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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. I had heard that it was due to pressure from third parties who had completed their first few 3DS games and wanted to turn profit on them ASAP. Nintendo, wanting to court third parties for the 3DS, complied. But yours sounds a bit more plausible.
  2. I'm Servbot #9002. :3
  3. It's on my to-get list. But they have apparently made the Black Baron an actual black person now. Before, he was just a white guy in blackface makeup. It's funny how that changes with the step up to colour.
  4. Maybe try something new if you're really hurting for a game? There's plenty of decent games right now. Maybe not "90 on metacritic" levels of greatness, but taking a chance and trying something unique... You may be pleasantly surprised.
  5. Kenzo Tsujimoto, CEO, and Haruhiro Tsujimoto, COO. ... Oh, that was rhetorical. Nevermind.
  6. DLC, $10 per character.
  7. Off-topic, but localization of Last Story and Xenoblade has begun. Still nothing for Pandora's Tower, but 2 out of 3 is not bad at all. http://oprainfall.blogspot.com/ Scroll down to see the July 7th posting.
  8. Good thing none of us are buying this game as a means of protesting the cancellation of Megaman Legends 3, right? ... Right?
  9. Erm, Cave Story? That's about all I can think of right now.
  10. There WAS that Xenosaga 1 and 2 compilation on the DS...
  11. This is beyond the pale. They played a huge song and dance about this, with fan support and involvement, and were even gonna put a price point on the goddamn DEMO, and now they just sweep it all away? Is there ANY way to turn this around? Blarg.
  12. FF6 on the GBA has an updated translation, requisite bonus dungeon, and additional espers in Leviathan, Gilgamesh, and Cactuar. That said I would really like a remake like the FF4 DS game, if only to see the entire cast in their Amano-designed 3D glory. Also, not to minimod, but isn't this essentially a favourites thread?
  13. The solution is to end every post with "tee hee!" And make sure you scold us with "Oh, don't hit on me you silly boys!! <3" No new accomplishments lately. In fact my gaming is rather sad-sack. I either abandon games partway through or make it to the final boss and stop. Woo.
  14. I think it's possible to just talk to the empty space where the researcher was and continue playing.
  15. That's certainly a valid point. Sites like IGN have been rather transparently against the Wii from day one. Even their good reviews make the games sound barely functional, unless it's a blockbuster first-party game they can't ignore.
  16. Beating Arc Rise Fantasia with the voices turned off. This may not seem like much, because the voice acting is pretty bad and so turning it off seems natural, but this also means you won't hear characters warning you about the enemy doing super attacks. The whole game was harder because of this.
  17. You mean, change the entire tone and point of the story even taking place? If you didn't know FFX-2 was going to be about gurl powah and sugary boppy bullshit then you were not making an educated purchase. On-topic, I think at this point I'd just love another game that has a similar CONCEPT as Chrono Trigger. Radiant Historia came closest, and is a damn fine game in its own right.
  18. Here's the thing, and this is probably the most infuriating thing of all: there is a market here. It's just not the RIGHT market. Now, who are the majority of JRPGs aimed at? Teenagers. And who in the western market still enjoys playing JRPGs? I can tell you, it ain't teenagers. It's people who grew up on JRPGs -- who are now adults. So the games don't come out here because teenagers -- the target demographic -- don't play JRPGs anymore. They like their shooters and their calladoodies and whatnot. So, once again, we can fault teenagers for another of the world's many ills.
  19. Friend Code: 3566 - 1635 - 0823 EDIT: I've added everyone. Wheeeeee!
  20. To be honest, I completely forgot about posting my FC. I'll post it tonight.
  21. What system is that gonna be on? I checked the site but couldn't suss it out.
  22. Obsidian is not a singular entity, but a corporation made up of many individuals. The title is grammatically correct. Gecko does not make mistakes.
  23. The amount of hyperbole from reviews and audiences alike does not help matters in the least, either.
  24. I'm loving the lack of prerendered blurriness. Each house in Hyrule is detailed quite well, and that makes it feel like a whole new game... Though I still have pretty much every secret memorized.
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