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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I'd like to see those threads, but the SA forums are all "sign up for this forum, bitch. It only costs money to do so."
  2. hey you guyz now this is a SOAD song rite? imean com on!! its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pbious to any1 with a brian. Yes, even after all this time, there are still people that belive SoaD did this. http://www.imeem.com/people/4q8QRV/music/dxl5vlA7/system_of_a_down_legend_of_zelda_funny_link_theme/ Good god, how are people still pushing this. Isn't there a statute of limitations for false info or something?
  3. Who bothers to check dates when a live is at stake! Besides, it's the thought and intent that counts.
  4. This better not be that damn Sonic-Micheal Jackson thing again. I thought someone from the original production team put the final nail in that coffin. I think that's somewhere in my basement right now. My dad had some weird records back when I was a kid, and that might be one of the ones I got when he died. I think I used it on the turn table to drive my Hot Wheels cars on. I recall it being scratched to hell.
  5. That's about the time to go see a doctor. Seriously, headaches aren't supposed to last more than a few hours, and even twenty-four hours is serious.
  6. Mega Man 9 will punch you in the balls and then take your lunch money. Just a heads-up.
  7. And I disagree with your disagreeing. Personal choices... whatever.
  8. Anyone else get the email about the survey? Some guy names Liontrimmer or something wants us to answer questions about some other guy's school project thingy. I thought it was glasfen's for a minute there.
  9. Not a fan or either, sorry. I guess I'm more of a DS player than a Wii player.
  10. Maybe developing for the PS2 is cheaper than the PS3. And lots of people still have PS2, and since the PS3 can play PS2 games (it still can, right? They haven't made any crazy BC cuts, have they?), they still get that market. It's a smart move, actually. So, nothing big like another Metroid, Mario, or Zelda this winter, huh? Man, my little white box is seeing less and less use. There's gotta be something coming up before Christmas.
  11. I think the use of music is more a matter of being appropriate for the situation. Like, Homeworld's music I find less than suitable. Most of it seems too ambient for what the game is. There's no real battle music to get behind and feel like it's a space battle. It may set a mod, but it doesn't seem to be setting the mood that I want when I have a fleet of battleships. There's no "charging into the cannon-fire" or "to the last man!" or any kind of epic battle music. "I've got a giant fleet of ships, I'm going out to kick the ass of those that blew up my planet, and I'm not stopping until it's over" is not conveyed by mellow, soft ambient stuff. I want a battle theme to fight and die to, not fall asleep to. I wonder if the Homeworld crews intentionally paced the music that way to help lower the player's stress levels. There are times when you can practically stroke out from the frustration as goddamn fighter and destroyers are cutting through your defenses.
  12. Exactly. I would actually send them a check for it. I really would. Mind you, I don't know why they aren't going with the traditional model of just buying the game. A one time purchase to forgo ads worked the last thirty years, why stop now?
  13. If you're worried about "flooding", there are a few sites that you can easily set up to handle the poll itself. You can enter any number of questions with multiple choices and even have it display a basic graph afterwards. That way, you can even set up different versions for different sites (like, one for here, one for NOA boards, and one for somewhere else), and get some data on which sites generate which responses, and then try to see if there is any correlation between said responses and the populations of those sites. It might yield some interesting results.
  14. Yeah, but in-game advertising... I hate getting ads on TV and websites, and those are (essentially) paid-for already. Man, I wish someone in a position of industry power had crushed that idea when it came up. I don't mind paying for a game, I don't mind paying for multiplayer support, I don't have any problem with MMO server fees, but in-game advertising seems... extra invasive to me. Hopefully, someone will figure out a way to filter them out after it's released. I'd send the developers a check for their time and get it over with, instead.
  15. Oh, I thought you would be doing this like... once a day or something, or just get so many responses and then move onto the next question. Maybe a more structured format, and a longer polling time period to get even more answers? You could just put out about ten questions at once and let everyone go at it at once. That way, you can get a lot of info from lots of people.
  16. OOoh... no Quake Live for me, then. I can't even win contests I set up myself, for myself, with prizes I already hold in my hands. Yes, my luck with random things is that bad. I will just wait until it is released.
  17. Well, an unbeatable game would give you lots of time to get familiar with the source tune... Any time estimates on the next question(s)?
  18. For anyone wondering... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quake_Zero What's the requirements to get in? Some sort of sign up or random draw?
  19. What the hell? It was a valid question. I wasn't trying to stir up shit or anything. And he answered it a very simple direct way. No need to get pissed over it. Calm down.
  20. How does one define "veteran gamer"? By years playing? By number of games? Genres? Number of systems owned? If you set an arbitrary date, then the majority of people here fall either too short or far above it. I think "veteran" is a dubious term to use. That being said, B. Fucking OHKOs are frustrating as hell. Puzzles can be solved, enemies can be avoided (mostly, or the consequences are not that severe), but OHKOs are just... arrrrgh.
  21. A mix of classic music and some of the better Yoko Kanno symphony arrangements. There's also some Hollywood movie stuff in there, stuff like the theme for Hunt for the Red October, a few Star Wars themes... it's more "battle" music than what the game offers. The problem with the Homeworld OST (what little there actually is) is that it's mostly ambient. Yes, Adagio for Strings during the scene where the planet is burning and everyone is dead is a great part, but that's about it. Even the Rider music is more background than anything else. It doesn't feel like there's this giant battle between two (or more) fleets, with ships flying around everywhere, lasers and beam and missile shooting off constantly, ships breaking apart and exploding in deep space... my playlist does that. I got music appropriate for almost any moment of the battle. If I'm hunting down the reminder of an enemy fleet, I got songs that put me in a very "I'm the big bad wolf, stalking you 'til you're worn out and defenseless" mood. I've got a bunch of songs that put my in a "I'm going down in the blaze of glory! Fuck you, I hope you choke on my frigates!" mood when I'm hopelessly outnumbered and it's only a matter of time before I'm dead. I got songs that sync almost perfectly when the main bodies of two fleets collide and start mixing together... it's like watching a very detailed space battle scene from a good sci-fi movie than a game, sometimes. And that's because of the music I use instead of the original. I love the Homeworld series, but the soundtrack could have been a lot better.
  22. That's odd. My high school English teacher said it was about peasant uprising in Central American crop nations. When I said it was about dinosaurs and why you shouldn't play god with them, he gave me a low mark. Asshole. Fiction may not be the best thing to go with. Even with the best research behind them, most of the time the science is basic and out-of-date within a few years. Stick to medical and ethics papers if you can. They deal with far more realistic issues, and you don't have to wonder through any sci-fi poppycock.
  23. Having an appropriate theme or style to a game is a very important thing. Some Sonic games had music that just didn't fit; they actually made the game slightly unappealing. A game like Starcraft or Homeworld had sort of fitting music, but it was honestly just not quite right for the settings involved. I often just make a custom playlist in Winamp and run it in the background. Homeworld had a limited soundtrack, and it was highly repetitive. Starcraft had the same thing. I dig the Terran theme, but it's just too guitary. The Protoss theme was far more fitting, and even that got a little tiring after a while. Zerg was just... ouch, can't listen to it very much. I think another important aspect is how simple or complex a theme is. Take the Mario themes. Most were done with only basic notes, and yet there are lots of remixes and orchestral versions. They lend themselves towards expansion and conversion into other forms of music. Nowadays, you have lots of themes that go straight to grandiose live orchestral performances because they can, and most of them feel incomplete or hollow. There seems to be a lack of effort into the basic composition, and more concentration in epicness.
  24. I send in a few Guardians in a staggered formation. Once your bunkers are gone, the marines will run straight into their icky yellow bullet things. Then you'll sen in some Wraiths, I'll send in Mutilisks, you'll send in Golis, I'll send in waves of Zerlings, you'll send in Ghosts or something, blah, blah, blah...
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