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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. That's not chomping. I know it's supposed to be Pac-Man, but it's not animated, and there are no teeth. It's more like a totally silly smile than chomping. Maybe a Chain Chomp from Mario would work...
  2. Or it's a spambot that actually managed to be slightly on-topic. Was it made for this forum? Are they getting better at trying to fit in? Man will never know.
  3. Did you seriously just bring back a two year old thread for a picture?
  4. That list might be better, as then remixers would be able to pick one they want. Now, of course, is the idea of Leitmotifs. While there may be several songs with different titles, they may share a the same base melody. I don't know if that's really come up before, but it might be a problem.
  5. Aaaaaand that was the point that you just heard going over your head. Wave bye-bye to the point, neblix. The point, in case you were wondering, was that the made-up PSP was better in every way than the one they actually released. Maybe Sony should just look at all those mock-ups and base their designs around them. If any one gets all uppity about their design being chosen and not getting credit for it, Sony can just say "hey, you used our brand name and logos, just be happy we aren't suing you into bankruptcy". Man, that would be an awesome legal fight.
  6. Grrr, fuck you, Mirrors Edge and your not wanting to launch properly. Why is it trying to install DirectX when I already have it?
  7. Wow, I just noticed that the only use of a period was in ".hack". Just saying. I think there's an issue with the .hack series, namely that a lot of the music was made for the anime series, and not the games. The anime was the first of the overall continuity, if I recall correctly. This would go against OCR standards for remixes, as only music made specifically for a game is allowed. Things like the Star Wars theme, even if it was used in several games, isn't valid, as it was made for the movies first. Maybe someone will take pity on your pleas and whip one up for you quickly. It's happened before.
  8. This is something that has always bothered me about console mock-ups: pasting a screen shot from some existing game. It looks so cheesey and extra fake, that it removes the suspension of disbelieve I might have. I can look at this and think "hmmm, interesting idea" but then see the screen with its N64/PS2/whatever game image, and then it just comes off as poorly done. Seriously, console imagineers, just leave the screen blank and concentrate on making the system look good and/or realistic.
  9. Oh wait... that last isn't a mock-up, it's a chocolate. Mmmmmm, chocolate dual screens...
  10. Hmmm, Mirror's Edge... never really thought about getting it, but for $5, I think i can swing it. If it's not my thing, then I spent less than burger combo at just about any fast food place. Oh noes, one less greasy burger with over/under-cooked fires.
  11. Man, it must suck to have a birthday this close to the biggest holiday of the year. Maybe one day, people will remember it's your birthday as well, and then they will stop carving vegetables for you. Maybe. Until then, you'll have to bare with it and just accept everyone's wishes for your continued aging process! /most original b-day post, EVAR?
  12. http://www.destructoid.com/rumor-psp-4000-mentioned-in-new-sony-ads-158342.phtml&mainnav=PSP&mainnav=PSP Followed up by: http://www.destructoid.com/psp-4000-ad-was-a-mistake--158399.phtml&mainnav=PSP&mainnav=PSP But still, that's a hell of a typo. I mean, they didn't just accidentally press 4 instead of 3, they added in an extra graphic and text along with everything else. Someone had to notice that there was no such thing as a PSP-4000 at some point, right? Sony, of course, isn't commenting on it. Typically, that means it's true or true enough that they don't want to give anything away. The more PSPs they sell now, the better, because as soon as a new model is announced, people will hold off on buying one. Then you have the fact that a lot of the new stuff Sony had this year was leaked early. This could simply be another case of someone leaking it out. So, honest mistake on the part of the advertising department, or accidental slip of the lip?
  13. Didn't they actually make that one already? PSP Go? Sure, this has an extra analog stick... and a bigger screen... and still has the UMD drive... but it's basically the same. Sliding screen, far too glossy for its own good, easily crack and scratched screen.
  14. The instant he does, though... RAWR! T-Rex on his ass. I just realized we don't have a "chomping" emoticon. We need one.
  15. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31530 http://www.google.ca/search?q=bluehost&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  16. I'm actually glad that someone from there took the time to come by and tell us what they are doing about it. At least a half dozen times a year, someone on NG shows up and tries to get away with it, and we tell NG what's going on. So, thanks for showing up and helping out.
  17. Never buy anything from Archo. Buy the actual devices if you want, but don't buy it directly from them. They have what is considered to be the absolutely worst customer support of any electronics company. Cases in point: 1. The Archo 5 was released just last year. Within eight months, Archos dropped all support for it, even axing warranties that were still valid. No explanation was ever given. The only thing that people could think of is the current Archo 5 that runs Android was being pushed more. 2. Plug-ins. Up until the most recent players, if you wanted things like HD playback, or an internet browser, you had to pay for it on top of the device. They used a heavily modified (and gimped) version of Opera, and charged $30 for it. It didn't support flash videos, so Youtube was completely useless earlier this year. It still isn't that great, half the time it stalls or crashes, and they haven't updated any software or firmware in months. 3. They don't include any power cords for recharging their devices. You have to either rely upon charging through USB (slow as hell) or shell out another $30 to $50 for a charging station. It also acts as a USB port, because all their players use a proprietary USB port, so you can't just plug it into anything. 4. Exchanges and refunds. I've never heard of anyone actually getting one. If your Archos player is defective out of the box, they won't just replace it. They will have you ship it back at your expense, and then charge you a restocking fee, even if you just got it. I was going to get mine fixed (the built-in battery was toast), but they wanted $80 to fix it. $80 for a battery. I decided to not bother, because after the charger and the browser and the initial price, it was getting to fucking much. Time to cut losses on that one. 5. Their tech support is a fucking joke. It takes days to get an answer from them, and most of the time it just tells you to refer to their unofficial forum, made and ran by fans. that's right, their tech support is a forum that they don't even own. They let their customers sort most of it out on their own, and you have to hope that someone there has had the same experience and found a solution. If you want to get one, get one from an actual store, one that you can walk into and get an extended warranty. Archos makes some nice hardware some of the time, but it's just dodgy enough that you'll want to get some extra protection. I know. Why are so many companies making such small capacity players? Hard drives are fucking cheap as hell now, and flash has come down a lot in price, but they stick with all these 16, 32 and maybe the occasional 64 gb ones. I'm waiting for a 120 gb flash player, and I suspect that it will be expensive as hell, but it might be worth it. Lots of battery life, that's a big selling point with me. /MP3 player #8 and counting...
  18. That's why I laugh at people I know who pay for things like iTunes. You're getting ripped off, basically, by paying for something you can get for free. Mind you, most people own iPods, and those are kind of iffy when it comes to non-licensed files... I just remembered the other thing I don't like about the Zune HD: low capacity. It only comes in 16 and 32 gb sizes, which isn't even half of what I have. Any player I want is going to have to start at 120 gb, and that's the minimum. I did see an Archos 5 IT, running Android. Reviews are stating while it has lackluster GPS, the internet browser is fast as hell, and it has fantastic media support (it plays mkv movies). Too bad no one in this country sells them.
  19. It looks nice, but here in Canada, I don't have to pay for music, so why would I? Also, the "required" software to transfer files over is bullshit. There are lots of players that act simply as USB drives and you can just drop your entire music folder right onto them without any problem. That's a major negative on my scorecard. It looks nice, and I see it's pretty much the only real competitor to the iPod (because most brick-and-mortar stores don't carry other brands, like Archos or Creative Labs), but it could be a little better in some areas. But I hear the screen is indestructible, which is a big bonus for anyone that has pockets and lives on a planet with a gravitational pull.
  20. Maybe someone should post a link to this page, and show them that the actual Skrypnyk isn't putting it up there.
  21. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31486 Sig has a couple of links to online stores.
  22. ... The Virtual Boy? Because I know you ain't talkin' about our little N64. That dude be true blue coo', bitches. OoT for life!
  23. Well, I think the issue with that is that it might end up making it difficult for actual people, who aren't spammers, to join. Plus, for every step we could take to count down on spambots, the people who make the spambots come up with two more ways to get around it.
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