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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Nah, that will be my next project, dedicated entirely to obscure GameBoy games. But only if I die on schedule, alright? Actually, I said no to using his Crystal remix, because it was already accepted. Also, I was at the point where I was thinking that new remixers would bog us down with waiting. I'm happy to see that was not the case. So shut up.
  2. Once again, we see how boycotts don't work. Just like on-line petitions. God, on-line petitions just... wow, how can anyone believe that they will work is beyond me. Boycotts, I can see having a slightly better chance of working, because there is technically money involved, but really, has a boycott ever worked?
  3. Maybe. Maybe I like it when women try to kill me. It's kind of a rush, really. Like running away from a vicious animal trying to eat you. Or throwing a bottle at someone at a bar... It's all about the rush. Actually it's sort of a running joke we have, where DA was the one I was all in favor of doing stuff, but the hold-up on Brand New Day was getting held back due to recording issues, and then Protodome came in. Remember how I was all "you're doing all this great work"? The joke carries on from there. I'm fairly certain she's not really going to take it seriously... Mostly sure. Somewhat sure. Fuck, I'm dead, aren't I?
  4. Whoa, there. That was just me commenting on what other Terga-based systems. I think it will be more 3D than the DS, and maybe some GPS-y things... like, play a game that uses your location as data for what happens in the game, maybe? OK, let the random speculation begin!
  5. Haa haa, the boycott is dead. Mind you, it was pretty much dead on arrival, but whatever. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/L4D2boycott/announcements/detail/91356134662203323 Stupid boycott tries to claim success after being shown how wrong they were. Interesting.
  6. Mind you, Sony has more versions of the PSP than Nintendo has of the DS. Just saying. I recall an nVidia prototype PMP that used a Terga chip and a camera to do augmented reality gaming from a few months ago. I wish I could remember the name of it, but basically, it had a game where you pointed the camera at a tabletop with a certain shape on it, and it generated a moving, 3D city with buildings. As you bobbed up and down, leaned over and moved around the table, the view on your screen would alter your view of the city. You played as a gunner on a helicopter, and you pressed a button to shoot zombies on the streets below. It was an interesting use of camera and video overlays. I wonder if we will see something like this from Nintendo. There's already a DSi game called Ghostwire, that uses the camera to put images of ghosts of the screen, so it's not too unlikely to see more of that in the future.
  7. http://www.develop-online.net/news/33055/New-Nintendo-DS-powered-by-Nvidia Really, a Terga chipset for the next DS/GameBoy/whatever? And it's expected for 2010? I know, "rumors, lol", but still, it's about the right amount of time, and the march towards new hardware is never-ending. I guess we'll find out in about a year...
  8. Yeah, so that interview I did? It finally came out. One thing: it's "Gerry", not "Jerry". Stupid Seinfeld... Enjoy!
  9. I mentioned it about three pages ago, and no one said anything... I think it got lost in the random talk of plug-ins and mod abuse and such. Again, I think that is the sort of thing that would get me to play TF2 more
  10. No, we should boycott the first one! That will teach Valve to... whatever it is we're boycotting them for! BOYCOTT!
  11. New achievements for Left4Dead 2 have been posted, courtesy of the X-Box 360 Achievements site. While these re for the 360 version, they will almost certainly be identical for the PC version. http://www.xbox360achievements.org/game/left-4-dead-2/achievements/ New weapons mentioned include a "bile bomb", which when you think about the "Robbed Zombie" one (collect 10 vials of Boomer vomit from infected CEDA agents you have killed), I think you use these vials to create a bomb that attracts common infected towards a special infected. Boomer turnabout? And then there are the ones about using a defibrillator. I haven't heard of that yet... it seems you maybe able to use an item to get a recently killed survivor back to live. I'm thinking this won't be in Versus, though.
  12. I request that this topic be retitled as Sandimation. Also, the subject was before, during and after WW2, as seen through the eyes of the people and the loss they experienced. My god, I'm a turkey-stuffed Canadian who plays zombies games all day, and even I knew that.
  13. Did anyone see this week's Destructoid Weekend Destructainment? Might want to go check, just in case. Hint: seventh video from the top.
  14. wha? I don t even... yu crazy talk now, i not realy undrstain wat yuo saiding. No, seriously, get that server up and running again, we're going to need it. I like the pokémon games too, but even I play other things occasionally. Get to it.
  15. "I want a chocolate cake, but I don't want to make it myself, because I only do angel's food. Someone else make a chocolate cake for me. If you don't, I'm going to ask you every day until you do."
  16. But you are spamming. Every time you needlessly bump a post, you're spamming. Spamming isn't just advertising some random shit, it's also the act of posting nothing useful or significant. If you really, really, really want some Castle Crasher remixes, you could always try to start up a project.
  17. Hey, not really into TF2 much, but this looks like it might be fun. I didn't see any mention of it in the last few pages,so if you're going to get all "old" on me, here's a preemptive "fuck you". http://www.destructoid.com/this-tf2-hide-and-seek-mod-is-the-highlight-of-my-week-151384.phtml#ext Might be the sort of thing to get me into playing TF2 more. Any of you guys interested?
  18. If I win the lotto tomorrow, I will gift you a few copies. To whomever it is that is logged in as Ashamee.
  19. Oh fuck you, now it's coming out in 2015! POST AWAY! Nah, I was hoping to coincide with the next games coming out, but we may very well be done before then. I guess it depends upon the schedule for the other projects that are next.
  20. Yeah, and then after constantly bumping it, some random mod is going to get annoyed with it and then poof! It's locked.
  21. Look, bumping it every day or so isn't going to change the fact that no one seems to be interested. My advice is to copy that list of youtube links, and then try again in a few weeks. That way, it won't look so bad, bumping it over and over again. A fresh topic with a bunch of source material linked in it will go a lot further than a thread without any links, being bumped daily.
  22. Has anyone noticed on Crash Course, that Tanks don't seem to spawn outside of the finale? I've played at least twelve versus matches in the last few days, and I have not seen a tank once. How the fuck are you supposed to get the new achievement for hitting people with a car if you never become the tank? Maybe they should have applied it to the other maps as well, at least that way, you could have a chance at it.
  23. http://www.destructoid.com/-scavenge-multiplayer-mode-in-left-4-dead-2-revealed-151332.phtml Sounds kind of like an idea I had after the first one came out, namely where you had to carry a propane tank to the end of a level, to light a barbecue... for some reason. I think it was a joke mod or something. Maybe we can get my dream achievement; Gas Can Man. Kill 1000 zombies by meleeing them with a gas can. Man, now I wonder what the new ones will be like.
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