sound clips). She's still fun, but kind of generic... Blade appears in her arcade mode ending, which is kinda cool. Shuma's ending has him ultimately becoming the host of a japanese game show. Yyyyep.
  23. Well, knowing that, we'll likely see a patch forthcoming in a month or two. Hopefully the patch also nerfs Sentinel a tad... He's tough, not completely unbeatable, but it's way harder to deal with him than it is anyone else... Maybe drop his health and shit up his assists a little or something. That said, I felt like an epic boss when I managed to beat a guy's Tron, She-hulk, Sentinel team just using Wolverine and Wesker.
  24. I played against a 7th Lord this morning. It was amazing. He beat me cleanly, without resorting to the same combo over and over. He mopped the floor with me and it was fun. I do have a nice winning streak going in ranked matches, which is cool. But it seems like I can only connect to ranked fighting once before it just starts giving me the failed to connect message. Is anyone else having a similar problem? Is there a way to to quickly get another match without being booted back to the main online menu?
  25. I certainly wasn't disgusted with it like everyone else seems to be. It was fine, but it's hard to argue that it didn't fly in the face of what we thought Samus's character was.
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