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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Sure, but you have to name it "Duke Nukem Forever In Our Hearts" with the coverart being Duke Nukem ripping a guys chest apart with his bare hands, squishing his heart in front of him. And it has to be done in epic 80s van art. Fuck yeah, I'd pay for that as a poster.
  2. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31247 http://www.google.ca/search?q=davecarman999&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  3. War of Darkness, or Darkness of War? WarDark? Warness of Dark? Dark Warness? Dark War! Wow, I think I just made titles for the next few EA games. Expect them out for Summer 2011!
  4. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31217 ? They posted in a topic, and were kind of relevant... but not really. The link in the sig goes to some blog fluff piece about nothing.
  5. You forgot Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, and Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Last I heard, they were considered "mainstream" games (by which I think you mean "main series"). To answer you question, if you remove the remakes and their music, but include music made exclusively for the third versions (Yellow, Crystal, Emerald and Platinum), we get roughly 415 songs. Now, we could cut that down a bit by removing some songs that carry the same melody (like the Gym Leader theme that is used across the series) and the various chimes and event tunes (barely even six notes, if that), we still get well over 350 songs. Now, as much as I like to do the entire series to date, I thin that would be a never-ending task, and I think the talent drain is bad enough. Besides, we have a nice sampling of each generation, and I think it works. Maybe in the future, if this album is popular enough... a sequel album? "The Missingno Tracks: Special Pikablu Edition"? What exactly do you mean by "perfecting the product"? We are taking music from GameBoy, GameBoy Advance and DS games, and redoing them into vocals pieces, piano solos, psychedelic mindtrips, and punk/ska rock-outs, using everything from saxophones to DragonAvenger's voice. If that meets your definition of "perfecting", then there you go. As for the idea of cashing in, a new game always gets the fan community excited. This way, we get more attention, which means more downloads and torrent use, which means more people listen to the music we put all this effort and time into. Besides, it's not like we're aiming for the exact same day. I would love to get at least two to four weeks before. If they both came out on the same day, everyone would be busy playing the game to even bother with this album. We'd put it out and no one would bother looking it up. That would make us a bunch of sad pandas.
  6. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31210 http://www.google.ca/search?q=fredwilkins869&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  7. Oh please, you guys are the lowest on the shit list. If anything, it's Hitler's fault.
  8. DJ Crono, SirChadlyOC, and Lord Obsidious! Commence salutations.
  9. Incredibly secret. Except for any OCR judges that want to see what's going down... they can come in and rip everything apart. Another Soundscape and Fishy are judges, and they got remixes... so why don't they tell everyone else about how awesome our stuff is? Seriously, any and all judges are welcome to come by and see what we got so far. Comments, rant, destroy our souls... go for it. Just say so.
  10. OK, I just realized that while we kind of hang out on the project forums a bit, I ahven't touched this thread in a while. So, basically, we have 18 completed remixes, which quite a bit more than my original minimum number, and I love all of them. We also have a lot of good artwork for the site and the CD cover. Thanks to our artists again. The basic layout of the website is done, and the overall design is good. Mostly, it's just laying out the different parts and hosting it. The final part of the whole thing is a release date. If Nintendo would get off their asses and post a release date for Heart Gold and Soul Silver in North America, we could release before it to cash in on the hype. There. The reason why it's not out yet is Nintendo's fault. Blame them for everything.
  11. You mean, like, stickers? That could be cool. Slap some stickers with the website address on some stuff, like bus stops and people's faces. Fuck yeah, people's faces.
  12. Well, my achievements seem to be staying, so I guess I'm back in the game. By the way, you just lost the game.
  13. Atmuh is just that bad. He shot his teammates so much, it started counting negative health, and it went from there. No, it's just Steam being stupid.
  14. What the fuck? Now they're back? Make up your mind, Steam.
  15. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198002523609/stats/L4D2?tab=achievements THEY'RE ALL GONE AGAIN! Five times now! What the fuck?
  16. I did it. It was taken away. How is that not being denied?
  17. Wow, some minor rage over a personal opinion about a game feature... Damn right. I earned those achievements by playing, be it with random people or trying to guide the idiot bots around. You try to get Gnome Chompski to the helicopter with three bots fucking everything up along the way. Oh, and once you die in single player, even if the other bots are still perfectly fine, you have to restart the level. It's easier to get it online, but you have to find some people that are willing to do it first, and then hope they remember you're trying to get it. I've had guys leave it behind on the last level because they simply forgot I as trying to get it. It's the fact that I did do it, and I have to do it again and again, only to see the very accomplishment denied over and over. It's like when you finish your job, only to come back the next morning and be told that they can't find all the paperwork you did, so better get at it again. But it happens four times in the last two weeks. Skipping the whole firing thing for a moment, wouldn't you feel kind of annoyed about that? Again, it's because I earned them by effort, time devoted, skill applied (and luck used up ), only to have it arbitrarily negated. I don't know what you mean by "that's how some people are"... I'm not sitting at home all day stressing out over every last little thing about the game. I really hope you're not trying to lump me into some sort of group of some kind. See above comments for why I'm not happy with this issue. Again, for the last time (I swear), it's not bragging rights, it's that I've had my effort nulled and voided randomly by a faulty system. That's my problem with the game. I'm not really one ofr 100% completion, but I do like to see what I can do on my own (or with group cooperation). I have a number of ones on L4D1 that I know I'm never going to get, and I'm not bothered by that at all. They're outside my ability or my patience to get, so whatever.
  18. It didn't look like a title to me, seeing how it's not capitalized like a title usually is. Not to mention that he didn't specifically mention it as a specific song.
  19. No, it's like having a three layer cake. Now take one of the layers away. That's what it's like. You're missing part of the whole thing, and it's lesser than what you would like. And I swear, if one of you even begins to say anything about cakes and lies, I'm going to firebomb your house(s).
  20. Holy shit! Atmuh used capitalization!
  21. How old? Old enough! Damn, that would have been a lot funnier if you turned 21 instead of 27. Oh well. Happy birthday anyways.
  22. The same stuff that they have now, only moved up to the more expensive tier? I mean, they could just shift things around a bit, and boom, there's your premium content, there's your mid-level content, and there's your low-end content. The best part is they can now charge more the same stuff!
  23. Grrrr, my achievements have been reset AGAIN. Four times now! Four times! I'm not bothering with this game until they fucking fix it. They add these little extra challenges, and they're fun trying to get. But where's the fun when you have to do them over and over again, only to see your accomplishments disappear every two days? Fuck this. Playing the game is fun, but getting those little extra bits is also fun. When a significant part of the fun disappears all the time, it's not a game, it's a fucking chore.
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