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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. Are you kidding? Flower Town is crazy. You grow the flowers, you need to grow MORE flowers, in all the colours, and sell them and display them in gardens and holy shit man FLOWERS. Seriously though it's the most addictive.
  2. This may be odd, but I found Cave Story 3DS to be immensely improved with the 3D on. It helped to separate stuff like background effects and foreground objects, which I might've otherwise mistook for bullets and walls. Mario 3D Land also did nifty stuff with 3D (like the bonus rooms that required it to see blocks and stuff), but it wasn't essential, like with Cave Story.
  3. We totally are. I'm Corey. I think my friend safari is fairy type.
  4. I maxxed out my friend list, guys. I added pretty much everyone on this list from E to Z. Please add me back -- I really want those friend safaris! Anyway, on-topic, I have Zelda preordered and am definitely looking forward to exploring a familiar world.
  5. Ah, thanks. I didn't know that.
  6. So, in attempting to fill out my pokedex, I bred a Snorlax with a ditto. I got the egg, and hatched it, and it was... another Snorlax. Just... what. Really now. How on earth do you get a Munchlax then?
  7. You learn more about the events behind the intro as you play through it. That said, the game definitely lacks presence. Aeron doesn't talk unless absolutely necessary, leaving his girlfriend's troubles and foibles endearing but their relationship majorly one-sided (though Aeron still shows affection through his actions). My favourite character was the old witch by far. Her VA really nailed it. I recommend playing through the first 3 dungeons at least to get a bead on the kind of game it is.
  8. Anyone getting an unusual number of Froakie from wonder trade? He's everywhere, and oftentimes will have an ability that makes it so he's always the same type as the move he uses. Also I fear I've almost entirely dumped the plot in favour of running back and forth on route 8 breeding what-the-hell-ever just for pokedex entries. Someone was kind enough to give me a ditto. It will be my undoing.
  9. Wonder trade paid of wonderfully (heh) today. I got an Elekid, a Froakie, and a Charmander. And on the GTS I found a Fennekin for a Pachirisu.
  10. Pokemon-amie is devastatingly addictive. Super Trainer... not so much. They're too much fluff with the balloons blowing up and popping, slowing down the process just enough to make it annoying. Also O-powers are too out of the way on the touch screen to be handed out at the frequency the game expects you to do so.
  11. Today's screenshot reveals that you can have your Wii Fit Trainer in manly man flavour. However, perhaps more interestingly, it also points to Wario-style alternate costumes for characters.
  12. That's probably how it should be when you have over 700 critters to raise. That said, Beedrill, Froakie, and Charmander are probably never gonna get swapped out.
  13. I'm trying to work out the puns in their names but I can't seem to discern some of them. Olympia definitely takes fashion tips from the White Witch though.
  14. Sonic's back, guys and gals. And it looks like he's got a stage based on Lost World.
  15. Rune Factory 4 releases tomorrow, boys and girls! Play as a girl, or a slightly manlier girl! Farm! Fight! Fill bars and make numbers go up!
  16. Oh, yes, I bought them and discerned their use by the end of the second level (where you fight the big sword guy in the stadium). I'm just really, really bad at action games. I did the same thing with Bayonetta -- after a few tries on normal, and ranking low/dying too much, I switched to easy for something more in line with my skill level.
  17. Rayman Legends is indeed awesome. I'm at about 650 teensies resuced but I think I hit my limit. Living Dead Party's "retro" musical levels are murder on my eyes and about the only glaring misstep in the game. I haven't gotten too far in Wonderful 101 yet, but far enough to know that Normal difficulty ain't for me. I think I'll switch to easy mode and make a little more steady progress.
  18. The missing eye makes that emoticon beautiful.
  19. Toon Link! And everyone thought he wouldn't show!
  20. I am almost considering getting Fit U. After getting addicted to the totally-nonviolent animal crossing for like 4 months, I'm hoping to transfer some of that energy into a game that will actually help me get exercise.
  21. So I went to pick up my preorder for The Wonderful 101 yesterday, despite getting no phone call that it was available. I enter EB Games. There are no empty cases for the game visible anywhere. None on the shelf, none behind the counter. I stand in line, approach the counter, and ask the girl there about it. She gives me a bewildered look, like I asked her for her uterus on a platter or something, and checks the computer. "It's not out until.... the 15th." She answers, after asking me which system the game was for. Then she pauses, before adding. "Oh. That's today." "Check under the desk." Her co-worker suggests. Sure enough, the game is there. It's probably the only copy in the store. All in all, it was a fairly bewildering experience.
  22. Oh god, the idea is to trade figurines. But you just know some are rarer than others and so it means you'll be trading like ten figurines for the really rare one and OH GOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FLASHBACKS.
  23. Raising this from the dead to post the announcement of a new version of Vita: the home version! http://www.joystiq.com/2013/09/09/playstation-vita-tv-announced/ It's an interesting angle, to say the least.
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