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Everything posted by Thalzon
The second game has an excellent plot and doesn't rely on the diabolus ex machina the first one did to make its emotional punch. The final boss is, in the end, just a lonely child. Nothing's really made me cry recently. Maybe Tales of Graces or Trauma Team will change that.
ET. And some baseball game.
Son of a bitch. Does this mean they plan to localize Graces as well? Son. Of. A. Bitch. That said, Vesperia was high-quality and had loads of content, even on the 360. The PS3's extras are all awesome (like newcomer Patty and Flynn being a permanent party member), but it probably won't make the game feel any more "complete". The game already felt pretty danged complete before.
The voice acting isn't TERRIBLE. I mean, I've heard worse, but the voices are just fine, really. The dialogue is silly. Did you know that all humans have two legs, and having 2 legs is something that defines humanity?
I totally suck. I died on Level 1 and at the second boss in Level 2.Very fun game, though. Isa is not quite as girly as I thought he looked.
Except for Stretch Panic. But yeah, I'm totally gonna go buy it.
Fixed. I would like water levels to return only if they give the Kongs some form of attack underwater. It's something that has bothered me about many platformers.
By releasing annual updates to their handheld, they basically eliminate the "wait for a new one" deal, since you'd be waiting forever anyway. You buy it at whatever point you want and that's that. Now, if you're a total feature junkie or whatever and must have the latest, greatest thing, you'd be buying every new version anyway.
But by the time that is actually released, we will have already heard of the 3DSLite XL!
Ha, so true. However, I think it helps a little with making the world more immersive. It does get a little ridiculous with everyone running around saying "fon" this and "aer" that, though. And though Graces WAS glitchy, at least Namco had the good sense to fix it and do a trade-in. FYI, Symphonia got lots of advertising because Nintendo ported it stateside. If only they'd do the same for Graces...
Namco, for some reason or other, has been hemorraging money for a long time. Despite their games being successful, they reported something to the tune of over $300 million in losses last year. You may not know this, but a good 50% of the games Namco makes NEVER make it across the pond. This includes roughly 60% of all the Tales games.
Can't speak for the bongo games (though they got decent reviews and seem to be enjoyable enough to re-release with wii controls) but I played Barrel Blast, which was a competent Mario Kart clone and fun to play with friends. DK's games have been different but not sloppy or anything of the sort. Sonic games keep making the same lazy mistakes caused by the same development mistakes.
This may sound weird, but with this game coming out, I want to ask something: Just what IS Donkey Kong? Not the character -- the series. It shifts around wildly, from platforming to racing to music-based... Only Mario does as much genre-shifting (and maybe pokemon, but those two do genre shifts for OTHER reasons). To me, it still sort of feels like Donkey Kong as a franchise is still trying to find its niche amongst the Nintendo lineups. Donkey Kong is basically a vessel for whatever game Nintendo wants to make but just doesn't feel like using Mario for whatever reason. There is no consistency in what the DK games entail -- Nintendo gets on a bongo drum bent, then they go for racing, and now a platformer. We know Mario games are primarily platformers, Pokemon games are primarily RPGs, etc. But Donkey Kong games have no primary genre or gameplay type. It's very odd.
No. No, no, no. You simply have no concept of the kind of work that goes into games today. Read this: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/columns/experienced-points/7652-Experienced-Points-The-Final-Fantasy-VII-Remake-is-a-Fantasy And maybe this: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.173338-FF13-Producer-Explains-Why-FF7-Remake-is-Unlikely And try to understand that these things are not simply drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste. Just because the game already exists in some form does NOT mean they've got a head-start.
So you mean to say a game with potentially 50+ characters will be.... grossly imbalanced?! SAY IT AIN'T SO.
I'll say $249.99, at least for us Canadian folks. Maaaaaaybe $229.99.
Never, ever, ever gonna happen. FF13 is the way it is because of the graphical demands of today. Remaking FF7 with graphics like in FF13 would probably take 8 or 9 years of solid development. It's not just a matter of replacing the graphics and adding voice acting. They basically cannot use anything from the original game, assets-wise. The script would probably be rewritten as well. Everything would have to be reprogrammed to work on the new console. If there WAS a remake, it would probably lack things like an overworld and a good number of the side quests.
Donkey Kong?! DONKEY KOOOOONG. KIIIIIIIIIIRBYYYYYYYYY. I'm on cloud freakin' nine, man.
It's almost as if they're designing this as a response to Nintendo's success rather than because they had any original ideas of their own.
PSX EMULATOR?!!?! Yeah, I did this last week too. I don't care.
Seems to be 4. I'm online! I gave it a shot and met some nice folks. My character name is Yale and my code is 4HWD9X. I'm on the North American servers... or Canadian, whichever! I'm there.