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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. That's going to get you some serious flak from a few folks here, son. I'd offer you a Ruby Vest, as you obviously didn't bother getting one on your own. (terrible flamewar based joke) I find CT to be a good counter to the pace and feeling of Left4Dead. It's like a warm bath after a hard work-out.
  2. Yeah, I'm not really playing my Wii nowadays. I'm getting about twenty times more use out of my DS. I think the Wii has sort of half-delivered what we were all expecting out of it. We saw things like light-sabre fights, and we're only now getting something like that this late into the life of the system... and it requires an add-on to make it work properly. And it may still be a shitty game. I don't know, I lost interest in the Star Wars game after a week. I think it's still being made. Honestly? I'd consider selling it if I was hard up for money, but I'm kind of hoping that at some point, someone will come up with that super-awesome game that will make it all worthwhile. Twilight Princess was alright, Mario Galaxy was kind of fun, but really, I've gotten no real enjoyment out of Nintendo's effort this generation. I'm still up for their portables, though. Good stuff the last fifteen years!
  3. I'm a little disappointed you can't play as a Witch. Start out just like the other Infected, but once you spawn at a point, you can't move. The instant you are startled or attacked, then you can move and attack as you want. She may be unable to move most of the time but her stats give her enough speed and health to inflict serious damage (and immobilize) on at least one of the survivors, something that only the Tank and Hunter can really do. The Smoker needs distance, opportunity and a few seconds to do this, and the Boomer can't do this at all without getting a very lucky hit in an already severely weakened Survivor. Being a Witch could be very strategic if you could put yourself right where the Survivors have to go. Imagine being a Witch in a hallway, almost right by where the Survivors have to go, like the hallway out of the saferoom on the last level of No Mercy. The Survivors must either try to sneak by her, which carries not only the risk of setting her off, but also slowing their progress, giving time for the other Infected to catch up to them and set their traps. The other option is to attack her, and risk serious damage. Obviously some restrictions would have to be in place to prevent completely blocking the Survivors path, but that's what play-testing is for. Maybe alter some stats like health to mke it easier to one-shot her.
  4. Yeah, ever since it was announced (back in, what, June?), there's been a new topic about it every couple of months. No biggie. I think it may be a good way for new and amateur remixers to get into using sequencers. Fruity Loops and the like are a little intimidating at first, and can be a turn-off for those not prepared for it.
  5. Well, the AI Director is really actually random than designed, I think. It's like the randomness of it works out well enough most of the time, it just seems like it's actually planning things. Besides, a Tank in the Safe Room is nothing. Try getting a Witch, Smoker, Boomer and Hunter in the same hallway at once. Fucking rape, rape, rape... Worst level ever.
  6. I suppose. Mega Man and Bionic Commando are good things. Ahem. Fuck yeah.
  7. Not tonight, but last night was just terrible. Aside from near-constant disconnects, some of the servers were jst going crazy. Things I saw include: -In a Versus game, I (as a Smoker) dragged a Survivor and started attacking them, but there was no damage count. It wasn't that I hadn't hit them, I was going at it pretty good. The game just didn't register any attack on the other guy. -We finished the first level of Dead Air only to start playing the first level of No Mercy. There was no vote, there was no restart, it just loaded it randomly... and to top it off, everyone was in some sort of spectator mode whee they could fly around the level and go through walls. It turns out that there is some sort of tiny little city model way beneath the map. It was kind of cool. -I wish I could find the screen capture I took, but we had nine players in a Versus game. Nine. I know, it sounds impossible, but it listed nine slots and they were full. Damn, wish I had that pic right now. There still seems to be some things that need patching, but for the most part, the game runs fairly well once it's settled in. I've had more stable games than fussy games.
  8. It still stands out next to most other threads, it could have been found doing a simple search... it was easy to find.
  9. You obviously didn't look hard enough. It was the seventh topic from the top in Off-Topic. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4193
  10. How long does it take to go through? Because I used a similar thing like this back when Snakes On A Plane was about to come out, and a friend I sent it to was feeling really bad, and getting a (pre-recorded) phone call from Sammy Jackson was like, the highlight of his week. So I figure a call from Mario would be the next thing to top that. Nevermind, he said it just called him. That was fast!
  11. Yeah, years of comic book reading has taught me that when they "kill" (or otherwise remove) a major character, they just bring him or her back and effectively ignore all the crap that happened. Marvel Girl, Cyclops, Superman, Batman (when he fought Bane), Cyborg... the list goes on, and those are just the ones I can think of at the moment. Bruce Wayne will be back, because of some timewave/alternate dimension/magic/something that they will just throw out next year.
  12. The only thing I could possibly have a problem with, is that I thought the sprites would be a little bigger. Everything seems smaller than I think it should. Maybe it's because I haven't played Chrono Trigger in years, but somehow, I remember everything being a lot bigger. I don't mean, like on a bigger screen, I mean as in the amount of screen space the character take up.
  13. That was, without a doubt, the best zing at a game I have ever had the pleasure of watching. Bravo, you saucy Australian bastard, bravo.
  14. I'm guessing that animated ones are out as well? Having a few frames would be awesome. Maybe include "OCR" with the number in case these tiles start appearing on other sites (which, knowing who many everyone else is on, is entirely likely), and then link to the actual song in question. Could be a nice, unintrusive way to spread the word around, while highlighting older remixes that are often overlooked.
  15. Maybe you could just listen to the notes by ear and reproduce them yourself.
  16. I found that hiding in the big closest behind the luggage and fuels trucks in Dead Air is the single best spot to defend. We holed up in there, with the doors closed, and once the horde started breaking through, we just blasted everything that tried to get in. Once the doors were gone, it was a matter of the guys standing in the rear covering the guys crouching in the front, in case of hunter or smoker attacks. Once the tank came, we ran outside and blasted it until the plane was ready. As for Versus, I'm finding the Survivors to be seriously unbalanced compared to the Infected. Every game I've been in was a outright sweep for the Survivors, even with a decent team of Infected working as a team. Long range weapons really hinder the ability of Smokers and Tanks to get a good jump on the other side. And I'm still only seeing 8 weapons, Valve. Where are the ten you promised us? Huh? Don't say "gasoline and propane tanks count", because they don't. They are far too situational and they can't be kept along with the regular inventory.
  17. So, what, you're binding melee and next weapon together, or just holding down right-click and scrolling down your mouse wheel? I think that will get patched in the next big update, simply for no other reason then because it's useful and players can't have useful things in this game. Also, people need to stop dropping out of Versus matches just because they're not on the Infected side. It's four on four, just wait until the next round. You'll get your chance soon enough.
  18. Yeah, so I'm actually kind of disappointed with the full version. Propane tanks are not what I had in mind as a "new weapon". I was thinking maybe some other form of firearm. Maybe even a few melee weapons, like a baseball bat or something. Instead, we get a propane tank. Yeah, blowing it up is fun, but I don't think I've ever managed to kill anything with it. Also, the campaigns could have been put together more. Like, the second one has you crashing in the helicopter. At least, have the smoldering wreckage of the copter next to where you start. It would really tie into the feel of going from one zombie-infested mess to another. I know each campaign is supposed to be separate, but since they went with the movie angle, why not make them sequels? Put some sense of this all happening in the same world, to the same group of survivors. Each campaign feels totally disconnected with the others. Another thing I don't like is that the AI director is more random than adaptive. Adaptive would be giving you a break after barely surviving a Tank encounter. Instead, you get things like Tank, Witch, two Hunters, and eight swarms within ten minutes of each other. Then it will randomly go to not even a Smoker throughout the entire level, and the zombies are so far apart and stupid you can walk right up to them without being attacked. Honestly, I got more enjoyment out of the demo than I have with the full version. Hopefully, user mods and updates will help smooth out things. Maybe some more characters to play as? Or a new type of Special Infected? Some other weapons? More modes? I hope so.
  19. http://ningin.com/mediastream/item:show/2008/11/21/megaman-movie-official-trailer/ No, not a Hollywood movie, not even a Bollywood movie. Just something a few people put together.
  20. Rejects aren't listed on OCR in any "official" way. Your best bet would be to scour the Judges Decisions board and see if you can find the remixer(s) that have done any music you re interested in and contact them directly.
  21. Look up a couple posts. I magically fixed itself somehow.
  22. I restarted Steam about six times, and somewhere along the line, it randomly started working. I have no idea what went wrong or why, but it works fine now. I'm just going through the maps on single player for now to get familiar with everything. I was disappointed to learn that they didn't add any other weapons, though. I was thinking, maybe a combat shotgun (one of those big fucking revolver things) or maybe even some sort of small automatic machine gun that you could two-hand.
  23. The hell? Check out this page: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/1134/ That's the big pack that gives you all the Steam games. Look at the sixth last item. That would be Left 4 Dead. Notice how it says "Left 4 Dead", not "Left 4 Dead Demo" or anything like that. Just "Left 4 Dead". Now, I bought that pack. Everything works, except for Left 4 Dead. It's pre-installed, and it keeps asking me to purchase the game to unlock it. If it was included in the pack that I bought, then wouldn't that mean that I already purchased it, and therefore do not have to purchase it again? I already sent Steam some messages about this, but come on... The pack clearly states that the game was included, so why is it still asking me to do it? Fucking glitch is holding me up from joining in on the fun...
  24. Me and a couple other guys from the OCR group completed Expert, with all four survivors alive. Fuck yeah. Now to play the full version all the way through on each difficulty level.
  25. Worms or Scorched Earth, bah. We all know that all of these games are based off of the old DOS classic Gorillas.
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