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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. You'll never see a Mother 4. That series is done. Forever. Or until the creator dies and someone else decides to make a sequel. But it won't happen otherwise.
  2. Monster Hunter Tri trailer: Looks damn epic.And Xenoblade stuff! Info about the concept, game world, and a promise of a 2010 release date. http://news.vgchartz.com/news.php?id=7077
  3. Lapras and Kangaskhan really need baby forms this generation. Maybe Scyther should get one too. It's kinda weird to be hatching a full-grown kangaroo thing with a baby already in its pouch.
  4. That's what the "skip cutscene" button is for. Oh, and the best line in the game is: "Finish the mission and NOT die? Why didn't I think of that?" But yeah, story was crap. Characters repeat themselves all the time. I'm not sure if you picked up on this, but Rozalin is the daughter of Overlord Zenon.
  5. I recently acquired a TV for my room for free and hooked up my PS2, which I hadn't played since I got my 360 over a year earlier. I popped in Disgaea 2... And 80 hours later, I'm still playing it. It's getting to the point where I'm not even sure why I'm still playing. It's such a time sink.
  6. I prefer http://www.mylifeisaverage.com Today, I plated some Spirit Tracks. I got the Goron kid to Hyrule Castle, and he wandered until he called an ugly female NPC ugly. Then I got some useless tracks. MLIA
  7. Well, there's your problem right there.
  8. God damn it I thought I was the one who came up with this. And the names for all 3 forms were Repper, Charsicum, and Jalahot.
  9. Speaking of Turn-based RPGs, it's a damn shame we'll never see another Shadow Hearts game. I loved that series and think it's one of the most original series in RPGs in a long, long time.
  10. I loved LO's story, but the gameplay was so SLOW and really, really basic. If the battle system matched the epicness of the graphics, music, and story, then it would've been the perfect contender against Final Fantasy. The final battle's load time in particular was nearly a full minute long. I was basically left wondering whether it was intentional to keep pace with the music or if the music was just lengthened to make up for the long load. Oh hey, Shiren the Wanderer comes out for Wii tomorrow. It's a roguelike and was localized by Atlus so who knows? It might be good fun.
  11. "Hey, NIS, I'll give you thirty bucks if you make the game of my dreams!"
  12. I preferred Lost Odyssey far more, but then I'm a sucker for ridiculously tear-jerking dramatic stories. Blue Dragon I never even beat. I lost interest around the final dungeon. To its credit, Blue Dragon does have a full overworld littered with tons of secrets, rather than just a boat and a menu like Lost Odyssey.
  13. I've got a Wii, DS Phat, PS2, and XBox 360.
  14. I have. Apparently there is a hard mode download, which you will need to keep from being totally bored. The default difficulty of the game is absolutely pathetic unless you keep yourself severely underlevelled and underpowered. Other than the difficulty, the gameplay is fine. The story, however, is total crap and all the protagonists save for Zola are whiny little dipshit bitches. There is a special place in hell for Maromaru.
  15. Then you're fucked until FF13 is out.
  16. SMT Devil Survivor is turn-based and a mix of SRPG and classic RPG. Then there's Strange Journey, which will be out soon (if it isn't already), and it's a classic dungeon crawler. There's also Sands of Destruction and that Hercules game for the DS, too. DS is the turn-based RPG place to be. The closest thing the Wii currently has would be Opoona, or games like Chocobo's Dungeon and Baroque (all 3 are pretty mediocre, though Chocobo's Dungeon was kinda fun but way easier than Baroque). PS3's got... uh, Disgaea 3? I don't know what else.
  17. Games like Mad World and Dead Space Extraction probably fall well outside what the majority of Wii owners are looking for in games, whereas something like Carnival Games, despite being inferior, does not. Not to say they CAN'T sell. I mean, HotD: Overkill sold over 500,000 copies (I think it was luck, really). But doing things the old way isn't gonna cut a sizable profit on the Wii. PS3 and 360 are much "safer" in that regard, because third parties don't need to shake up their marketing formula much and sales are much more predictable. Something I've sorta noticed about successful Wii games is that their commercials (if they have them) or trailer feature people playing the game more than the actual game itself. Sure, they'll show what is being played, even explain it a little, but the focus is on how much FUN people are having with the game, rather than how awesome the game appears to be. However, to make such ads for single-player games is a difficult task.
  18. A great game indeed, but I'm a pussy and play the easy mode. Say what you will, but I still find it a good challenge. Besides, Odin Sphere's easy mode was friggin' crazy. Anyway, so far I've beaten all of Kisuke's bosses with Momohime (heh, Momohime = Princess Peach), and am working towards beating all of Momohime's bosses with Kisuke. Muramasa's definitely in my personal top 10 wii games. Although, the story could've been less dry...
  19. O is for...
  20. I thought Fragile was Survival Horror. But yes, Monster Hunter Tri can be discussed here too! A Wii MMO! Cuh-razy.
  21. These were formally announced yesterday. Xenoblade was originally called Monado: Beginning of the World, and is being developed by Monolithsoft... Which means it is likely a continuation of the Xeno-series of games. Last Story, meanwhile, is an RPG in development by Mistwalker, Hironobu Sakaguchi's new Microsoft-funded dev team that released Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey for the 360 a little while back. Both games have websites with absolutely nothing on them save their title, background art, and some sappy piano tune. Xenoblade site: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/sx4j/index.html Last Story site: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/slsj/index.html Also, feel free to talk about the other JRPGs for Wii soon to be released, like Graces, Arc Rise, etc... Or RPGs already released, like Opoona.
  22. Button mashing left my hands totally cramped and exhausted, and it was a crapshoot going through arcade mode even on the easier settings. Since actually making an effort to learn moves, I've found the game is less of a strain. Move combos are pretty basic and forgiving in this game, so it's all good, really. Even if I still pull them off by accident half the time... EDIT: I'm hoping sales for this game are good. The vgchartz data isn't out yet but I'm keeping my eyes open.
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