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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. That's pretty fucking cruel. An eternity of walking around in a cramped space, with only the occasional visit from some random person, who then leaves as quickly as they came. That's even worse then death. Saving him would be an infinite hell.
  2. That would be the DX version. The original had her sprite with wings fly around, if I recall correctly. Man, I miss my old copy of that. I loaned it to a friend, and then someone stole his GameBoy with my LA cart in it. A few years later, he bought me the DX version. The thing is, he wasn't doing too well financially at the time, and it must have used up whatever he had saved up. Man, now I feel bad for taking it, and that was what, more than a decade ago? Fuck you, emotions. I also was a little struck when I learned that the island was going to disappear... wait a minute... Disappearing island? Mysterious monsters made out of mist and darkness? Strange happenings? ... sunofabitch.
  3. http://www.laweekly.com/slideshow/view/10831960/18 Wow, that's just... uhm. Yeah. you go, girl... thing. Person? Fuck, I can't tell at this point, that's just such a hideous costume. And then in the other ones, she looks like she was trying to go for that Japanese girl-with-plane-parts-for-legs or whatever they are called. Stiff, unnatural, not very attractive. I've seen doji- doshin... fan-comics that were more erotic, and that stuff freaks me out half the time.
  4. Is that how it's spelled? I had it as Zawoldo. GREAT MINDS, AMIRITE?
  5. Zevelence. Zea-Level. Zawoldo. Ze-Axiz. Zoal. Fuck, it really is hard to sell things with a z.
  6. Thanks, you just saved me from watching/reading those last bits. I'm not being sarcastic, I really am thanking you. I just can't bare to watch anymore of that series. The last movie and the spin-offs ruined it for me. I just saved hours of watching crap!
  7. I hate you now. You're not invited to my birthday party anymore. Zoodlence, you can come. There will be cakes, both of the normal and ice cream variety.
  8. Well, fuck. OK, how about... Zylance? Huh? Huh? You like it.
  9. Tactical FPS with magic spells and Goron-hide body armor.
  10. Not saying you didn't know any better, just speculating on the cart. The thing is, the batteries in GBA games should last for the better part of a decade, not only a few years. I suspect then that the original battery was faulty at manufacturing, or the previous owner somehow fried it (Tampering? Bad power supply from the GBA? Maybe he thought it would be cool to look inside his game?).
  11. How about... wait for it... Zoolance. Cool, huh? You can use it.
  12. Well, that's probably it right there. eBay. I don't know why people buy games off of eBay with the rampant pirated copies that flood the place. Did you ever make sure it was an actual Nintendo cart?
  13. That's odd, because I have all those games, and only the Silver cart is dead. This is due to the game using an internal clock powered by the battery that also powers the save game. When was the last time you played your Leaf Green and Link's Awakening carts? For that matter, is Link's Awakening the original or the DX version (GameBoy Color)? If it's DX, then the battery shouldn't ever be a problem, as they switched to newer roms. If it's the original, then it still shouldn't be a problem, because I have games that are older than that and still work. That's really weird. My Pokémon Gold cart still holds save games. Awesome.
  14. On that note: http://www.destructoid.com/zelda-wii-has-been-in-development-for-a-long-time-160083.phtml Zelda Wii might end up having a six year development period if it comes out for/around Christmas 2010. Is that long enough for you?
  15. I find it funny that he speaks of how OCR is censoring the removed remixes, yet there are two posts telling him exactly where to get said remixes, and those posts haven't been removed or edited. Mind you, I've been told I have an odd sense of humor, but those people are dead now, so it's alright.
  16. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31890 Check his sig for links.
  17. Another Canadian? My god, we're multiplying like... like... beavers!

  18. If you claim that the original composer had it right and it shouldn't be altered in any way, but then said composer says he likes how someone remixed it... does that make gohito's head explode, or cave-in? Oh wait, he's banned. I guess he can't tell us. So, not having any real experience with Xenogears, I must admit I'm coming into this album with no idea what to expect. I like the strumming guitar in Avaris and Level 99's "Quickening". It's relaxing and peaceful, kind of like something from a well produced anime soundtrack. I can see a quite village, sunny days with perfect clouds, and someone sleeping on the side of a hill overlooking the houses below. Vampire Hunter Dan's "Ship of Emotion" reminds me of some of the Yoko Kanno stuff from Brain Powerd and Escaflowne. I love Escaflowne's music. CHIPP Damage's "Shit on Citan" scares the hell out of me.
  19. gohito can suck my long, black* cock. It's filled with creamy goodness, all for his enjoyment.

    (*I may not actually be black, ask gohito's mom for details)

  20. True Fact: Grave of The Fireflies is the only movie to ever make me cry.
  21. The number of witches is dependent upon the AI Director, regardless of game mode, difficulty or map. Even the Sugar Mill in Hard Rain changes depending upon what the AI Director does.
  22. I'd worry more about the fans. Why? Because half of the Zelda fanboys will be talking about how the personified Master Sword is obviously a girl and thus it makes her and Link a love interest, leading to disturbing rule 34. The other half will carry on their pathetic fight about timelines and yell at anyone that even looks in their direction, taking it as a personal attack against everything they know undunderstand. Sometimes I wonder if it's not time for a total "betrayal" of the series, such that it makes the worst fanboys leave forever. Then after they're gone, it goes back to being good, and the remaining fans can enjoy it again.
  23. Actually, if you can show that you can not only do some remixes yourself, but also do them well, that might be enough to get a few others interested. Ideally, you would have a lot of different people in your project, but there are a few that had a small but talented group of remixers. Try it, and if you succeed, good. If not, then at least you made the effort.
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