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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. I'm right at the end. I am very relieved the game has infinite lives because I've easily died fifty times or more playing this game. Some of the challenge levels require a level of dexterity I simply don't have, but fortunately it's just for songs and money. Overall I'm very much loving it. It's creative and challenging and just plain fun.
  2. I got bizarrely lucky where the game glitched out ascending that horrible trampoline segment at the start, and basically spawned me at the end of it with little Olly in tow. The rest was simple.
  3. Oh, lots. SMT Nocturne - Made it to the final dungeon, got lost, gave up. Persona 3 - Got to the final boss. Died twice due to random bad luck (charmed both times with disastrous results) Little King's Story - Got to the final boss, died 3 times. Since you can't save right before and must do a flying sequence each time, I gave up after that. Punch-Out Wii - Made it to the second bout against Aran Ryan. Darksiders 2 - Finished the Earth section and the game froze in such a spectacular fashion I didn't ever play it again. Devil Survivor 2 - Yamato is a huge cheap bastard. Henry Hatsworth - The final boss is a huge cheap bastard. Samurai Warriors Chronicles - One of those games I can't tell if I beat it or not since the story kind of peters out after a while. I didn't see the credits but no more story missions unlocked and the rest was just non-historical silliness. And that's not including the games I played for an hour and then never picked back up.
  4. Thalzon


    I blasted through the first 60 stages last night in about 2 hours, then got well into the Mysterious Pushmo. Lots of fun to be had there, where in the first set of puzzles, all blocks of the same colour move in unison.
  5. Pac-Man is also confirmed for Smash guys. Check the website; his intro video is hilarious. I can't say I was too impressed with Miyamoto's new games. They're pretty creative but didn't look like much fun yet. And gosh, he got some poor players to show them off. I liked the ideas behind them but we'll need to see execution a little better than QWOP to wow me.
  6. OMFG. This was great. Bayonetta 2 comes with the original, Yoshi's Woolly World, a new Kirby Canvas Curse in claymation style, Zelda looks WILD, Smash Bros has both Miis AND Palutena confirmed, Xenoblade got a stylin' new trailer, and Captain Toad gets his own puzzle adventure game like the mini games. No SMT X Fire Emblem yet though.
  7. There's a new IP that Miyamoto will show at E3. We'll see what that's like.
  8. Bump with Tomodachi. Anyone else grab it? It's definitely very japanese and quirky, and honestly there's not much "game" to it, but there's still loads of entertainment value. Basically you are tasked with tending to the needs of the miis you invite to live on the island. You can choose the miis' clothes, voices, personalities, and relations. Miis will want food, new clothes, and unique living spaces, and will reward you with trinkets and items. There's also stuff like looking in on your miis' dreams, playing games with them, and letting them perform in concerts (which you can change what lyrics they sing). There is a language filter of course, but it's limited and can't catch misspellings ("bich", "diks" and so on. "Dong" isn't filtered at all. Why yes, my idea of humour is very highbrow). I played about 2 hours tonight and had lots of fun in a mischievous kind of way. I added miis of my friends and family, which makes some things really funny, like seeing my six-year-old nephew hold a part time job or my sister digging holes by herself on the beach. All in all, something to look at if Animal Crossing doesn't whet your life sim appetite anymore.
  9. Pikmin 3 has some fun multiplayer that's pretty easy to grasp. Wonderful 101 is excellent but tough to get into. You really need to invest some time and effort to get the most out of it. That said, it also has some multiplayer. Tank!Tank!Tank! is REALLY easy to get into but dead simple and shallow. That said, it's a free download so if you want to try it out it's there. Donkey Kong Country returns has 2-player, easy to play but offers a good challenge.
  10. Instead of picking up my own copy, last night I went to a friend's and we played all the modes. Grand Prix four-player is awesome, but Battle Mode was kind of disappointing. It's a neat idea, sure, but needs some tweaking, and some actual battle arenas would be really nice (maybe some dlc down the line for them). That said, putting items on Frantic makes battle mode much more exciting. Morton and Ludwig are da bess.
  11. Pushmo is getting a WiiU edition June 19th in all regions. Looks like it'll be all-new puzzles. Additionally, the 3DS games will be put on sale though that might not apply to all regions.
  12. Squid's Odyssey is out for WiiU (and 3DS)! It's kind of like Fire Emblem meets Crokinole. You assemble a party of four squids and fight corrupted shrimp and crabs to save the seven seas. It's also an enormously long game, from the looks of it. I spent about 3 or four hours on chapter 1 (of 8 ). Worth checking out.
  13. I'm guessing if we get a new FE character it'll be Robin (the player avatar) from Awakening, rather than Chrom. I base this on pure conjecture, wishful thinking, and made-up patterns (ie, Wii Fit Trainer and Villager representing characters that can be either gender). It is also for this reason that I think/hope Pokemon Trainer will return as a proper fighter in their own right (hurling balls, riding their bike, fishing, using HM moves, etc).
  14. Here's how to make surfing less tedious: 1) More variety in encounters. There is probably over 100 water pokemon now. Show it. 2) Don't make it so I have to watch the same goddamn animations after clicking through the menus EVERY TIME I WANT TO SURF. This is a problem with how HMs are utilized in general but gets exemplified when you're island hopping. 3) Reduce the wild encounter rate. 4) Zoom out the camera so we can see way ahead. It's disorienting and frustrating to be surrounded by the same blue water on all sides with no markings in sight to guide us. 5) Make more mons visible when surfing, like Lapras in X/Y. Better than that whale-turtle shadow we always seem to get.
  15. Sure. I'm reasonably excited for the game, although the character selections are a bit on the questionable side.
  16. Today's pic of the day shows that we are not getting Wonder Red, or any Wonderful Ones, as fighters or assist trophies. A real shame. Ah well.
  17. So I got Child of Light and man, it's a lovely little game. You use the right stick to control Igniculus, a small firefly fairy thing, who can gather orbs, open special chests, and emit light (useful in solving puzzles). But in battle, he can also slow down enemies' time bars, letting you edge in extra attacks and interrupt theirs with more control. It adds a cool extra layer of strategy.
  18. There are NO Best Buys where I live. At all. There used to be, but they closed them all. D;
  19. WiiU also gets Child of Light tomorrow and Stick it to the Man on May 1st, both pretty interesting titles in their own right.
  20. OCRemix got into a bit of a legal scuffle for doing a final fantasy 6 album kickstarter. So... you know, beware.
  21. That is so goddamn old, Brandon. That was made like ten minutes after the smash bros reveal last year.
  22. Greninja is the latest new fighter to join Smash! Also Charizard, Sheik, and ZS Samus are now all their own fighters. There's no way to switch between them and their former counterparts. It's unknown if Pokemon Trainer will return. Seriously, go check out the nintendo direct. It's full of good stuff. #DS version in summer, WiiU version in Winter. So hype.
  23. I found a very cool-looking kickstarter for a game. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1969025851/tom-sparks-and-the-quakes-of-ruin?ref=category It looks a lot like Bastion, in fact. Has some nice art and good music.
  24. They're still doing it.
  25. I will pick it up on WiiU. I have decided, for better or worse, I will support the WiiU platform when it comes to multiplatform games I want.
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