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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Actually, I think you can link to the manufacturer sites, and even to sites that sell the devices. It's just linking to ROMs and other copyrighted material that is against the rules. Otherwise, it would be like arguing that you can't link to, say... any MP3 player site, because you can download music and play it on said player. I'm looking over some other reviews, and I don't see the DSTT listed anywhere. Either it's regional, or it's not one of the higher recommended ones.
  2. First, let me say that I will not be downloading any GBA or DS games for it. Yeah, I know... "Everyone says that," but I have absolutely no desire to pirate games I can easily purchase in stores, and since I make oil field money, that's not a problem. I have a rather nice collection so far and plan to expand it even further. Now, to the meat of the matter: My 160 gb MP3 player is great if I want to watch videos, have (basic) internet access and transfer lots of data around, but it has no games, which is a big letdown. The DS, on the other hand, better battery life, has lots of games, and they're compact enough to carry several around with me at any given time. Sadly, it offers no media playback. So I decided to look into some sort of large capacity flash cards. There are ones that support 32 gb Micro SDHC cards, which is great for me, because that's a lot of music. I'm asking for opinions and recommendations from anyone that has any DS cards. What's your experience with them, and what should I be looking for?
  3. Yeah, it was like a slightly different, extended episode of the show. Nothing really special, save for a few plot devices. It's something that I think only fans of the series will really like.
  4. Yeah, sorry, I suddenly got thrown into 16 hour days this week. Let me get back to you in about five days or so.
  5. Oh my god. Look up and try to watch something called Left 4 Head. That's not a typo, that's the actual title. It's... it's just horrible. You have to watch it, it's so bad. Let's just say that the Smoker isn't what you expect when you're watching it.
  6. Gah, stop posting everything in light orange, it's hard to read.
  7. One could argue that it could act as sort of a check and balance regarding mod and admin actions. /in before "it's a privte site", "suck it up", etc...
  8. Why would I want one? It's ugly, and all the cool Eevee evolutions look like shit as shinys. A lime green Espeon? A brown Flareon? The rest look almost identical to the normal colored ones. There's no difference between Glaceon, Leafeon and Jolteon. Admit it, shiny Eevee is worthless, more so if it's IVs suck.
  9. OK, now I'm scared. People are agreeing with my opinions.
  10. Hmmm... owned by Amazon, huh? Pass. I have a hard time taking a site that calls itself honest when they're owned by a business that sells games. Even if it's user generated, there's still room for the owner to pull strings, influence reviews, even just outright make them up. Also, what's to stop the fanboys from abusing the place?
  11. Nope, a lot of the time I spent playing the GBA and DS games was spent completing the pokédexes and in the process, I got breeding pairs for just about everything. It's not hard to look up what pairings are compatible. Serebii.net has a pretty good list of everything. I also did several run-throughs of the second versions (yes, I bought both versiond for every generation of the series...), and got a lot of extra stuff like TMs and rare items.
  12. Son, I'll give you every egg for every start for every generation if you want. You want the fossil pokémon too? I got them. You want a four-pack of three-stage ubers? I got them. You want some Items to help you out in the early stages? Fuck, I think I got a few spare TMs and Masterballs. I'm open for business and EVERYTHING MUST GO!
  13. I don't need to hear about your sex life. Poinko has volunteered to work on the webpage. With Poinko, Pixel and Cobalt starfire handling the artwork, and Poinko doing the site, the rest of you need to finish up those remaining WIPs. I would love for all of them to make it, but time won't permit that. I'd like to get at least 14 remixes, and we already have 8. Just a half dozen more and we're fucking solid golduck.
  14. Nah, the GBA and DS games stop at 999:59. I maxed out all of my games except for Diamond... because I really haven't been playing it much. They needed to add some sort of downloadable content or random event generation... But if you really want to try out battling and trading, there are a lot of members here how have the DS games, and we're all a pretty trustworthy and reliable bunch. Hell, I can give you eggs of just about any pokémon you want. You want a complete Kanto starter set? You got it!
  15. That's just it: he's not out. There was some sort of error when I sent him emails, and he never got them. Combined with his new job, he thought that we had actually evaporated.
  16. I have finally managed to contact Poinko. It seems that he never got any of the emails I sent to him over the last few months, which would explain the error messages I got sometimes. But he is alive, and he is still involved. He's just busy with some job or something, and it involves vampires. At least, that's what his message said.
  17. http://www.destructoid.com/art-attack-friday-poinko-122366.phtml DarkPoinko (same person, since I know him from his work on my project) has been featured in Destructiod's Art Attack Fridays, featuring his work in various video game based artwork. Congrats Poinko!
  18. EDIT: Bah, took too long to type it al out. Curse you, bandaged finger! Curse you! No, it's just rumored a lot. Fans will cite all kinds of "evidence" but it's mostly conjecture entirely on their part, one instance of a broad copyright (using names that include "Gold" and "Silver"), and a bit of leftover data found in a decompiled version of the game data. There is no evidence to support it beyond "because I think they should!" Ahem... First, you have to consider if you can even find any of the older games. I suppose there are ROMs and emulators that would take care of that, but that's a big no-no here, and I think playing them on the actual hardware is part of the whole experience. If you can find working carts of them, I'd suggest starting with the second generation, specifically Crystal. It refined the improvements featured in Gold and Silver. It will also be a nice change when you get to the much better GBA graphics and music. Again, hit up the third version, Emerald, as it adds more than what Ruby and Sapphire had. Most people will say "No, only play Fire Red/Leaf Green!", but they overlook the fact that those are remakes. Playing Emerald will prepare you for playing Fire/Leaf. Fire/Leaf will be almost identical to the originals, but with a fair amount of side-quests that pop up around and after the second to last gym. They are pretty much optional, so you can just ignore them to get the "original" experience. (Alternatively, you can just go from Fire/Leaf to Crystal, but I find that the change in battle mechanics can be a hurdle to most new players.) You may want to skip the DS games if you find you're not really getting into any of the above games. It may improve yet again on the whole series, but it's more like a very fancy expansion pack to the GBA games than anything else. Sadly, the creators of Pokémon seem fine with adding only minor changes to the plot and setting, relying more on tweaking the battle system. It's a rather well-done and complex battle system, yes, but that's only half of the whole game. Ultimately, you should pick the one that sound more appealing to you. If you want simpler battling, go for the GameBoy Color line. If you want more refined battling, go for the GBA games, and then decide if you want to go for the original flavor of Fire Red/Lef Green, or the new taste of Emerald.
  19. What about it? I know it's a little slow now, but I'm still looking for a god damned website guy to show up. I've asked and I had one guy say he would do it, but then he disappeared and I haven't had anyone else volunteer since.

  20. My download of the larger file yielded this: Top speed was 340 Average as 300 Time to complete download was 6 minutes
  21. HEY! The "T" in "The Damned" is capitalized. I didn't go through six years of high school to be called "the".
  22. I'll be an ass if I want, mister... guy. Person. Of Mephisto. Besides, Toadofsky already called it, so someone had to do it. It's part of the forum handbook. Look up section IVX, paragraph 21, subsection (a): It says, and I quote: And there's something about newb and noob stuff in there as well. I can't remember what part it's in. Hmmmm. If you spell it "mephestio", it sounds like a type of Cajun cooking style.
  23. Spam... Seriously, coming here and posting your "friends" video? Come on, you can do better than that. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy never posted after this. But hopefully he will, and isn't just here to shill his stuff. Video was mediocre, at best. Too many random cuts, random music, crappy artwork, and those laughs? Fucking cut that out. It's terrible. The entire thing comes across as something a junior high school student made for his computer class.
  24. These guys are wonderfully not suck. Wonderfully not suck, indeed.
  25. My father had a rather sizable record collection. It was about twenty or so of those cardboard storage boxes, filled with records. I think it was numbered somewhere in the 500 or so range. They're still in the old house somewhere.
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