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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Actually, I've asked people to pick up a DPP song and remix it, but no one wants to. We got a lot of RBY and GSC stuff, with one or two RSE songs, but not one DPP remix at all. If anyone here has the skills and a song in mind, feel free to PM me about it.
  2. Wow. That was harsh and rather witty. I like the fake windows crash.
  3. EVERYONE OWES EVERYONE A COLLAB! OR PENIS! No vaginas, though. That's totally fagoqueerasexual.
  4. Yeah, but what about the Watchmen? Is it still going or what? I haven't really heard anything since that link halfway up.
  5. Couldn't they have just, I don't know... grab one of the old carts or even a ROM and then use that? I think it was more like there wasn't "enough interest" in it to spend any money on doing it. I wouldn't be surprised at all.
  6. Fuck the other songs. I want Simple and Clean done as jazz-techno rap. No, seriously. I think it would work.
  7. I think it's a matter of Nintendo scrounging for money for the future. It's actually a small company (barely even 4000 employees worldwide) so every billion they make is that much more they can live off of in the event of a market crash or something. Nintendo is constantly in the black after each generation, even with Microsoft and Sony coming in and gaining ground. Think about it: Sony and MS have other divisions they can live off of. Sony has electronics galore, and MS has that thing called Windows. What does Nintendo have? Two systems and a handful of game series. The profits they get now are what will keep them alive in the lean times (should they appear... with the mess going on in the international markets, it's kind of up-in-the-air right now). But if you're going to complain about the quality of DS and Wii games, I'd like to point out that the most popular console gets the most shovelware. The NES, SNES, PS1 and PS2 all had large libraries, but a lot of them were just awful games.
  8. Unless the DSi downloadable games include classic Gameboy and Gameboy Color titles, and even then they would have to be really good title, it's not going to be very interesting if it's just things like Brain Age. Considering the success of the Wii's Virtual Console, having the same for the DS would be great. But seriously, no more fucking Brain Age shit. Give me that Mega Man collection for the GBA that got axed a few years ago.
  9. I'm pretty familiar with the source tune, so this is kind of an odd remix. It's more eerie and spooky than anything else. Was this the intent?
  10. Ahh... it's in Utica. I'm not allowed inside Utica city limits for now. Too bad.
  11. Sure. The first dozen times. Good. Being composed for the game means it qualifies as valid material for remixing under OCR rules. Someone get one it!
  12. How come no one else that stated the same thing is being called on it? Nice.
  13. What? No one has posted that video of the annoying guy ranting about Kingdom Hearts? Good. It's not that funny and it's been done to death. I never got into the series... seems kind of "meh" in a lot of ways. Nice music though. Was Simple and Clean made for the game or before?
  14. Maybe you would have, but not me. "Church" could be from any event. A wedding, a funeral, service, whatever. And even then, there's still what church, what branch of what religion he belonged to. It's like a lesbian that has to constantly mention she's a lesbian. "The other day, when I was walking down the street, this car drove by. Now, as a lesbian..." is effectively what it comes off as. It's a personal peeve, nothing else. I don't give a flying fuck that he's god God or whatever. He doesn't have to bring it up when there's no real need to. If this was a topic about Korean newspaper ink usage, and he said "As a black man..." I would still have asked why that matters. It's not really relevant. What did I say demeaning him or his faith? I never said it was wrong, or obscene or false or anything. I don't see one insult or slur against him at all. The only thing I said was that some, some, members of religion like to mention their religion when it's not relevant to the discussion at hand. That's not an attack, that's an opinion. That is hardly n attack. Oh, for the record, I like that Gregorian choir music. Guess what they sing about. Guess it's not an attack on his beliefs, huh? If you want to see what an attack on a person looks like, and what an ass looks like, read you own post again and look in a mirror. Nope, still can't think of one song. A movie, yeah, but a song, no.
  15. Thin Crust is just doing that thing some religious people do. They have to mention their religion whenever they can for some reason, whether they realize it's appropriate to do so or not. It may be relevant in that music had made him cry, but he didn't meed to tell us it was because of his religion (which may be the basis for how he was moved or not). He could have just cited the titles of certain songs, or even just said "a few songs I heard in church", but instead, he had to announce it first. As for the topic, no. I'm dead inside, obviously.
  16. Even if it's not meant to be a favorites thread, it pretty much is. Then there's personal preferences towards styles and genres... not to mention games. I don't think it would be possible to create just one CD. Even with ten CDs to fill up, that's still hundreds of songs that "should have" been included but weren't for whatever reasons. Not to mention the perceived slight or insult of not being put on said collection that some remixers would feel. It's not happening, I would say.
  17. I think Batman has a pair of those, depending on which media you want to go with. They're silver, fit around his fists, and he uses them on bigger, tougher opponents that don't usually take any damage from normal punches. They tend to have some form of energy sparkling around them.
  18. Shit, I just realized who that is. The answer is yes. I think a simper rifle would be better for shooting. The sniper's arms would get tired after a while. Sort of like Mirror Master's gun, but fully auto? Now you're just being crazy.
  19. As the closest thing we have to an official Pokémon guy, I must ask you to not use the names, likenesses or concepts related, in part or in whole, of the Pokémon franchises. Especially if you're going to post like a ten-year old Gamefaqs user doing so. How about a missile that shoots smaller missiles, and each one of those missiles shoots lasers? Call it a laser-missile swarm-missile.
  20. It's true, now we have three slightly smaller groups of people calling each other losers and fags instead of two slightly larger ones. PROGRESS! This... I'm not so sure about. Do you mean they should buy out the hardware or just the software? Both? As for having "hardcore" (a dubious term in the first place, and easily open to all kinds of interpretation) only on one system, don't you think that's marginalizing too much? A variety of games on both (or more) consoles is better for the consumer. Most people still can't afford more than one system, and having to choose sticking to one kind of hurts the average consumer, don't you think? I'd rather have the option of buying one system that has a healthy mix of different genres (and if you must, "cores") of games, than have to decide if one system is worth being stuck with only one kind of game and nothing else. The benefits of options outweigh the benefits of exclusivity.
  21. Google has about a dozen things on it, so I don't think it's a secret or anything. Hell, they got Youtube videos.
  22. And now the thread takes a sharp turn toward Locksville, picking up speed as it starts coasting downhill. I figure another few miles and she'll be right downtown. It's been a fun ride, but I'm getting off now. See you at the bottom!
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