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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Bad ideas, not failed products. Some of them just happen to be both, that's all.
  2. Virtual Boy says hi. Oh, and look! There's the N64DD. And who's that behind him? Is that... yes, I think it is, it's "the decision to stick with cartridges instead of CDs", and his brother, "Tell Sony to screw off and let them make the Playstation". Hold on, I want to call up GameBoy Micro and see if he's free for a get-together.
  3. Exactly! That's why I'm boycotting Left 4 Dead 1.
  4. Braaaaaaiiins... So, there's a minor update. Crickets are now a melee weapon in L4D2. Also, if anyone here is interested, I have a little side project going on that relates to the game, and could use some help and/or talent.
  5. I find it funny how people will say how Microsoft is a monopoly, yet Google has the most popular search engine, both Google Video and Youtube, their own browser, and now an OS. Does no one see that Google is quickly becoming a major force in anything to do with computer software?
  6. Well, in the GB, GBC and even the GBA games, it kind of made sense. I recall the old RBY games had a few events... and by that, I mean you just did a straight trade with another cartridge. That's now I got my Mew from Toy r Us. Crystal in Japan had that wacky cell phone add-on that the Japanese players could use to get Celebi. And the GBA games had a few tricks, namely the E-Reader card to get to Southern Island to catch the other Lati@s your version didn't normally have. The point was that it was difficult to set up any kind of region, nation or continent-wide event simply because in North America, the population is much bigger and mush more spread out. But with the DS being able to go online, and the much touted wi-fi this and that, there's no reason why players can't get any of the events at all. They already have the system in place to download items and pokémon to games, regardless of the version (except for the Secret Room Key for Rotom's other formes in Platinum). In this day and age, there's no real limitations for the series anymore.
  7. OK, so we just have to get one of our Japan-based members to go grab this download, copy the fuck out of it, and then trade it over to each and every one of us.
  8. I had a Scopedog model back when I was a kid... It being entirely in Japanese, I had no idea what it was from, but it did say "Scopedog" on the front. Now I know... and knowing is half the battle!
  9. Liar! Pianos are so wired! They have to be, or else how will they be powered by the wall socket! How dare you try to mislead everyone here, you no-good charlatan! But in all seriousness, he was talking about stand-alone devices, meant to connect directly to your TV. I don't know why people are so reactive about this. He's not saying anything stupid; stupid people are just purposely taking his quote out of context.
  10. Anything to do with any famous black person will somehow have him involved. It's like a universal constant. He as there are OJ Simpson's trial, he was there for Rodney King... Oh, speaking of crazy people that show up to funerals and ruin them, did the Westboro Baptist Church go through with their planned protest? I'd like to see what happens when a dozen or so people start badmouthing the dead idol of thousands of devoted fans. I expect it to be quite the entertaining meeting.
  11. OK, now to just get a bunch of high-level programmers to make it for me.
  12. A zero-gravity FPS, where you jump/push off from surfaces, flying in a straight line with near-accurate physics. Recoil can and does affect your path a bit, and explosions will send you flying across the environment. There is no up or down, only the plane you are currently orientated to. Make it a mining facility, and everything is all mine-ish. That does not include excessive use of brown, because that is lazy design. To prevent easy kills, there will be no sniper weapon. In fact, weapons will be basic and limited. Basic melee weapon, basic short range weapon, basic long range weapon, and a basic explosive weapon. I'm thinking some sort of mining ax with a rope on it, so you can use it to pull yourself towards surfaces (possible use: wrap it part way around an object, and then pull yourself in. Once you get to the object, your momentum will will make you continue forward, but the rope will make you turn in the other direction). The short range will be a small flare gun modified to shoot rivets. The long range will be a hand-made laser rifle, but it will only shoot a single beam once every five seconds. You can see the beam as it's firing, giving away your position. The bomb will have two modes: timed throw, and remote detonation, with a two second warning. The idea is that with limited control over your movement, and weapons that require some consideration before use, you will have to either be really fucking sneaky or really quick on your feet. How's that?
  13. Good. Nostalgia is a crutch that people hobble along on instead of walking upright towards finding new things.
  14. Here's the first draft of the altered lyrics You can compare and try then out to this :Orange = original lyrics, left because they fit already, but wouldn't mind changing Blue = new lyrics Red = still have to work something out Well I don't know why we came here tonight, I got the feeling that something ain't right, I'm just scared in case I set off the car, And I'm wondering how we ever got this far, Witches to the left of me, Smokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with Lou. Yes I'm stuck in the middle with Lou, And I'm wondering what it is I should do, It's so hard to keep this horde in their place, Losing control, rushing all over the place, Boomers to the left of me, Smokers to the right, Here I am, stuck in the middle with Lou. Well you started out with nothing, And you're proud that you're a self made man, And your friends, they all come crawlin, Slap you on the back and say, Pills.... Pills.... Trying to get that one Standing Tall, But I can see that they just want us to fall, Is it cool to go solo on Death Toll, 'Cause I think that I can take on them all Hunters to the left of me, Smokers to the right, Here I am, stuck in the middle with Lou. Well you started out with nothing, And you're proud that you're a self made man, And your friends, they all come crawlin, Slap you on the back and say, Pills.... Pills..... Well I don't know why we came here tonight, I got the feeling that something ain't right, I'm just scared in case I set off the car, And I'm wondering how we ever got this far, Tanks to the left of me, Smokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with Lou, Yes I'm stuck in the middle with Lou, Stuck in the middle with Lou. Here I am, stuck in the middle with Lou. Rough, but mostly there. The red text needs to be changed, but I haven't been able to fit anything good in. Suggestions for it would be welcome.
  15. That's something I liked about the Lunar series; they based the bosses upon your character's levels, so level grinding was actually pointless to a certain degree. Sadly, even they aren't that good now.
  16. Hey! I didn't fail medical school just so people could leave out "The" in front of my name!
  17. Maybe something that didn't consist entirely of game footage? It's not exactly pushing any envelopes... you just put a music track over game footage. It's not even really edited in any way. Quite frankly, this is all uninspired, flat and rather pointless. I get that you wanted to show what the music was trying to convey... but just playing to game footage doesn't really do anything.
  18. I've found that I'm sort of in the middle. A few games from years ago somehow manage to still be rather fun, while modern games are starting to show signs of repetition and flatness. And vice versa. It's depending upon the game. Having recently tried my old Pokémon Gold cart, I can see why it was fun when I played it, but compared to the much more balanced battle system, new pokémon, better sound and graphics, and even slightly better plot and direction of the GBA and DS games, I can't help but notice how aged it feels. Yeah, I liked it, but I've moved on since then. On the flip-side of that, I still enjoy playing Homeworld Cataclysm, even though it's approaching a decade in age. It's just a good, drawn-out battle over the universe, one where you can take the time to build up a fleet without being pushed into rushing and feeling the pressure. When it takes five or more minutes to send your fleet into battle, you can take the time to enjoy it more.
  19. Any thought about changing the thread title to include the proper titles, Heart Gold and Soul Silver?
  20. <stevopeevo> What's he toss? <The Damned> No, it's Taucer. T-a-u-c-e-r. It just sounds kind of like 'tosser'. <stevopeevo> k, but what does he toss <The Damned> Mostly himself. <stevopeevo> what? <The Damned> Himself. He's some sort of gymnast or something. He's always flipping around or jumping off things or something. <stevopeevo> like a ninja <The Damned> Yes. Like a ninja. He's a ninja. True conversation. Happy birthday, self-tossing ninja guy who I think is possibly also Canadian.
  21. Some of you may know I'm a rather avid Left 4 Dead player. Of those, some.. OK, most of you, know tha I like to poorly sing things as we play. Some time ago, I had the idea of singing Stuck in The Middle With You by Stealers Wheel*. Or if you aren't that familiar with old rock music, it's the song they played in Reservoir Dogs when that guy was cutting up the cop. Right now, a few of you are thinking "game remixes go over there" but this isn't a game remix! It's a parody of a non-game song that makes fun of a game. Any way, I can do most of the lyrics, but sadly, my music and singing talents are... well, they are non-existent. So, I was wondering if anyone here can help out in the following ways: 1. Either remove the original vocal track from the song, find a version with no vocal track, or (and this one is asking a bit much, I think) redo the music from scratch. This way, we can have a clean version of the music for... 2. The vocalist. Yes, this requires someone who can sing close to the original voice and style. I'd love to magically fuck around with the original and just alter the vocal track to change some words around, but that seems magically undoable, or at least well beyond my current ability. Also, a lot of the lyric changes require that it be a new vocal track anyway. 3. This is entirely optional, but I think a video using Left 4 Dead footage (maybe Garry's Mod) to make screenshots to go with the music could result in some sort of awesome video. I'm sure that someone on Youtube would end up doing it anyway, but it would be nice to do it first. But I'd be happy just to get the music part done. I have mostly worked out lyrics, but a few parts are still in progress. If anyone is interested, just reply! It's that easy. *Interesting side note: the original song works out really well to the whole game in general. All the lyrics fit surprisingly well to what happens in-game, and with the surrounding humor of it. Don't believe me? Go check out the original lyrics and think about what the characters go through during their run for survival. It's not a perfect fit, but it is kind of funny
  22. Any style of remix? Maybe something jazzy, or maybe some death metal?
  23. But they will never do that. It's completely against the entire point of the series. Being able to get all of anything in one game is like having Sonic walk around real slow, or Mario not eating mushrooms and fireflowers to not rescue Princess Peach. It's the basic foundation of the series to not be able to get everything in one go. Trading was, and still is, the integral idea behind it. But there is a new commercial at http://www.pokemon.co.jp/special/hgss/special/movie.html
  24. No, seriously, who's OA again? /not spending lots of time outside of Off-Topic and Gen Disc
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