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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Well, I can see both sides. Single player means no jackass teammates or grievers, but you're missing out on a lot of the team work mechanics that make the game fun (not to mention that in single player, when your character dies, that's it; restart the map regardless of who else was still alive). Campaign is fun the same paragraph, but reverse it a bit so it's about teamwork, but has assholes. Versus is like... Versus is difficult, sometimes. I don't mean, "It's hard", I mean that it's a rather different mindset to get into. You can play the campaigns or single player and get a really good idea of when, where and how the zombies will attack. Versus, however, removes that knowledge because suddenly, you have Special Infected that will not only hold back and plan, but do so with all kinds of different tricks. I've never seen a Hunter claw swipe someone and incap them in campaign, but you damn well bet it happens a lot in Versus. And then you have the tactics used for playing as Infected. Very different. Coordinated strikes, waiting for the Survivors to come out of their hiding spot... it's a different mindset. So, yeah, tl;dr version: Versus and Campaign are very different kinds of games.
  2. Legal issues? What, with a microphone company? Fuck 'em.
  3. If there was less damage from jumping up and down while you're running out of it, that would make sense. Like, if you walk thought it, it's burning your feet, but if you jump, your feet are only in it for a fraction of the time. It would also make for some laughs, something about making them dance right before you spit at them. BOING BOING BOING
  4. It's because they're playing the demo on Advance or Expert. Yeah, it's more fun, but the Spitter acid does a lot more damage per second. Even the few seconds it takes to get out of the pool can take off a lot of health. Mind you, you can hear the damn thing from miles away, and most of the guns will take her down long before she gets into range, so...
  5. Depends on the game. My main pokémon game, I will play as male, but to help differentiate it from my second game, I will play as the female character. That way, I don't get loopy after a day of playing and accidentally do something bad to my main game. Left 4 Dead games, I go random. Always random. That way, no one complains about "I had that character picked". You hit random, people can choose first. Besides, it's not like there's any pros or cons with the different characters. Most other games I play, there is no option to create a character or choose a gender.
  6. Yeah, happened a few times to me. It also reset to expert when we went to the next level. Also, where are people getting all these ammo packs and incendiary rounds in the demo? You can spawn one in with cheats, but it's supposed to show up naturally.
  7. I can only hope that there is some sort of mod later where you can have dual magnums; yes, it would be totally unbalanced, but FUCK YEAH, MAGNUMS!
  8. Well, L4D2 only has one daytime campaign, so...
  9. You think it might not be the engine, so much as it it that the 360 is still running the same hardware it had when it launched four years ago? The engine scales down depending upon the hardware. PCs are running far superior gear and it looks fucking great. Again, four year old hardware, PCs running better gear... honestly, it sounds more like you have a shitty connection and "obsolete" hardware than anything else.Maybe it's time you got a new computer? You can get a pretty decent gaming rig for less than $800 these days.
  10. Oh, in case no one saw it yet, you can now pre-load the full game if you've bought it already. Be patient, though, as there seems to be a lot of people hammering the Steam servers for it. I had to try about five times to get a connection, and it's taking forever to download. Still have to wait another week and a bit to play, of course... So, I think the Magnum and the new sniper rifle are going to be my new standards. The magnum is rather powerful for a handgun, and the rifle is just... it's far better than the old rifle. Bigger clip (30 rounds as opposed to the hunting rifle's 15), better aim while running (the old hunting rifle had terrible accuracy while moving) and it seems just as powerful. I shot a hunter through a wall and killed it in two shots, so we know it as the penetrating power that the hunting rifle has.
  11. Oh atmuh, you do me so right some times.
  12. OK you know what? Some of these guys have to be cheating or something. I'm watching guys get perfect headshots all the time, and grenades not doing anything at all. EMP grenades are hitting them dead on and they keep flying around like nothing happened. If your suit is off, you can't aim worth shit, but these guys are pulling off stuff that can only be explained by aimbots or continuous, consistant good luck. This is fucking retarded. It's a great concept ruined by iffy hit detection and random, blatant cheating. They have to fix some of this in the future. Put measures to stop aimbots at least.
  13. Really? That's it? Still doesn't explain some of the random hits and misses though. Oh well. Thank god. Yeah, I know that, but still, it seems kind of odd to fire ten rounds in sniper mode, but single rounds in normal mode. Not obvious, it should have been included in some sort of message.Actually, this game needs a tutorial or something, maybe even some single-player, just to teach people this stuff.
  14. Sometime ago in another thread about games, I just made up a new game about an FPS in space with zero-G and realistic physics and all that. I had no idea that game companies were following my posts here, and making games based upon them. OK, so now that I've played it, it's very much like Descent, but with a lot less weapons and shields. Damage seems to alternate between really high and completely non-existent depending upon the moment; I've seen guys get dozens of head shots from the other side of the map, but then you can have two guys only twenty feet away from each other, pumping bullets into each other, and then they both fly off and they haven't done any damage at all. You can see the sparks and effects from the fight, but they both fly away with only moderate damage. Then you'll have two guys go at it, and even though they both completely empty clips on each other, one guy takes next to nothing while the other gets completely raped. It's like all damage is somehow randomized in close combat. And no, I'm not just whining after getting killed. I've mauled a guy and taken no damage just as many times as he did it to me. Setting roll to the right mouse button is completely unintuitive. Setting it to a keyboard button (or better yet, two, one for each way) would make it quicker and easier to control. Sniping seems very odd. For some reason, instead of one shot, I fire off ten with one click of the mouse button. But I could swear I've seen guys sniping with one shot. It may be my imagination, but I saw it. One thing I would really like then to address is when you are walking on an asteroid, and you start walking on a curved section, make it so you still walk, and not jump off and go into space. It's a real pain trying to get around a rock to gain cover or a good spot, only to suddenly disengage your boots and float away, often into the fire or grenades of the enemy players. If Mario can do it, then I see no reason why space soldiers shouldn't.
  15. He's 21 now, so that makes him OLD AS DIRT. Also, why do you type your NAME IN ALL CAPS? Is old age CREEPING UP ON YOU? Happy birthday.
  16. Yeah, it's fake. Someone just dropped the L4D1 character models in and took a screenshot. But you were thinking about it, weren't you?
  17. http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4940/park01.jpg http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/7717/park02.jpg Hmmmm...
  18. OK then, how was Golden Sun "shallow, dull, and unmemorable", without resorting to generalized statements? Go on, let's hear it.
  19. "Hey guys, I never actually finished Golden Sun because the puzzles confused the hell out of me, but I can kind of make up for it by saying the game is crap, so it's all good in the end, right? Right."
  20. Nothing. It's just that everyone here hates pokémon stuff. HATES IT. Or it's simply that no one has any interest in doing it right now. There are a lot of projects going, and the local talent pool is kind of dried up at the moment. Also, people have to want to do a remix, and if they aren't in the mood, there's nothing that can be done about it.
  21. I like how it is dedicated to me, even though I'm not really much of a Castlevania fan. ... What do you mean, it's not dedicated to me? My name is in the god damned title! It's a nice little album. Some interesting bits here and there.
  22. http://poke.prxbx.com/forums/index.php?topic=377.0 Go vote, for fuck's sake.
  23. Lets hear this remix first, then we'll see if it deserves to get on the list.
  24. Well, they already have eight characters from both games, and people would love to have the old crew around. Nick could hit on Zoey, Francis and Coach could stare each other down (one being a rebel and the other an authority type), Louis could hang out with some other black people, and Bill and Ellis could compare boring stories with each other. Rochelle? No one gives a fuck about Rochelle.
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