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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Newsworthy here, or newsworthy at all? Because I just wanted to know what remix it was.
  2. http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-gadget/team-fortress-2-played-on-a-mario-kart-track Don't recognize it... anyone know which one it is?
  3. Not unlike the Autobots. They blindly follow Optimus Prime on the stupidest, tactically flawed missions, and they thank him for it. Fuck, Optimus Prime is a giant robo-dick.
  4. No. He decided to wage a war on an innocent, uninvolved world just to appease his own moral self-righteousness. If he really cared, he would have pulled some trick to get the Deceptiacons to leave Earth and then blow them up, even at the cost of his own life. Instead, he sets up base and lets thousands of humans die horribly.
  5. I had three four-player Pong tabletop arcade machines in my basement as a kid. We played them until they died. We went to find parts to fix them, but it seems that they don't make that level of technology anymore. Does that count?
  6. I say, I do not know of this person you speak of. Is this "arek", perchance, an unknown member that does not post sufficiently enough to warrant remembering his participation on this website? Perhaps, one might even say, he could be called a "noob"? Surely not, for someone has recollected that it is, in fact, his birthday. Therefore, I must deduce that he is not a "noob", and thus must be some person of interest to the community in general. Hence, I shall wish him a joyous celebration of his day of birth as well! /ark, u noob //hpy bdy, fggt
  7. Alright, which one of you made the alt account? zac95? Really? That's the best you could do? I remember when alt accounts where at the very least entertaining. This one is just... badly done. obvious/10
  8. Yeah, I was actually disappointed with this year. I get that it takes some planning and organization to pull this sort of thing off, but come on, EAMix was just god damn good. The letter from EA threatening to sue... icing on the cake. Also, A1 banning for saying April fool's in topics... was that a script of some kind, or were you guys actually camping the forums for people?
  9. I know her from Left 4 Dead. Usually, she mysteriously ends up walking right in front of every bullet I fire... even when she's ten feet behind me. It's the oddest thing.
  10. Maybe where you live, but where I live, it's still a few hours away from being April. Also, it's snowing right now. Fucking winter...
  11. I find that if you just make yourself take only three or four swings, shoot, then swing away again, you an get pretty much the same effect as constantly meleeing. Of course, that's what I've been doing since the game came out. It just made more sense to me that way.
  12. Yeah, so... new stuff out yet? Also, has anyone else had all of their achievements reset? I'm completely wiped out; everything is gone, even the simple ones like Outbreak. I hear that it's some sort of Steam issue... but god damn it, it took forever to get some of those, like What Are You Trying To Prove. If I have to redo them all over, fuck it.
  13. Every guy that takes himself off the market gives the rest of us a slightly better chance. Thanks for the sacrifice, it will most likely not go to waste!
  14. I look at the title and think this is some sort of new remix album project.
  15. The first thing I thought of when I heard that it was going to take place on a train was that Link had somehow fell into the Resident Evil universe and woke up on the Ecliptic Express.
  16. Thank you, but I'll pass. We already have three artists, and they're all pretty compatible with each other.
  17. You can't make me do anything I don't want to do. Even though I did do it, it still wasn't you making me do it. Ooh, I had an idea for the title. Go check.
  18. I was in rush to get the first picture up. The correct image was 1100 x 1100 for some reason.
  19. Yeah, it's called a 1/8" male to 1/8" male headphone cable. Available at just about any dollar store to any electronics store. I have one sitting in my desk right now.
  20. Cerrax, Cerrax... Yes, I remember that name... Where was it from again? Oh yeah. WHERE'S YOUR REMIX, DAMN IT!? Oh, happy birthday as well.
  21. All remixers! Please go to the Artwork Discussion thread on the project forums and please submit your choice of custom Pokémon artwork. It's needed for the staff page, as well as some other stuff. Poinko, Cobaltstarfire and Pixel are taking them, so go get in on it.
  22. http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/959/959549p1.html Videos of the new Survival Mode! There's a new level! It's a lighthouse.
  23. Ooh, that's not too far from an idea I had about a campaign. It was going to be entirely a sinking cruise chip, with the survivors having to go from one end to the other to et away on a lifeboat before the ship sinks. Along the way, you would have to swim under water for a few moments here and there. Come to think of it, there is no swimming in L4D. Is that just because they never made any water-heavy maps, or because the game doesn't support swimming?
  24. I looked into the cost of the card and the micro SDHC card, and the expected arrival of a new Nintendo handheld... it's looking kind of pointless upon further inspection. Thanks for the input, I'm going to pass on the whole thing.
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