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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. My new achievements aren't saving! I got three of them, twice last night and once this morning, and none of them are saved! The new achievements are broken or something. Seriously, I've completed Crash Course four times now, and it still says I haven't gotten it, even though the game announced that I did each time. I also have the Quick Power and Tank Stumble ones as well, but they aren't being saved to my account's list. Great. Just great. Also, Crash Course has more guns, ammo piles, gas cans and propane and bombs than any of the other campaigns. There are times when we get tier 2 guns and go around a corner, only to find another set of tier 2 guns not even twenty feet away. I think they forgot to reduce the number of item spawns when they shrunk it down to two maps.
  2. Interview done. Not as many questions as I would hope, but that's OK, because I got to swear for no reason.
  3. Yeah, I got that one today, as well as the "blow up a propane tank on the Tank" one. Too bad the crew I was with were fucking idiots... Come on, new map or not, having to restart three times because you can't even do the basics... they had to be newer players. I'd like to start working on the Infected achievements soon. We should all hit up a Versus game together.
  4. No, I just like shooting the fuck out of zombies.
  5. Meanwhile, here I am playing it at least three or so hours a day for the last week or so. And I'm enjoying it still.
  6. I wouldn't know, seeing as how all the L4D servers are at some sort of maximum capacity or something, because shit is either slow as hell, or it's not loading at all. Did you see the new achievements? Stuff like incapping all four survivors before they can get to the rescue vehicle, and one for blowing up a propane tank next to a Tank. You know, stuff we have been doing for the last year.
  7. I'm mostly sure it's recorded and edited... I hope. BLIZZARDBEARD!
  8. Tonight, I'm doing the interview with the people at The Pallet Town Tribune. Hope it turns out well, because I have a terrible habit of shouting random words out when I'm nervous. Circumvolution!
  9. Maye if you were to provide a link to said music? Maybe a Youtube video that has a good quality recording of the song in question? You have to realize that not everyone has played it, or even knows what game that is. They may also not know which song in particular you mean. I don't know how many songs there are in Castle Crashers, but saying "remix Castle Crashers" is like saying "remix Final Fantasy 9".
  10. OK, not really, but I thought it looked kind of funny.
  11. Give me a T! Give me a Y! Give me a... uhm... WHAT'S THAT SPELL?
  12. Yeah, the new artwork is kind of... dodgey. Sabrina lost the awesome bodysuit and gloves, the long hair, and that "I'm fucking levitating because I can" feel, and now has a cheap pink one piece blouse, puffed up short hair and some sort of giant bracelets that would make Yugi Moto jealous. You look at any of the other Gym Leader art, and while they have some new clothes, they still look like they did in the last few games. I prefer old Sabrina. She was more confident looking. The new design makes her look like you challenged her at the local bar. EDIT: For comparison, check out the sprite from all four generations: RBGY GSC Fire Red and Leaf Green Heart Gold and Soul Silver (stupid 4 image limit...) That's quite a difference. I think only Blaine took as big a character design change, but you can still tell it's him, even if he is dressed up like a barbershop quartet member. Sabrina looks like a different character altogether.
  13. Agreed. Hey, while you're here (as it were), how about those vocals for DA? She's posting crazy, whacked out shit every day that she doesn't have them. Whacked. Out. Shit.
  14. The Pallet Town Tribune has requested that I participate in an interview with them for their podcast, WTPT Radio. Seeing as how they sent a hand written letter delivered by a squad of ninjas, I of course said "yes, I'd love to, please don't slice me up like a ham". So, sometime between now and... sometime, you will be able to hear my terrible voice on the interwebs, answering questions that people like yourselves would come up with. Hopefully, it will go incredibly well and nothing bad will happen in any way or form.
  15. Left 4 Dead 2 demo is out in October! http://www.destructoid.com/tgs-09-left-4-dead-2-demo-coming-october-27-149575.phtml And that new DLC for Left 4 Dead? that's next week. http://www.destructoid.com/left-4-dead-crash-course-dlc-coming-september-29-149580.phtml So, I guess I'll be seeing more of you on Steam on Tuesday.
  16. Well , if you looked at the info on the right, you would have seen this: http://tinyurl.com/left4teletubbies Download, install, shoot Teletubbies.
  17. So, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 ended... and they did some sort of bullshit fake-out thing with one of the characters. Man, why are shows still doing that? It's a cheap attempt at drama and pulling at heart strings.
  18. Wow... Someone hates you. I would suggest finding this person and then hitting them with your DS. It's a Nintendo handheld, I think it can deal out some good damage and still work afterwards.
  19. There is one major, glaring flaw in this game. The controls are rather wonky sometimes. I mean, when I want to stand next to the water's edge, I spend more time trying to get out of it than I do playing. I think if they had made the d-pad control the character instead of the camera, it would have made more sense. As it is, the touch screen seems to be very sensitive. I end up running around and have trouble stopping effectively. Also, I'm finding the interface with items to sometimes not respond when it should. Unless there is a setting somewhere to alter or switch the controls, I think this is a huge problem.
  20. He's BGC. That's the way he rolls, bitch. I even tell you about the time he, myself and two randoms completely stomped a "clan"? It was like watching little kids fighting against Marines. True story.
  21. 315-ish for me. It's not the same game every time you play it. Having random people join in and play with you can generate enough variety that it's hardly the same maps over and over, even when it actually is the same maps over and over. If you think about the money you spend on a game, and then the number of hours you spend playing it, you get a ratio. That ratio is what I use to determine the value of a game. If I play it so that the $50 gets me 50 hours, that's a buck an hour. Not very many forms of entertainment (legal or otherwise) get that kind of ratio.
  22. I was almost about to "tl;dr" that, but I did read it, and I must say bravo, BGC, bravo. People are demanding a lot from the series, and that it's a very young one that still has a lot of room to grow into. We haven't really seen what we can expect from it, content-wise or other. So I can't really understand why people are so insistent on getting more from it.
  23. So I counted the games today. 17 games, counting Green in Japan. Of those, 11 are set in Kanto or have Kanto is it. That's 65% of the games. Even if you ignore the remakes, you still get half of them in Kanto. Even if you go so far as to just go by series, like RBY or DPPt, as one game, you again get half. More than half of the series never gets out of Kanto. I have never seen a series to hesitant to move out of mom's place and get its own apartment. Nostalgia, or lazy writing? At this point, I have to seriously wonder.
  24. There's a new topic in Annoucements about possible release dates. Also, if any of the OCR staff would like to come on in and participate and/or see how far we are, and even start to work out a release date, by all means, hit me up via a PM. I think having some of you may help with any issues we have left. And scare the remixers with WIPs into completing them. "Ooooooo, look out! DJP is coming to get you!"
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