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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Occasionally. I always thought it had to do with Firefox fucking up how the page is loaded or something. Often, I'd just hit F5 and it would go back to normal.
  2. EVIL SIGHTING, CONFIRMED. 'sup, EH? I can understand the novelty of owning an old system, but why bother? Unless you have a large enough collection of still working carts, it's pretty much pointless.
  3. Yes, Magic Knight RayEarth had some nice music, but I doubt you will see any of it here. You see, the music used in the games is based upon the music made for the anime. If you will check the Submission Standards and Instructions, in section 3, it states: So, sorry, but none of the RayEarth music will ever appear on OCR. You may want to check out Anime Remix, though. I think the had a few RayEarth songs there.
  4. I don't use Internet Explorer, so I don't know if it works there or not. The thing is, if it works in Firefox, it should work in IE. I did check Adblock first, but it doesn't list it as being blocked. It loads up the player, but the player just sits there, doing nothing. No buttons to press, no menu or anything.
  5. OK, so more and more sites seem to be using these videos as an alternative to Youtube... for some reason. For instance, Destructoid uses them a lot now, which is a bit of a problem for me, as the damn videos never load or play for me. First off, let me state that I have updated everything that could be the problem. Firefox, Flash, video card drivers, sound card drivers, Windows components, everything. I've Googled for help, and found nothing but marketing packages for the service. I've looked on their forums and got nothing. Everything Tubemogul has is pretty much "how awesome are we for doing this?" I've even gone so far as to send them an email asking about support and help for this, but I have yet to hear back from them. If their support is anything like their FAQ, I expect a form letter made up of "isn't this awesome!?" statements. So, with no other resource to mine, I ask if any of you have any ideas as to why I can not et a simple flash video to play, even though YouTube and the other various flash video players from other sites still work fine.
  6. Glasses couple! Quick, everyone get them cleaner and those little cleaning clothes! So, are we all invited, or can we just come by for the cake?
  7. I don't see how at this moment, but OK! I don't think anyone deserves to have a personal visit from Nekofrog. That's like whipping out a pair of handguns to deal with something at a flyswatter would be good enough for.
  8. So, it's like rotary Tetris, but outwards to the edges of the screen. Nice, subtle music.
  9. You know what? If stealing entire albums to make himself look good, and then getting caught is going to drive him to the edge, then he is obviously fucked-up enough that anything will be the last straw. People like that are why there are suicide prevention lines, support groups, and this thing called "family", where people you know for a long time look at you and think that something is wrong. If he has any balls, he'd admit he was wrong, clear out all of Skrypnyk's stuff and start making his own original stuff. Anything other than that is his personal issues, and not our problem. EDIT: Checking out his other YouTube videos, he claims the following as from his album: Can you confirm as yours, Skrypnyk?
  10. It's not a matter of "not allowed" so much as it is "no one is interested". Even if the games have completely original music, someone still has to have a desire to remix it. Sadly, some games just never get any remixes.
  11. OK, everyone go to his myspace page and comment on how close all those songs sound to someone else's music, and then count how long it takes for him to shut it all down. I can see one guy doing one or two songs... but an entire "album" stolen from one person? I say we make an example out of him.
  12. http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Nintendo_Power_reveals_American_Arceus_event_dates So... anyone in he states want to grab a couple extra ones for us? I could totally go for an Arceus.
  13. Wait a second... isn't paying for this music kind of against the rules? I don't mean OCR, but, you know, the law? He doesn't own the rights to it, and I don't see anything that says he was given permission to sell the music he doesn't own the rights to. Isn't this the very example of copyright infringement? I know that we don't sell any music, because it's a legal issue. So why is this guy selling it, and why are people willing to help him profit from music that isn't his? I might be missing some legal loophole or something; if I am, please correct me.
  14. Fix'd. It's... 90%-ish? Only a few more remixes, and then the website.
  15. Sorry, there is no National Park remix on the Missingno Tracks. It's a nice, slightly haunting melody, though. I'd recommend hitting up the Heart Gold/Soul Silver version, it's a rather nice remix. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFc2q6hk770
  16. I'm only joking, DA. Only joking. I'd suggest whipping someone. I'd volunteer, but my probation officer says I have to stay away from that sort of thing for the next while. The parole board is made up of old prudes, and the whole "likes to be whipped" thing kind of makes it hard for early parole.
  17. Alberta. Think Texas, but way less guns and conservative everything. Oil, cattle, prairies, that sort of thing. And Deia can keep my balls. I have more due to an unfortunate medical condition...
  18. Fuck you all, projects canceled. HAA! Take that!
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Final_Fantasy_media ?
  20. And you never will. Fake Wings was made originally for the anime, and OCR only accepts remixes from original game music. I will assume that you have used Google a fair bit, so I will concentrate on the other solutions. "Making it" is a simple matter of identifying the notes or finding sheet music for it, and then playing it on the instrument(s) of your choice. As for removing the lyrics yourself, I have heard that you can use the two stereo channels to remove the lyrics, but it's not exactly perfect, and often leaves some of the vocals muted but intact.
  21. I got a message over Steam from another player I know, and it read like he was drunk or suddenly lost his ability to type normally. Basically it was "sup, have u tried the Left 4 Dead beta yet? here's a link!" and then said link. For the sake of warning people, here it is, but don't bother with it: http://www.nvidiaoffer.net.tc/ If you get it, it takes you to a site that looks just like the Steam Community page, but the address is actually the same as the above link. They want you to put in your account name and password, so it's a typical phishing scheme. Just a heads up to anyone that might be a little lax or excited to be offered a beta spot in a game that is actually well past the beta stage.
  22. Wow, he really didn't like that one, did he? Also, I had no idea that Wet even came out, let alone was finished. All I can recall is something about it being made and that was some undefinable time ago. A month, a year, I can't tell, but I always had this idea about it being in development and not ready for release anytime soon.
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