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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. I have a PS3. It's an older one, still has the USB ports, and has a 120gb hard drive installed. Just today, it unexpectedly shut down twice, and after the second time, when I went to turn it on, a yellow light flashed and it immediately turned itself off. It does this every time now, and I was wondering if it can even be repaired, or what the problem is, exactly. If it can be repaired, what needs to be done? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hey, none of that talking sense stuff. Squeenix is shit and all games they make that anyone happens to like are total flukes because of belts and zippers. Or something.
  3. The roster is smaller because unlike MvsC2 it's actually been balanced. We're expecting an initial roster of 36, which seems to be around what's expected for fighting games these days. Jill and Shuma will be available in March, and the rumour goes that any other DLC will be available around 3-6 months after that. The ethical side of things is pretty much dead and gone, though. DLC has proven far too successful -- it's here to stay. Either stop buying games that have DLC or just accept that developers will make DLC and that people will buy it. To their credit, Jill and Shuma are not on the disc -- they weren't completed on time for production.
  4. Megaman will be the next DLC after Jill and Shuma, along with Elektra or Ms. Marvel or Cyclops. Mark my words. That said, Taskmaster's lines are seriously lame in a hilarious way. "You are the ass-kickee, and I am the ass-kickER!" And that overly-dramatic sword show when he wins. Akuma I'm fine with. He might not be an outright villain, but at least he's an antagonist, something the Capcom side is seriously lacking in. But then, if one thinks about it, Capcom doesn't have much in the way of iconic villains outside the Resident Evil, Megaman, and Street Fighter games anyway. Last two reveals are supposed to be Sentinel and Hsien-ko. We'll see.
  5. Dammit, I too want fire piggy. I will supplement your fire piggy breeding. Whaddya say? Just you and me.... BREEDING.
  6. guys guys i don't know if you know this but you know you can rename pokemon. So bitching is kinda pointless. I mean, think up your own, better names.
  7. That refreshing feeling kind of vanishes when that giant bat kills me for the 20th time in a row. No exaggeration.
  8. If there's one thing I'd change in this game, it's the fact that any rocket barrel or mine cart level reduces your hits to 1. They were by far the most frustrating levels in the entire game, and made me ragequit quite a few times. Also, whose idea was it to not let you keep Diddy during the final boss fight should you die? I went back through that (friggin') rocket barrel part with 2 players active just so I could keep Diddy if I died. Of course, the early worlds feel downright tame in comparison now that I've finished the nightmarish 8th world. I dunno if I'll bother getting all the KONG letters, but it has been a fun ride. But yeah. To hell with those rocket barrels.
  9. Hey, me too! For PS3. I've seen a February 17th release at some places, so I'll need to confirm the release at some point here. Stores around here can be a little hairy on release dates, because it's Canada and an island.
  10. Actually, I heard those images were created from an image of Green Goblin from one of the comics. So, yeah... Pretty amazing that we might not even get a Spider Man villain, though.
  11. Yeah, MvsC2 had more Street Fighters and X-Men.
  12. MvsC2? Oh, you mean X-Men versus Street Fighter. And if the "leak" proves true, we're getting a Sentinel, besides. Which is just... eh. Sorta lame.
  13. We've got five already. I think that'll be it unless Cyclops is DLC or something.
  14. Woo, rad. And Akuma's in that pic too. Maybe the leaked roster wasn't so fake after all... But then there's some Green Goblin images floating around. Are those fake too? Of course, this means no Mega Man. Maybe we'll see him in DLC.
  15. Which boss battle? World 5's? And yeah, I've had no issue with rolling. Come on, people. Flick of the wrist is all it takes.
  16. People like it. They also tend to forget that 1) Yahtzee accentuates the negative as part of his comedy schtick, 2) He likes mature games for mature gamers such as himself, and 3) For the most part his taste in games is pretty crap. It's not the blockbuster hit it was hyped to be, but Epic Mickey's sales are reasonably good and it's garnered many favourable reviews.
  17. Too bad. Ivy now wears a single piece of string and 8-inch heels and Sophitia just doesn't wear a shirt anymore.
  18. Namco should really just include a bunch of their own characters as guest stars. Prince of the Cosmos could wield various Katamaris, for example. But Lord of the Rings would definitely fit the medieval fantasy style of the game. Aragorn, Gandalf, Eowyn, and Sauron, maybe?
  19. Thankfully it's not march. Maybe with some proper hype buildup Okamiden will see some respectable sales.
  20. The question was whether a game can tell a story solely through its mechanics. Missile Command does just that, so it's an ideal game to focus on, especially since it's so simplistic. This is only six minutes long, after all. I'm looking at my stack of games now and can't point out a single one that does not rely on cutscenes to at least tell a part of its narrative. In fact, it's rather difficult to imagine a modern game that can tell its story solely through gameplay. It may have to do with the fact that not many games make YOU the main character. And the ones that do tend to love having huge infodumping cutscenes. A lot of games these days put you in the omnipresence seat, which means you're seeing a story from multiple perspectives, and suddenly you're just sitting and watching things happen.
  21. "Leak" was fake. So DISREGARD ME I SUCK COCKS and so on.
  22. I dunno. I figured somebody would mention it. I was at work and bored.
  23. So the remaining roster has been "leaked". I use leaked in quotes because there's really no evidence it's the actual final roster, but whatever. From Capcom: Hsien-ko, Haggar, and Akuma. From Marvel: Taskmaster, Phoenix, and Sentinel. Worth noting (and what makes me believe this list is fake) is Akuma. We were already promised no more shotos, and I've been led to believe Akuma is one such shoto. Also, this would mean no Mega Man. What the frak. Phoenix and Taskmaster would be cool, but I'd rather see Howard the Duck than Sentinel.
  24. The machismo that permeates western development is treading dangerously close to self-parody now. We are on the precipice, folks. The precipice overlooking the brown-and-grey void, where all wonder and whimsy dies, their corpses feasted upon by the visual spectacle of blood, guns, beefy bald 30-something males with facial fuzz, and space marines. There will be no looking back. Gaming as we know it will gleefully leap into the chasm. and all that will be heard, the only sound, will be "faggot" whispered over your headset as that 12-year-old teabags your corpse.
  25. New characters revealed: Storm and C. Viper. Both cool, but C. Viper's still a bit of a surprise, despite predictions from the beginning. I mean, she's not exactly a legacy character.
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