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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. YOUR CODE MAKES NO SENSE TO ME! Explain it using a diagram... with horses. And cookies! Yeah, and have the horses eat the cookies, and then they all dance at the end!
  2. I hear that he doesn't afraid of any thing. And it's his birthday? Fuck yeah!
  3. Yeah, that's an issue with graphics card drivers. Update yours. There are a few that might require using an older driver, though. What card are you using?
  4. 1. Canada 2. It topped out at 350, but averaged at about 300 3. the OCR one topped out at 550 and averaged at 480
  5. SHH! Don't poke the troll. He's just trying to get the attention his parents never gave him.
  6. What? People are conspiraring against him? Trying to somehow tarnish his success? Professionally written entires into Urban Dictionary? I laugh. I may even "lol" at the very notion. But... I do build in real life. Those are actual, physical models, made from actual pieces of matter, using my own hands (and I have the nicks, cuts and minor calluses to prove it). Guys, Chris8282 has hurt my sensitive feelings, and I think I may have to go listen to some sad music now. If you don't hear from me ever again, don't look for me... I am already gone. /CRAAAaaaaaawling uuuuuunder my skiiiIIIIiiiin //loads Smith and Wesson Suicide Special
  7. I always pronounced it as "cherts". Surely I am not the only only? Sometimes, I thought it was supposed to mean "chigger hertz", which I think has something to do with some form of insect found in the Southern states. Happy birthday, you mildly confusing name, you!
  8. If you liked Mario Kart, there's always Wacky Wheels.
  9. What, exactly, should one be keeping to themselves? This topic became LEGO oriented quite a wile ago, and I was totally on-topic in that regard. In fact:
  10. Good for you! Threads are the best indicator of your social standing on a website forum. Oh bitch, you did not just go there. I started a WIP here, but recently decided to scrap it all and base it upon a small-scale Technic frame used in larger ships. This will result in a stronger, sturdier base for the ship. I did, however, keep th robot. I love how that worked out. Also, the guns pilot chick uses. Those are keepers. I wish I had taken pics of the cockpit module before, it was something awesome. It was only four bricks in height, but had folding landing gear and a complete docking system built in that allowed it to attach and detach from the main ship body. It was beautiful.
  11. In case no one heard yet... http://www.joystiq.com/2009/02/11/left-4-dead-dlc-4-free/ The new DLC is free, not just for PC, but also for you 360 players out there! Yay, free stuff for everyone!
  12. http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/6562/left4holidayfw3.jpg Also, after all this time, the game finally gave me Zombicidal Maniac. I don't know how many times I've played Expert campaigns over and over, but it just never took. Even though I have 2 out of 4 for What Are You Trying To Prove (I wish it listed which ones you did), it never registered until now. Fuck you, shoddy achievement system.
  13. Uh, nostalgia, obviously. Pure, uncut, blind nostalgia. OK, not really, but it is part of it. I recall something about how simplified characters, with no voice of their own, become a reflection of the person playing them. Something about filling in the gaps with yourself and all that.
  14. So, the forums are still down... I guess GAG has been run over by a large construction site vehicle, and is unable to do whatever he said he was going to do that would get them up and running again. Of course, now it will turn out that we really was run over by something, and is dead, and I will feel bad for having written that. Yeah, that's actually kind of a good idea. Another thing I had thought of was having the missingno texture on the left and right outside borders of the page, fading into black. The content section would sit centered on top.
  15. Or you could just type in proper English and stick around. Just edit your first post and try again.
  16. I recently played through and completed my Mega Man 5 for the GameBoy just last week. And about five month ago, I finally got Mega Man 2. Oddly enough, there were two versions of Wily's Revenge. If you look on the rear boxart of the packaging, you will see Elec Man's level, but it features tiles that are not used anywhere in the game itself. The other version was never released in North America, but I think it was the European version. I was thinking... if I ever wanted to get involved in another remix project, I had two ideas. One would be for Descent, because it's completely overlooked, and the other would be a giant collection of GameBoy game themes. It would only cover the old 8-bit system, so no GBA stuff, and it would be a general public release, not just an OCR one. Maybe someday we should talk about it.
  17. I decided to check the new version out (I was still running v 8.6!), but for some reason, the newest version has issues with multiple monitors. Normally, if I drag the video window onto monitor 2, and then full screen it, it stays on that monitor. But the newest version automatically puts it on the first monitor. No matter what I did (including the steps listed in their official and unofficial help sections), it would not work properly. Also, it kept crashing. One email with technical info later, I went back to v 8.6, and it hasn't had a problem since.
  18. Shut up, it's coming. Art and webpage need to be finished first.And I happily repeat my approval of this remix, for it is good in many ways.
  19. Oh, what's this? A PSA about vigilantes? Better watch, citizen, it's the law! http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/304441.html
  20. Most of the answer I or anyone else here could give you would contain some common element of "douchebags" and something about laziness and not having the talent to make their own remixes. Suffice to say, they are douchebags and are too lazy to make their own remixes.
  21. And this is a saddening thing because... ? No, really. Is there something wrong with going to Kotaku?
  22. Remember how everyone is always complaining that they play the same Versus map over and over, because there's only two of them? Not any more... well, come spring-time. And there's a new mode called Survival. I'm thinking it's the often requested and dreamed game where you and your team try to survive a non-stop horde. You're barricaded inside a building, and you can't get out. It's only a matter of time before they get you... but you're not going without one hell of a fight! If it is, then that's just awesome. Now the only issue is if they will charge for the PC version... It's a really big update. I know the 360 version is going to cost money, but does Steam charge for big updates on it's PC versions?
  23. Winamp for any music, and I also use the CCCP codec pack as well, but I prefer to use VLC player for most videos. It turns out that when you run multiple monitors, Media Player Classic sometimes crashes hard, requiring me to either go into the Task Manager really quickly or hit the big reset button on the PC. Something about it just doesn't like being moved across two monitors... But if it has soft subs and/or multiple language tracks, then it goes to Media Player Classic. It handles them so much better then VLC does.
  24. Oh my god, I can't believe anyone else even knew about that game. I thought it was lost in the annals of history forever.
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