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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Why would I want to track my game playing? Bragging rights? To see how much time I have wasted? Most of the games I play have their own internal clock or timer that tells me, any way. I'm sorry, I really don't understand the point behind this.
  2. Ahh, yes. I remember that. It's terribly accurate, teetering on that line where "it's funny because it's true" becomes "it's so true it's sad". Thank god for the Phantom! That will really shake things up.
  3. Me saying "bitch", or it being luke's birthday?
  4. You know, I wonder if the current judge's standards and the rules would allow a remix of an existing remix... There are some that could be really interesting that way.
  5. HEY! That was uncalled for. I demand an apology. Bitch.
  6. New items and a creepy new Infected revealed in a new article. http://au.xbox360.gamespy.com/xbox-360/left-4-dead-2/1005511p1.html
  7. I know lukethexjesse. He's about this tall, wears a hat, and occasionally juggles hammers. Not those little ones you see in toolboxes, but those ones that construction workers use to smash concrete with. Trust me on this, don't fuck with the little man. He will cut you.
  8. For those wondering, it's a city in Syria, a breed of horse, and a type of steel used in swords. So... pics of a Syrian town getting rolled over by a Katamari, a Katamari covered in horses, or a Katamari made out of swords?
  9. Holy shit, you got bLiNd on your project? Fuck you, Proph. I hate you now. Go die in a desert. I wanted bLiNd for my project...
  10. Rozovian has updated his "Spume" again, and I think it's a fair bit more polished than last time around. Go comment and critique. NOW.
  11. OMG FUCKNG SPAMER! Get out of here with you spam It's terrible, and I don't know why you would inflict us with this. You must be an evil sorcerer.
  12. Fixed. Sonic has gone downhill since, well, pretty much when he was put to 3D. Yeah, the first one was kind of cool, but everything after that is just another step into the waters of failure.
  13. I would love to get this, but you seem to have broken the interwebs. Every torrent I try to get fails to load, and a lot of the trackers don't have this listed yet. Why did you make an album that would break its delivery system once people heard how good it was? EDIT: Oh, good. It finally managed to connect and start downloading.
  14. I read the title as "Futurama racist? Say it isn't so..." I was so eager to see people finally acknowledge the horrible discrimination that takes place in the future. But no. Instead we're worrying about a bunch of people (whom I might add will be long dead and turned to dust in the year 3009) getting paid too much or not enough or something. God, this is why flying saucers attack in 2250...
  15. The thing is... that's what everyone said about the WiiFit Board, the Wiimote, and the DS. Every time Nintendo comes out with some new crazy controller or add-on, people say it's going to fail, but it then goes on to sell very well. I'm not saying Nintendo can do no wrong (oh, they have... they have), nor that everything they come out with these days is solid gold. But nothing can really say how it will be received. It could easily go either way. On topic: The new PokéGear features are up, and the Map looks... kind of... bad? Almost rounded off and kind of a caricature of the usual map style.
  16. Exactly, he's more entertainment than journalism... if you can really call reviewing games journalism. I mean, they offer opinions about a subject they are often supplied with before anyone else, whereas journalists are supposed to cover the facts about events and people. I can see why some people don't consider bloggers journalists now.
  17. How about this? Which system do you see yourself playing a year from now? Two years? Five years (although at this point, it's getting well into the next generation of systems, but still...)? If you can see yourself playing one over the other, that first one is what you should get.
  18. Bitch, please. We all know I was picking her nose.
  19. But... I wanted to confirm or deny. I never get to confirm or deny. This is the worst day in my life.
  20. His point about dickishness is accurate. Being evil because you're supposed to be evil is boring; being evil when you're supposed to be good is far more entertaining, even if it's only for a very small amount of time. Case in point: Left 4 Dead. You're supposed to be working together, but god damn it, sometimes it's just sooooo satisfying to turn your shotgun on your idiot teammates. The proper thing to do would be to help them out: revive them, give them cover so they can heal, etc... but idiots being blasted to shit by your own hand is just so damn enjoyable. The man is right: forced episodes of morality aren't fun. Stop making such bullshit examples of good and evil in games, and let us do that ourselves.
  21. Wasn't it already critiqued? I could have sworn I YES'd it already.
  22. Then that should be the last of the artwork. After that, just a few more remixes, the webpa- OH SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT THE WEBPAGE! Does anyone know one of those fancy webpage making things that you can use to make webpages?
  23. You guys are using this month to finish off your respective assignments, riiiiiiiiight?
  24. Aussie, please. We barely get any of the contests or events that the US gets. As soon as it hits that 49th parallel, shit shuts down and goes back to wherever it came from. It took years for any of the cons to get anything remotely as good as the US ones. Actors, famous artists, bands, everything...
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