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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Well, duh. But what does that have to do with random match-making for wireless battling?
  2. That is because you are dead inside. Inside what, we leave up to you, the readers. Decide in what way Elex Synn is dead inside, and if we like your answer, you will receive a free Playstation 4, coming out to stores in 2016!
  3. Quiet, you, or I'll hold this project back so far, it will wrap around time itself and be released six years ago. Actually, that may work...
  4. Oh yes... that. Seeing how Soul Silver and Heart Gold are coming out in Spring 2010, I've decided that we will release this album then as well. Maybe a little bit before, so people aren't so busy playing the games that they won't forget the album. Unfortunately, seeing how the current release date for SS/HG is "Spring 2010" that doesn't really narrow it down.
  5. Also, you can use the secret server commands to disconnect and crash the other playe- I mean, there is no command. Shut up. What are you talking about? Who are you?
  6. So, I found a ROM of the game (an no, I'm not telling you where to get it, nor am I keeping it after this little try-out). My impressions thus far are: 1. It's a nice, polished version, like the reviews said. Sadly, much of the newer content is much farther in the game than I am willing to play through, so I can't rally say anything about it. I suspect that the new Safari and Battle Frontier will be comparable to previous renditions, though. 2. The music feels more like they had some of the composers from Camelot (of Golden Sun fame) handle the remade music. More instruments and some more pacing to it. It may just be going up two generations of hardware that does that, but it feels a bit nicer. 3. Graphically, it's not much different than Platinum. Slight (and I mean slight) tweaks here and there are all you will see. The opening credits where you see a 3D Ho-oh at the end? I wish they would get around to doing that for the battles someday. 4. Having all of your menu and options on the touch screen makes more sense. That way, you can access any part of it at one touch, rather than scrolling down the menus. Not that the extra second or two is that big a difference, but it's something you think they would have done with Diamond and Pearl. I guess if you never played any of the original GameBoy and GameBoy Color versions, or if you absolutely think that GSC was the best of the series, than by all means, et this when it's out. If you have only played the GBA versions, specifically Fire Red or Leaf Green, then you will get a good sense of what players from ten years ago felt when we got to see our old stomping grounds again. But I think I will still wait for the 5th generation games to come out. This is a nice remake, but I honestly don't want to dwell in the past so much. Come on, Game Freak, are you going to pull out a remake between every new game now? Am I going to be looking at Sapphire Seas and Ruby Somethingorother for the DSPlus Ultra in a few more years?
  7. I looked on Steam, but I didn't see any links to pre-ordering it there. Am I completely missing it somehow?
  8. Oh my, this thread certainly got... left for dead. Any way, the boycotters just got a huge amount of wind blown out of their sails. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/L4D2boycott/announcements/detail/90227062007438947 The top two bitchers and whiners were flown out, on Valve's dime, to try out the latest build for Left 4 Daed 2, and they liked it. Yeah, they still have "individual concerns", but I suspect this is more "if we gush completely over it, everyone will think we're traitors to the cause!" than anything else. So... take that, boycotters.
  9. Yeah, exactly. Why not celebrate all the other failed systems Sega made? The only reason I can think of that explains this odd behavior is nostalgia, and maybe a hint of fanboyism. Time has moved on, why haven't the fans?
  10. Honestly, why aren't we celebrating all the other dead systems as well? Some of them had better specs, and they still died. I think a lot of people just refuse to let go of the past. And yes, I have played Dreamcast. It wasn't anything awesome back then, either.
  11. I do not understand why people treat the Dreamcast with such praise. It was not the best hardware, it had bad games as well as good (and the proportion was not in favor of the good ones), it was outclassed by the PS2 in almost every way... it's like a creepy cult of people that refuse to look at its glaring bad spots, and focus only on the small amount of good points it had. Sony beat it in the market, had better games, and Sega finally went under after years of terrible marketing and production. Why are people still so in love with it?
  12. Hmm...maybe we can release a Special Edition, with most of the same tracks, throw in one or two others, and then charge $40 for it. Marketing gold! I guess we can throw a few in. Maybe put them hidden somewhere on the website, and on the tracklist, put something like "Track 20: ???", sort of like unlocking the National PokéDex. It's a silly idea, but maybe something like that. I hesitate to use little gimmicks like that, but it might be sort of fun to do. I'm kind of "meh" on the whole idea. Oh, wait. Shiny Version. One will be the shiny version. That way, it's all good.
  13. True, but I always felt having two of the same source was redundant. I have also already turned down other submissions that wanted to do an existing remix in the past, so it wouldn't be fair to them to suddenly change the rules.
  14. Oh dear, we have a slight problem. Willrock and Rozo have posted a Route 1 remix, but Protodome has also posted one as well. Will and Rozo got theirs up first, but not by much. Both are interesting and enjoyable remixes, but axing one over the other arbitrarily is kind of... arbitrary. It's not fair to anyone. So, I guess the fairest and most transparent way is to have everyone else vote on it. Hit up the project forums and have a listen and a vote for the one you think should be carried on with. The other one can still try for an OCR acceptance, seeing how there is now a few Pokémon remixes already.
  15. I always look at his name, and I think, "Drum-Ultima? Dru-Multi-Ma? Drum-Multim-ah?" and then I get sleepy. True story. Oh, and it's his birthday I hear. Birth-Day? Bir-Tha-Day? Bi-Rearthed-Ay?
  16. HEY! There are still remixes that need comments and critiques, so go to the boards and have a look at them
  17. Oh hey, it's this thread again. Did anyone hear about the Famitsu review? 37 out of 40. The reviewers cite it as being being much a polished version of the original, but not a lot of new content. Hmmmm... I wonder when we'll start hearing about gen 5 now.
  18. Protodome's on my project. Just saying. It's an odd, slightly wild mix of a few different parts of the game's music, but it's like a poppy, zippy little run through the melody.
  19. Haa... haa... haa haaaa haaa! You're not serious, right? This is a half-hearted attempt at sarcasm or trolling. It has to be. Damn, it's the good ones that you can't tell right away.
  20. I want songs, so go ahead and grab another. May I suggest a 3rd gen song? Because I want some 3rd gen songs. And I don't mean the remakes.
  21. B and C, and no, that's not middling or whatever, it's pretty much a tie. I spend approximate amounts of time on both, so there is no real choice over the other.
  22. Well, in DPPt, you can download teams from other players and fight them in the Battle Tower... so I don't know if they will ignore that feature, or integrate it into the Trainer House.
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