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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I've been toying with the idea of waiting until the third "special" edition of the 5th gen games comes out. It will happen eventually, and I have never bought any of the third versions before.
  2. I think it's either mine or Prophet's, really, Both are fairly far along. But he has bLiNd doing a track, whereas I do not. That really has nothing to do with progress, I just wanted to mention how I totally ate Prophet now. That's right, Mr. Mephisto. I wish you harm now... That, or that it's an even tie with the five or so other projects. Really, there are so many going on nowadays, it's hard to keep track of them.
  3. Seriously, why aren't there any wifi events for Diamond and Pearl? I know for a fact that they are WiFi enabled games. And yet, there seems to be some massive engineering problem to be overcome, as Nintendo is obviously incapable at this time to let players with Diamond and Pearl also have these items. Yes, the Secret Key event is useless to us, seeing how it's not an item in the first two games. The Member Card, however, is in Diamond and Pearl, so there's no reason that I can see why we can't get it as well. The only reason I can see is because they want to concentrate solely on those that have bought Platinum. Well thank you very fucking much, Nintendo, for essentially abandoning the people that bought your games. I already have a Darkrai from a trade with someone here, but what about all the people don't didn't score one before?
  4. Nah, f it was a loose connection, then that would mean it's some sort of internal connection, because I put those things on solid. Besides, the same monitor on other stuff doesn't show up. So, any way, I got a GeForce 8400 GS to replace it... because that computer is going to my sister. My new computer has some sort of video card that no one has ever heard of, and carries like a gigabtye of ram and has multiple processors and shit. Problem solved!
  5. Fuck yeah, Super Mario Land. One of my first games, ever.
  6. Maybe this will narrow the diagnosis a bit. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v54/The_Damned/l4dgonecrazy.jpg Left 4 Dead has been doing that a few times lately. It spins around randomly as you move the mouse, almost like a 60s trippy drug thing.
  7. Did you even read anything before posting? We already know it's not the monitor.
  8. You know what I haven't read here yet? How the PS1 ruined hardcore gaming. As you may know, the PS1 moved video games from the almost exclusive domain of children, the more nerdish teens and adults, to the mainstream public. The PS1 opened up a lot of people to the whole thing, including those that would qualify as "jocks" and "the cool kids". What we had was the "hardcore", the ones that spent all night playing SNES or Genesis games, watch as their beloved form of entertainment become corrupted by the mouth-breathing masses of non-gamers. Suddenly, it was ruining the industry with more games aimed at the college students, like sports games and less normal games like that of old. We also needed new technology to expand upon what was considered gaming, since there would be new ideas and new games. This technology allowed for better games through superior hardware, giving us 3D environments and better audio to help immerse the player into the world, even if it's jut a little bit. Waaaaaaaait, this sounds familiar... Ruining gaming? Abandoning the hardcore? The industry moving to cater to the new market? Changes in technology to adapt to the new market? The Wii is just another step along the path. Whether it's a misstep or not, it won't ruin the rest of the journey.
  9. I think... I think he is doing it wrong. Yes. He is doing it wrong.
  10. How do you pronounce that? Esh-a-bone? Esk-a-bon-e?
  11. Well, it's about 35C out here the last while, so even with a relatively cool inside temperature of 25C, it's not that warm. But this afternoon,I turned it the computer on and all the artifacts have disappeared. I'm thinking maybe it's gotten a bit too warm. I've been just putting in in sleep mode over night; I wonder if that's an issue. Looks like I just need to get some better airflow during the hottest part of summer. No need for new cards so far. EDIT: Fucking hell. They just came back after about five minutes of being powered up. Sigh... I wonder if any of the local stores have that card around.
  12. I got home and looked at my screen about an hour ago, and I was shocked to see that my monitor had a dead pixel. "Fuck. Well, it's not exactly a new monitor anymore, it was bound to happen at som... what. The. Fuck." I saw more. About 30 more. I counted and got almost forty dead pixels, all over my screen. Fuck. But here's the weird thing. I decided to deal with it in the morning, and turned my computer off for the night. When it went through the usual shutdown sequence, I saw the pixels were n longer dead. I fact, they all disappeared. That seemed odd, so I turned the computer back on. During the Windows loading screen, I saw new dead pixels... except they weren't dead. They were large, 2x2 dots on the screen. And they flickered on and off a bit during the loading screen. I took a screencap of my desktop, and then pasted it into GIMP. Zooming in on one of the pixels showed that it was on the image, and not the monitor. Scrolling the image made the monitor develop lines up and down where I moved the image. I' guessing that it's actually the video card (it's a GeForce 7900 GT/GTO; kind of old by current standards, but it's been solid and reliable all this time). Any one have any ideas as to what's causing it, and a possible fix? Thank you in advance.
  13. Define casual gaming. Go ahead. In fact, everyone go post your definition. I bet that we'll get a bunch of different ones, ranging from ones based upon number of games played or owned, hours per week played, knowledge of series and/or history, systems owned, and so on and so on. Casual gaming is a buzzword made up by marketing and analyst people. It's a trendy phrase to throw around at meetings and on press releases. It's been used as both a sales pitch, and by the so called "hardcore" as a derogatory term. It's the modern game-centric version of a slur. Honestly, what makes you any more or less of a "gamer" because of what you play or how you play it?
  14. It is your nostalgia. It has this magical ability to completely blind and bias everything you remember. Shitty games existed back in the Atari days, they existed in every generation since then, and they will exist in every generation to come after this one. It's not just the market, it's the entire industry. Nothing to worry about, it's just natural in this world of ours. Get over it, and go find stuff that isn't crap instead. And as for your "concern" about casual gaming ruining anything... god, that's a whole other rant. Short version: no, it isn't ruining anything, and there really is no such thing as "casual" gamers.
  15. Does not compute? That theme was specifically composed for the anime, not the games. But everything else is pretty good. I don't know if you can really call them "remixes" as they seem rather unchanged from the original versions.
  16. Wha? It doesn't say it on the forum page... maybe he's secretly ashamed of his advance age. Don't feel that way, man. Age is natures way of telling us we're outliving our enemies one year at a time. Happy (invisible) birthday!
  17. I hope his first name is Lou. That would be the awesomest name ever! But unless I'm missing something (like he outright stole it), isn't this no different from what pretty much every remixer on this does?
  18. It sucks. Avoid it for now. Seriously, I haven't seen a show go so downhill so fast.
  19. Irresponsible Captain Taylor... even though all the Japanese stuff says it's "Tylor", but whatever. Sometimes old shows you've never seen before are just as good as newer shows you've seen several times.
  20. I came in thinking this was somehow Doctor Who related, and I leave disappointed. It's not your fault. I was just hoping for some sort of Doctor Who remix of some kind.
  21. I would slap you, sir, but I have too much respect for a man that can spew that many fancy words in one sentence and still not convey anything meaningful. My hat is off to you.
  22. FUCKING FUCK FUCK! I JUST PAID $40 FOR EACH ONE OF THEM TEN TO FIFTEEN YEARS AGO! FUCK THIS!! I'M BOYCOTTING THE SERIES! THIS IS BULLSHIT AND so on and so on... Man, it really does sound stupid. Just replace some of "year ago" to "weeks ago" and you have the entire L4D2 boycott in a nutshell.
  23. Yes, you may. Go forth and seed the world of words with my... words. Wordiness. Wordnesity. Fuck, none of that looks right. Just go use it. Halo is the mascot/flagship/exclusive of the exclusives title for the X-Box line. Having it go to another console would be the greatest betrayal of all, more than anything that ever happened before and will happen in the future. Think about how when Final Fantasy 14 was announced for both the PS3 and the 360. The Sony fanboys freaked out. They called for boycotts, online petitions were signed, and Youtube videos were hastily made. Why? Because of the betrayal.
  24. I do. The original Red Faction started out as Descent 4, the lastest game in one of my favorite series. Then they ditched the whole Descent aspect, and turned it into a FPS with no spaceships, mines or robots. They completely ignored the Descent series, after which it fell into obscurity and eventually became one of those "oh yeah, I forgot about that game... what ever happened to it?" series. Thus, I am not happy with Red Faction. I don't hate it, but I am not happy with it.
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