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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. Yeah, I know that. And I try to plan my route, but then they'll switch tracks while I'm not looking, and suddenly I need to hit reverse, and then I get pincered. And they don't stop moving when they get damaged. They just slow down a bit... To about as fast as you can go in reverse. It feels like trying to cut through their routes is a losing battle, and one should just plot the longest route around them.
  2. I've beaten the second dungeon and am now getting stuck near-constantly by those asshole indestructible enemy trains. I hope there's some way to get rid of them eventually, short of beating the game.
  3. Maybe the forest temple will be the last dungeon this time.
  4. Hey now, Zelda didn't make those games bad. Shitty developers made those games bad. And even if it's not in time for dinner, they'll just have a FEAST afterwards! Ohhhhohohohohohahahahahahaha!
  5. No way. We need a game where you play as Zelda/Sheik, and use all sorts of magic and ninja skills to overcome puzzles and enemies, with the whole world being a single, open level. Sheik could hurls needles and use her chain to Spider Man around the levels (also have wall-crawling, maybe. See? Totally Spider Man), while Zelda could cast devastating fireballs and tornadoes around, and maybe use a magical sword of the royal family (not the Master Sword, though). The goal would be to save her kingdom from Ganon, of course.
  6. I got one of those. Stopped using it when the disc got so cracked around the middle. Fortunately, I was able to back up everything. Biggest loss for me was in college, when I had to hand in a maya project. It was a modeling project, and I got it done weeks in advance, and just for fun I put a rig on the thing so I could pose it a bit. The dude date came. The file corrupted. I belted out a big no. Fortunately, my professor allowed me to hand in my unreal 3 file which had the model completely viewable. Never again will I make only one save file.
  7. I beat Shattered Memories today. Pretty awesome, but far more cinematic than gameplay, really. The difficulty dropped to zero immediately after the hospital, but I'm okay with that. The narrative remained compelling the whole way through. Now to gamefaqs, to help with my second playthrough.
  8. Hotsuma, to be precise.
  9. - Miles Edgeworth Perfect Prosecutor - Tales of Graces - Arc Rise Fantasia - Endless Ocean 2 - Sin & Punishment 2 Hopefully those are all out by summer. Graces and S&P I'm not sure about, and Arc Rise is due in June, but Perfect Prosecutor is due in February and so is Endless Ocean 2.
  10. Is it possible the game just didn't have music, and this song was picked by the LPer to cover it?
  11. The n64 came out in 1996, actually. GameCube is 2001.
  12. It may be something else entirely. Disney originally denied having another studio do any animation for the film and did not credit them, so SEK animation (over in Korea or someplace like it) added in that little bit of subtlety as a means of crediting themselves. Anyway it's obvious Lion King advocates a monarchy under god (the circle of life) and that the peasants should just go and die.
  13. Nightmare Before Christmas teaches that you should never try anything new or attempt anything beyond your satatus or caste, because you will make everyone sad and screw it all up anyway. But then, it's a Tim Burton movie, so maybe that really IS the message he wanted to convey.
  14. Beauty and the Beast is totally an abusive relationship deal.
  15. I sunk well over 200 hours into Rune Factory Frontier. Con: Life wasted. Pro: I finally crafted my Whale Hat!
  16. So I've been playing Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, and I must say, it's a very gripping game. It's not OMG SCARY!!! or anything, but it just feels like I could play through several times and find some new stuff each time. It's a fun game to analyze, because the effects of your choices are not immediately apparent. For example, I was told to fill in a school schedule. I was told it should be my "optimal school day". Creative Writing, Literature, Science, and Geography (not necessarily in that order). The next area I went through was a high school, naturally. But I really don't know how these choices influenced the environment or how the game progressed. I suppose the "science" choice gave me access to the biology and chemistry labs, but I can't be absolutely certain, because I certainly didn't go through an english class or geography classroom. Also, the main puzzle of the area was in the art studio. The "nightmare" segments are pretty damn cool, I think. First, you see the entire surrounding area ice over in real-time. People are crystalized, and then the monsters come out. Generally, they are all the same type of monster: a humanoid that screams and squeals like a little girl, and latches onto you, strangling and clawing... But honestly? It really feels like they're HAPPY to see you, because when they kill you they simply lay a hand on your arm or back, as though not understanding why you suddenly fell over. The only annoying thing about these nightmare segments is that it's so easy to get lost and wind up going in circles. All exits and obstacles get a bit of blue light on them, but there's no distinction between the lights, so the way you came from is lit the same way as the way you're going. Also, checking the map is difficult because you're bound to be swarmed by shrieking mutants, and you can't run while the map is open. That might just be par for the course in the series or horror games in general. It may seem like a major annoyance, but it really gives you a feeling of relief when you finally make it to safety. The plot is pretty sweet, too. Anyone who's played previous Silent Hill games (unlike me) might be able to spot plot twists a mile away, though. This game definitely puts the "Survival" back into "Survival Horror".
  17. I dunno. Ridiculous laughing scene? Teeth-gnashing butterfly minigame? GIANT SPACE TICK FINAL BOSS? Actually it's probably linear which yeah I guess would be disappointing after FF12.
  18. To be honest it's less console favortism and more the fact that the PS3 (now) has more I want to play on it than the 360 does.
  19. I have a 360 but I want a PS3 before this is released. By the way I am selling my 360. Barely used. Comes with Panzer Dragoon Orta and 2 controllers and a pair of 1-month-free XBox Live cards (And Mass Effect and Tales of Vesperia). $300
  20. I encountered one that was pretty annoying. It's on level 9, and there's a chance that some enemies won't spawn. They need to be killed in order to unblock the passageway, but if they don't spawn, they never will unless you reset. One I only heard of was that certain copies will not work on Wii systems. That didn't happen to me.
  21. Good Egg Galaxy has some openness, but it's not on the same level as Mario 64 had. For that matter, Peach's Castle just had more SECRETS. Secret areas, secret stars, etc. Galaxy doesn't have much of that. Every single star is easy to find because nothing is truly hidden. You either just click and select a galaxy or feed a luma. There's nothing to squirrel out in the observatory.
  22. The Bee Suit was alright, IMO. I would've liked the fire flower and ice flower powers to be a little more permanent, though. Also, the flight power needs to be used for more than one star this time. Boo Mario was pretty funny, but it didn't see a whole lot of use, either. I hope it gets improved. I'm also personally hoping for a few more sandbox-styled areas like Mario 64 had. Galaxy's levels were great fun but the game didn't offer a whole lot on exploration. Of course, if "exploration" means blue coins, well.... forget it then.
  23. I was sure some bot had bumped it. Oh well, let's talk about Super Mario Galaxy 2 instead! It has Yoshi.
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