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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. I bet it was against Qada. He's a pain in any playthrough.
  2. Tropical Freeze is friggin' HARD. But also pretty, precise, and an absolute joy to play. The only downside to it is some long load times on boot-up and between levels, but apart from that it improves on the Wii game in every way. Also Dixie > Cranky > Diddy in terms of helper helpfulness. Dixie makes Diddy near-redundant. Cranky is handy for jumping on enemies you couldn't normally jump on. Also thank the heavens the vehicles can now take two hits (or three with a shop purchase). The levels are still challenging but not so frustrating.
  3. You'll be notified when you check the friend list of anyone who added you.
  4. I noticed something when I fought the optional boss Zombie Dragon... I tried, for fun, killing it using a phoenix down. It worked... sorta. The boss auto-revived. However, after battle I noticed I got double the usual exp and jp amount that I got from another boss in the immediate area. So... is it possible to cheese the zombie dragon with phoenix downs for a huge exp and jp reward?
  5. Nintendo Land isn't a tech demo; It's a party game, quite pretty, and a surprising challenge. The single player aspects of the game can take quite a bit of skill to beat! If you don't hang out at your home with IRL friends much, though, it's probably not worth it. Also get Rayman Legends. It's gorgeous and probably at rock-bottom pricing now.
  6. Here's a video of upcoming indie games (and Oddworld for some reason). Put it on mute though. The song's not bad, but it is repetitive.
  7. Just in time for me to lose interest in the game... Dangit, the temptation to complete the pokedex is THERE, man. But no. I must resist! They are just bits of data! They have no value!
  8. Someone brought up a good interpretation of Sakurai's words on the roster size. Basically, he said he didn't want to cut any characters, and as a result there won't be as many new fighters as before. So, basically, we can expect almost every character to return (except maybe Snake because reasons) but also that, overall, we might only see 8-10 new fighters, instead of like before when we saw 15.
  9. "Hey! Are you ready to Mario-cize?!"
  10. Y'all should listen to Mirby. Saying Mewtwo is out because his prior replacement is in is even more tenuous than when people were saying Toon Link is out because he was on the spirit tracks stage. It's nice to get another character announcement, since between Dedede and Diddy Kong would've been nearly 2 months of waiting.
  11. Pssst, hey. Hey, guys. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geist_(video_game) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_Darkness:_Sanity%27s_Requiem I know, not quite the same because they didn't have the advertising push one expects to need to make a game a blockbuster. But it's silly to think Nintendo just relies on the same old stuff all the time, or that a game will sell on WiiU just because it's by Nintendo or M-rated.
  12. http://gaminrealm.com/2014/01/23/nintendo-stock-returns-normal/ Also if you own a WiiU and not The Wonderful 101 then you are everything wrong with video games and I greatly dislike you. Not really. But seriously, buy Wonderful 101.
  13. Playing online: Like playing by yourself, except somehow worse.
  14. At Konami. Which is not Nintendo. I noticed that ever since Megaman's announcement people have moved on to constantly braying and whining for Simon Belmont. Why, it's almost as if even people who like the game are going to complain about it no matter how many third parties make it in. And whichever ones do, they'll be the "wrong" ones. And for the record, there is a difference between saying "I hope we get Simon Belmont" or "I'm betting Belmont's in the game" as opposed to "Where is my Belmont?" The former two imply hope or expressing a gut feeling. The latter is ungrateful begging.
  15. So I'm sure by now we've all seen Nintendo's financial report, and things are... less rosy than they predicted. Now the internet is running rampant with speculation about what it means for the future of Nintendo and the WiiU. One of the more reasonable-sounding suggestions thus far as been to sell the WiiU without the gamepad, instead substituting a pro controller. Personally, I like the gamepad. It's large, but handy... But not essential. I look at my games I have on the system so far and very few make use of the gamepad to the point where it's essential. Basically, Nintendoland and possibly ZombiiU (haven't played very much of it so far). Even Mario 3D World really only uses it for activating a few platforms and doors. That said, the gamepad is a bit too large and expensive to sell as an optional peripheral, and they can't drop it altogether, because that is basically admission that it was never necessary to begin with. What do you guys think? Should Nintendo work to make the WiiU closer in function to the ps4 and xbone? Is the problem with the WiiU a matter of its specs and function, or just a matter of marketing?
  16. i herd u was talkin shit
  17. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is my RPG of the year. It's got an awesomely-robust character creator, allowing you to make a character anywhere between 14 and 114 years old. Gameplay is excellent, with the ability to climb and grapple larger opponents. It also has a neat online mechanic despite being a single player game. The story is a little sparse but bittersweet and a little melancholy. Also got hopelessly addicted to Rune Factory 4. The best one yet, with a huge world to explore and lots of extra content and challenges.
  18. Bayonetta 2, X (I hope), and Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright (again, I hope).
  19. SMB3 did not have a boomerang powerup for Mario. I don't think it was properly introduced until 3D Land (Galaxy 2 might've had it? I forget). SMB3 did have a hammer suit for Mario though, and introduced the Boomerang Bros enemy type.
  20. I want Deus Ex Director's Cut. Not a single store in my area has it. Not one. It's over $50 on Amazon. This is patently absurd. I want this game, and suddenly it's not available even though apparently nobody is buying the WiiU or its games. SOMEONE, HELP.
  21. You mean.... Impa?
  22. There is no story mode LIKE Subspace Emissary. There will likely still be an adventure mode.
  23. Hyrule Warriors looks pretty awesome, but a bit tech demo-y right now. Which means we probably won't see it released til next christmas. But those weapons, man.... Those WEAPONS. Rosalina being in Smash doesn't really get my fires going, but she is probably the best "new" Mario character. Better than Bowser Jr or Waluigi, anyway. I'm glad she's getting this additional exposure.
  24. Yeah yeah. Smash 4 has a Steel Diver submarine gun! A SUBMARINE GUN, MAN.
  25. Too lazy to search for the smash bros thread, so instead I'll say here that today's smash site picture is pretty trolltastic. I'm also left wondering that it does.
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