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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. So... the barbershop demo is not the actual technology, but a simulation of what it would be like if you used it. So I really didn't hear anything special, because there was nothing special to hear. OK, gotcha.
  2. Would it work better if it was actually two speakers, placed at set distances apart, perfectly aligned to the listener? If it's all frequency based, then it should still work, right?
  3. Destructoid and its affiliates were down because of some issue they were having, as mentioned above.
  4. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31457 http://www.google.ca/search?q=hanktrott236&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  5. Considering that I've never heard of that before, shut up, you saxophone playing god, you.
  6. According to the L4D wiki, there's nothing about the AI Director setting up witches if you avoid them. My own personal experience from hundreds of hours of playing is that witches can and will appear just about anywhere, and the number of times they appear, whether you kill them or not, is random as well. I've had games where we only had one witch in the entire campaign, and others just like yours, where they appeared in every level, and sometimes two in one map.
  7. OK, new stuff includes a new melee weapon, a new uncommon infected, a new gun, and new maps for Co-op, Survival, Scavenge, and Versus. Oh, and did I mention that you'll be playing with all eight survivors! That's Bill, Zoey, Louis and Francis, along side Coach, Rochelle, Nick and Ellis! All at the same time! TOGETHER!
  8. http://www.destructoid.com/is-this-thing-on-yes-destructoid-s-back--157852.phtml It seems they were down, but it was on their end, not mine. So hah.
  9. Nope, I need a haircut, but it's not anything that would inhibit headphones in any way. No hair coveringmyears, no lop-sided headphones, nothing inside or outside or beside or whatever in any way. And my ears look and feel just like everyone else's... I know, because I touch other people's ears when they sleep. What, it'slegal here, don't look at me like that. Sennheiser PX100s? They're nice, but they ain't top-of-the-line. And if the MP3 is supposed to already have the conversion done to them, why would the headphones have anything that can do it? It seems unlikely that the hardware would do what the software is supposed to. Annual hearing tests are required by my company, and the only thing that has every popped up over the last five years is a slight (less than eight percent) drop in the 12 to 15 Khz range, and that's only if it's affected by an inner ear infection or a bad cold.I may have fairly good hearing, but I doubt I can pick up any kind of super-secret frequency magics. I can see a few reasons, and I leave the one about it actually working aside. The first is that they haven't gotten a way to do it real-time yet, which would be very handy for games, as real-time things tend to happen. It would kind of suck to be in the middle of a fight and then get killed by something, all because the audio couldn't keep up with the footsteps of what got you. The other is that they might be licensing issues. Who owns the technology, how much do they want for it, who's willing to pay for it, etc. I suspect that most companies would just go for the current sound systems that they already have.
  10. 11 year old love song, comes to mind... Oh, you meant official videos. Shit, there's gotta be someone here with the talent and gear to pull it off.
  11. Ha, ha, ha. No really, what are the prices like now? Just as bad as up here, or are prices all over the place? I can't seem to find a decent source on the subject, and I was just wondering.
  12. Fuck you, internet. Now they both load fine. Three days of not being able to get to either one of them, and only after I ask people about it, does it finally come back and work properly. That's how I usually fix my computer, by the way...
  13. Then it would be on my end. Now to figure out why it's not loading...
  14. Can anyone else get onto Destructoid.com or it's affiliates, like Japanator? For the last few days, I've been getting timeouts and I can only just now get a very iffy, slow-as-hell load of Japanator. If it's just my end, then I can go bother the cable company, but if it's not just me, than I guess there's nothing I can do about it.
  15. What are houses running at in the US nowadays? Up here, we're hitting anywhere from $220 000 for trailers to $400 000 for average sized houses.
  16. But guys, he's a 2002er! We have to do it, or else we'll destroy whatever semblance of power and authority join-dates have! Anarchy, I tells ya, anarchy!
  17. You're starting to sound kind of hurt that someone dismissed your fancy stereo thing as just that; stereo. What, did you but stock in that company or something?
  18. OK, Nintendo finally announced a release date for the next games, so I got a release date in mind. Anyone mind getting all these wonderful remixes on March 1st?
  19. All I'm hearing is slightly fancier stereo. I didn't get any of this "amazing" up or down changes, or distance, or any of that. Yes, I used headphones. Yes, I had them plugged in, no, they are not damages (I tried it with two different pairs) and no, I don't have any hearing damage, so you can stop right there. I think this is all about the power of suggestion. You read that's it supposed to be awesome first, and you believe it. I didn't read any of the page's text first, and I didn't get anything out of it. Only afterwards did I understand what it was supposed to do. And it didn't. You can say how awesome it was all you want, but it doesn't really do anything. Techno-babble and self-induced hype, that's all it seems to be.
  20. Boring... it's just slightly better stereo sound.
  21. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31439\ http://www.google.ca/search?q=vine77df&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  22. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31343 It's already posted here.
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