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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I have to say that the composition is fine, but those instruments need some serious working. It sounds very flat and synthy (it is too a word, shut up). If you're interested in piano composition, I'd ask pu_freak about how he goes about it. He's done some wonderful stuff for us, and he's pretty good with not only getting natural sounding tunes, but the way he manipulates the melody is pretty cool as well. As for joining the project, sorry, but no. Too many times I let people in and then had to extend the deadline again. That does not, however, mean you can't still submit this when it's finished to the judges here. Go for it!
  2. Oh, booooooooo. That was terrible. I hope the UN arrests you for weapons-grade pun use.
  3. So, is it still terribly cringe-inducing like all the previous years? You know, like hearing your really old, out-of-date relatives talking about GameBoys and Ataris and that Maria Brothers game they played back in the 90s?
  4. I just read your sig. I did, indeed, laugh, maybe even enough for someone else to hear.

  5. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31420 Because he just signed up for a lot of sites all at once.
  6. He happens to be turning 25. That's only a half decade before being old. Time to hitch up your pants around your chest and start telling kids to get off your lawn, dangnabit!
  7. You just reminded me of an awesome story from when I was younger. I went to Bioware's office years ago, when I was trying to get into this local college. Part of the pre-entry thing was researching your future career path (I wanted to make video games... who didn't at that age?), and interview people that were doing that line of work. My cousin was (at the time) dating one of the writers there, and she managed to get him to get me a meeting with the head honchos. I got to see a GBA before it came out, even in Japan (they had one with a demo cart), I got to see them working on an original X-Box dev kit (they were trying to make fur on something work, but it came out all spikey), and I was given a tour, and got to see some early stuff they were working on (which I think was Knights of the Old Republic, though it was so basic and long ago that I can't be sure...), and finally, they gave me some free stuff. That stuff included MDK2 for the PC. I still have it. Autographed, too. I miss their old office on Whyte Ave. It was cool and right above a Chapters, so you could stalk them all day while reading comics.
  8. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31400 While not a spambot, he is definitely a spammer. Checking out the other various places he's on, his entire posting history consists of "hey, check out my site at blah blah..." and "hey, I got a new CD out at blah blah..." So yes, he is a spammer, just a human one for once.
  9. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31386 http://www.google.ca/search?q=codylongworth&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  10. I loved the Pokémon RBY "item acquired" jingle at the end when he got the new power-up.
  11. I don't know... my own experiences with Versus this time is quite the opposite. I find the new scoring system to be kind of broken. In L4D1, the idea was that the Survivor team wasn't really supposed to make it to the safe room, so it became a matter of how much better you could do than the other team. In actuality, it wasn't exactly like that, but you still got to have massive gaps and very close games. In L4D2, it seems like scores are arbitrary, because both teams will make it to the safe room, but one will get a massive bonus, even though the total amount of Infected damage done is the same for each side. Maybe it's just a bug in the score system, but I've seen some outright bullshit in points. Also, most of the time, both teams will make it to the safe room perfectly fine, negating all the effort you put into attacking them. It feels like there's no reason to really even bother attacking now. It feels very unpolished and I can't seem to get into it.
  12. No, no, no... you're supposed to be pissed off because they released another game, and there is a sheep-themed robot. Also, it's coming out on the vastly inferior Wii, and not the vastly superior [other system name(s)], why is Capcom doing this to your beloved franchise, and finally, you're all fanboys for liking/hating Mega Man games. There, no that that's all been covered. I never actually finished MM9. Maybe I should go take another shot at it.
  13. The pattern is much more consistent this time. Definitely better.
  14. I just realized that the "pu" in your name could be pronounced as "poo" so that makes you "poo freak". All this time I've been saying it as "pee-you-freak".

    Also, haa haa, you're another year closer to old age and death.

  15. I'm used to trying to run with guys like this, this, this and this, which tends to force you to be more critical of your own and others work. It wasn't being harsh with him, but honest and forthright. In the end, he decided to improve upon it and he came out with a better piece of work for it. It's like all the musicians here not really giving any honest comments about each others work: "Hey, awesome, I love it!... (it's actually terrible, but I don't want to hurt his/her feelings)". I remember that. Did we ever save any pics of that huge house I built on top of the dresser? It took me an hour to make that, and I still wasn't done by the end. And yes, where is Silverwolf these days?
  16. Yeah, I guess it wasn't too obvious a joke, but I though I'd give it a try. So, Metroid battle scene on the top? That sunken part where the fan is would be perfect for putting Ridley in. Have him face to face with Samus.
  17. Hey Prophet. You put together computer hardware, right? And I can put together LEGO structural frames, so... Collab?
  18. Yes. (I figured a short answer would be approriate for such a long post.)
  19. The colors are still kind of "eek" but the overall structure looks much more organized. The best part is, you can still put a little activity on the top, like your first version. Might I recommend a Metroid theme, with a Samus Aran mini-fig fighting Ridely? There are quite a few dragon and dinosaur parts you could use.
  20. It's OK, I guess... I know it's made out of old random parts, but the rainbow warrior effect is kind of strong here. Sorry, but it's really off-putting. Now this is a LEGO computer case, or if you prefer, there's this nice little building-styled one. Me? If I was to go for a LEGO computer case, Technic frames would be the way. Totally customizable, capable of holding pounds of weight per beam, and completely compatible with all other pieces, so I could make it anything I want. If only I knew enough about putting computer parts together...
  21. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/left-4-hawp/59505 Go to 1:15 and watch "How to play Left 4 Friends". Go ahead. Watched it? Good. I DEMAND WE PLAY THIS. We have to. It's so perfect for how most of us play anyways. It will only turn into perfectly hilarious games.
  22. Uh... take it off the iPod and put it back on your hard drive?
  23. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31252 http://www.google.ca/search?q=dimplesingh1974&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
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