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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Surely, you can use it as a base, and then convert it.(please, please PLEASE, someone follow through on the joke)
  2. Found it: http://www.nobuouematsu.com/sheet/combo/ff6_locke.zip For piano and flute.
  3. Fake game confirmed... as viral marketing for Dante's Inferno. http://www.joystiq.com/2009/11/20/pre-order-mass-we-pray-for-free-dantes-inferno-trailer/ Looks like some of us got suckered by advertising.
  4. BAH! My various achievements are gone! I have to redo all the campaigns and some of the item specific ones over again. Fuck you, whatever does that!
  5. You guys have stood in front of the microphones at the end of Dark Carnival, right? Coach got soul.
  6. You don't. You have to choose from the supplied ones, or not at all. As for pokémon remixes... I think there's something in the works right now. If you mean the actual original music... youtube?
  7. Clefairy! I have a Moon Stone for you!

    Wait, are we allowed to make terrible game-specific puns and jokes here?

  8. What the fuck? That's MY PHONE NUMBER!
  9. Really? You have to ask? I would think it's pretty obvious. But just in case, yeah, it's fake. Fake as the faking fake that faked some fake thing.
  10. Not a theft of music, but at least the guy could mention the song. Uses chthonic's Super Mario 64 Fleeting Ecstasy remix. Someone with Youtube posting permissions may want to post that info in case people start thinking it's his. Preemptive measures and all that. I would... but I'm not allowed to post on Youtube.
  11. Heeeey... it didn't unlock. I knew it. I said it was going to be late for some reason, and here we are. Now for someone to post the usual "Valve Time" thing and off we go.
  12. I'm hovering around a 7.5 now, maybe a 6.5? But really, he shouldn't have to (even half-jokingly) worry about people complaining that he doesn't like Japanese language music. I find a lot of the people that do are exactly that: Japanophiles that refuse to think that maybe, just maybe, people don't like Japanese stuff. God help you if they think you're even a bit against Glorious Nippon and its many wonderful things.
  13. Anyone that does is a Japanofag and can shut it. Language is not the deciding factor of if you enjoy it or not.
  14. Plus vehicles... I call dibs on driver seat for the Goliath. That was fun. Old, kind of rough and maybe a little laggier than I would like, but god damn, we had some good matches there. Though,I am still convinced that Bahamut/Bardic (can't recall which one at the moment) cheated on the assault level with the train. CHEATED, I SAYS! Using the rooftops is evil. Also, I hope that I proved my snipernessity on Facing Worlds and Rook. Did you see the scores at the end? I was up there, man. How about a game not about quick kills and rapid-fire shots, but of slow, methodical tactics and planning... namely, Homeworld. Specifically, Cataclysm. It's much more user-friendly and a good game can go for either a few minutes or a few hours.
  15. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31016 For proof, see any of the following: http://www.google.ca/search?q=cameliatran&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  16. Fuck yeah,it's installed and working fine. And it's just like I remembered it.
  17. I don't see how this is a big deal. I don't even see how this is even worth making a topic about. I mean, really who stills plays Final Fantasy? Final, my ass. They've been final for the last twenty years, if it's so final, then stop making it over and over with nothing changed between each one. It's all the same thing, over and over again and why are you people paying for this? It's like those stupid football games that are the same every year, but they take ten times as long because all the shitty emofag characters are busy talking about emofag shit over and over again. Big swords, spikey hair, emoting over something gay and then the eight minute long attack that never works. Fucking japanime emofaggery bullshit, that's all it is. (Too subtle?)
  18. No. It wouldn't. I haven't played it in years. Hell, my flightstick probably doesn't even work any more, and I had a hard time using just the joyboard back then. But I do miss the old Descent games. I think there's a newer build of Descent 2 out there, compatible with newer OSs and hardware. But I haven't heard anything about it in a long time.
  19. Significant addendum: You know the top of the scaffolding at the end of teh second level on the demo? The framework on the outside, specifically. On a game just a while ago, I was standing on the framework, not the deck, and a Spitter shot at me. The goo hit the deck, and I was surrounded by the acid. But I took no damage from it, because that slight height increase was enough to keep me out of it. So there may be some instances where a very slight ledge or other height difference will negate any Spitter attack. Watch for corners and walls with small ledges in future games.
  20. Ooh... that is tempting. I used to play a lot until I kept getting kicked for using the sniper rifle. It wasn't against any rules or anything; I just used in for close range. Like, five feet away. I aimed high and almost always got headshots. People got bitchy when you kill them with full shields and extra health in two shots. Mind you, the flak cannon did the same thing, and no one complained about it... Shit, I think I still have my old discs around here somewhere.
  21. It seems to have stalled or something right when I checked out the body. Hmmm. I hope the DS version doesn't do that.
  22. You know there's a Mega Man 9 remix album in the works, right?
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