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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Is there any way to just add all of OCR at once? That would be a lot faster.
  2. I'm trying to add everyone that plays Left4Dead on my friends list to get better teams together. Honestly, most of the OCR people I've played with are far more competent than random players. So give your Steam name so I can add you.
  3. B. Mostly because I'm playing Left4Dead all day, and the closest things to NPCs are the bots that fill in for missing human players. Fucking Zoey is going down the first time she runs off on her own.
  4. We (and by that I mean, myself, NekoFrog, whoever Ashemee is, and Ivana Humpalot) had a decent run at Expert, until Neko started shooting everyone in the safe room at the beginning of Subway. It went down hill at that point. But I was the last survivor!
  5. I got the OCR group in the friend's list, but that's it. I see people playing in Left4Dead, but I keep getting errors when I try to join the server. I'll figure it out as I go along, I guess.
  6. I will have to try that. I added myself to the OCR group, but I never see anyone in a game. Does joining to a group count as being a friend, or do I have to manually add each person I want to play with? Fuck yeah! That's what I do every time I get gooed on, with a slight difference. I head back down a narrow hallway, like the subway cars on level two. That way, if anything comes up from behind, I can cover it, while everyone else normally packs in tight at the doorway, or they stick to one side of the car and mow down anything that comes in. Works great.
  7. I think the problem is that there are so many projects going right now. It's a massive drain on the talent pool this site has, and people are wearing out. If it weren't for the inherent nature of projects (random schedules, on-and-off moments of inspiration, trouble getting organized, etc., etc...), I would love for there to be some sort of planned order and timing for each project. Sort of like "OK, this project is next. It has one year to complete all aspects. No other project will be started until it is done". But that's not only unrealistic, but horribly unfair. So many projects... I wonder if any of the current ones will get any time in the spotlight for more than a week now. They're going to overlap each other at this rate. Hopefully they will all work out!
  8. I actually made it through an Expert game. We lost a guy, and most of us were hurting like hell, but we ran for the safe room and just got in. We went back to Advanced after that.
  9. It's pretty old, the whole thing's been up since... what, mid October? Still a cute little reference.
  10. So I joined OCR and there's no one playing anything... what's the deal, guys? Come on! Also, bought that complete package. Every game they have on Steam. EVERY GAME. All the HLs and spin-offs, and even some stuff I never heard of before.
  11. Most of the songs are finalized and done, it's just a matter of getting the last three or four finished. I had someone that said they would do the webpage, but that was so long ago I don't remember who... and our artist is either dead or MIA or something. We'd have to kidnap someone to polish up and color all te artwork, and then the site's mostly over and done with.
  12. So, what servers are you guys playing on? Because the last three or so I hit up were dropping connections like a guy with no hands trying to hold his dick. One just kept trying to reconnect about every ten seconds, and let me tell you, that's no way to fight Boomers.
  13. Oh snap. Considering the topic at hand has been resolved and there is a current Left4Dead thread existing, might as well lock this one up for now. Thanks everyone!
  14. Yeah, someone change the title to the current discussion, please! DS, Bahamut, whomever...
  15. OK, it started out all fine but then it was all like HOLY SHIT AMMO AMMO AMMO and then those big guys that explode came and then it was all FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK and then there was a pipebomb and I threw it and it was all SHIT IT FALL BACK DOWN THE STAIRS ON US RUN FUCK FUCK FUCK and then I was all tired for a while and then the black guy started touching me and I realized he was healing me and then HOLY SHIT NINJA ZOMBIE NINJA ZOMBIE and then someone shot something and everything went green and then FUCK FUCK FUCK THERE'S MORE OF THEM and then I finished the demo. I'm afraid to sleep now. Thanks for the link, SirChadly, but they want to charge $75 for it to ship to Canada. Fuck that.
  16. But I want a CD case to put with the rest of my games...
  17. I'd like to see Neko and bleck getting raped by zombies in a game. It's an alright looking clip, but I wonder what they will do with the rest of it. I Guess I'll have to rent it later.
  18. Ooooooowww.. rectal paper cuts. My imaginary friend is so too real! You're non-existent! Do they still sell the Orange Box in stores? It's been a year, but somewhere might still have it. That way, I get TF2, Portal and Half Life 2.
  19. FF: Spirits Within stiff and dull? Before anyone starts with the "WHY DON'T YOU WATCH IT THEN!?", I can't. IGN videos don't seem to be working for me.
  20. Boy, you need to calm down there. I already said I would go look for a copy of Half Life 2 tomorrow, so be still, now. Leave your PPR voice in PPR, dangnabit.
  21. Necrotic, you say the sweetest things. I'm going to go find a copy of Half-Life 2, I think. That will have Steam on it, right? And I never did get to play it.
  22. I'm kind of a privacy guy... I once refused to open a bag at a local (non-international) airport because I didn't feel like having my rights violated by some guy that gets paid to do so. I told them so, and they almost held me back until a higher-up person (manger or something) told them to just let me through. So yeah, it's a bit of an issue with me. I'd like to know more about what they're reporting and to whom.
  23. So, I see Left4Dead and think "I wonder if the demo's out", and yes, it is. But to gt the demo, I have to install Steam. I know a lot of Valve titles use Steam, like Half Life2 and Team Fortress 2, but I also hear and read about some rather important issues. Noteably, there are privacy issues with Steam uploading data from your system without permission or warning, and issues with updates and instability. But with that said, Left4Dead seems awfully tempting. Anyone ever have any significant problems with Steam, or know of any other problems that the program has?
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