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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Specifically. One one hand, as a long-time fan of the Gameboy, I am pretty familiar with Nintendo's history of releasing new hardware, even if it's just slightly tweaked or given an internal light. And they have held off on announcing new hardware even after being caught red-handed. But on the other hand, why would a third party studio be given details, and possibly even a mock-up of any new hardware and then be allowed to use it in an ad for their game? It makes little sense, unless they planned this to generate hype and interest before E3. Nintendo likes to deny things right up to the end, and then act all "well, we were trying to keep it a secret for everyone," when they announce it. I'd err on the side of caution, and wait a bit more before buying a DS. That way, you will find out if there are any announcements at E3, and you can wait until there's a more specific release date for CT. Patience isn't a bad thing, and waiting gives you the time to save up some moey for buying a DS any way.
  2. I think they have them in stores now. Of course, with E3 coming up, and the rumor from that ad late last week, you may want to just hold off on buying a DS for now. Just wait to see if Nintendo is going to announce any changes or new hardware for the DS.
  3. You cheated and stole your way through the series? My god, did you pretend to play as Team Rocket or something? Did you wish you could play as Silver (the red-haired boy from GSC)? I bet you did. Evil, nasty little boy.
  4. Thank you! There are so many games that did so many things first. I'm not even sure FF7 was the first full 3D RPG. I could swear there was another before it.
  5. Actually, I was initially skeptical of the hype around the game. It was 1998, and all these people were talking about this new game for the Gameboy called Pokémon Red and Blue. I didn't even bother trying it out until several months later. I was at a friend's house and he had it in his Gameboy (the old brick), and I asked if I could try it out. I spent about ten minutes playing it, and thought it was kind of interesting. I played it a little more and thought it was good enough to maybe buy, someday, when I had the money to buy a new game. I didn't have a job, and I what money I had I got from random gifts, chores and some money my parents gave me. I was still living at home after high school and I had no idea what I wanted to do... So games were a rare treat that only showed p on birthdays and christmas mornings. Life sucked. So, as some more time passed, I get a job (my first real job); it paid well ($13 an hour), and I had a desk with a computer... that job sucked. But I took he first paycheck I got and bought a brand new Gameboy Color... and Pokémon Red. That was the start of a initially slightly awkward, but almost entirely wonderful obsession with the series. It also sparked a general interest in RPGs in general, as before, I was not really into them, or any kind of game in general. It sort of opened me up to other games I might have ignored otherwise. I got into Chrono Trigger, the Final Fantasy series... a year or so later, another firend loaned me his giant PS1 and a big box of games. I think I binged on that box for a month straight during the summer. It was fun, but hardly healthy. I plowed through almost every RPG he had. Lunar (and that damn staircase at the end... you have to play the instrument. OK. How? OK, she killed me again. Where is it? It's supposed to be automatic? OK... nope, dead again. Fuck you, GameFAQs, update your guides...), Xenogears, and a lot of others I don't recall offhand. It was a binge, after all. So, any ways... four generations, a Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, DS, and a DS lite later, here I am. I'm playing a game I enjoy, I'm running a project that shows how much I love the series (even if I don't sing or play any music), and I get to chat it up with people I have never met from around the world. Yeah... I'd say it's been a good decade for gaming for me.
  6. If age determined what games you were supposed to play, then... well, that's just silly. What games would people in their 40s be regulated to playing? The Sims? By the way, I turned 30 in late April, so don't feel bad, all you youngins with your "I'm 23" and all that. Try going to a Toys R Us event and not get any looks from parents...
  7. I have just been informed by a friend reading this thread that I am breaking a personal rule regarding internet forum arguments. Namely, that I'm actively involved in one. This is an extension of the rule regarding posts about anime conventions (some of you may remember that thread... not my best day), and as per my deal with him, I will now stop posting for one full day. I am sorry for letting my behavior go this far. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and it was wrong of me to argue for the sake of arguing. Bleck, I may not like you or anything you said, but please just let it end now. To everyone else, I'm sorry for stirring up shit and flooding the topic.
  8. Wow, gay joke. So, you must be fond of taking it up the ass then. Yes, they like to have people buy their games. They're a business. Where is it written that a game company is not allowed to sell games they already made? Or that they can't make money? And yes, they can't sell SNES carts anymore. No shit. So they sell their games on what systems are currently available. As for advocating ROM use... You may have an original copy, but not many other do. So they should download the game and screw the company that made it over? I have no love for Square, but that's just stupid.
  9. EDIT: Deleted. See Off-Topic for why.
  10. Not one person, not even SE themselves in any way, has "asked" you to buy anything. There has not been one advertisement of any kind. Just one short clip of a video on a page of their site, which you have to personally click the link to. Do companies beam commercials into your mind while you sleep? There are also lots of people who: 1. Have never played Chrono Trigger; 2. Have not played it in many years; 3. No longer have their cartridge or SNES (or even the PS1 version) 4. Would like to play it (either again, or for the first time) So complaining about a port of a game that you've played over and over is what's illogical. While you were busting through the game for the hundredth time, maybe some of us were doing other things, like working, or school, or anything that wasn't playing this game to death. That's who this game is aimed at: people who haven't played in a long time, and would like to play it again. They can be young, old, new or experience gamers. They just want to play it, and that's all the reason they need to get it. Your whining is tiring, go troll somewhere else.
  11. So you saying something means it's true. Nice logic. Also, he didn't say it was going to be good or even amazing. He said it was going to be the best movie in the last ten years. He said it will outdo everything in every aspect. That's just... that's just foolish. I have no doubt that it will do well, I jst don't know about it being better than any of the other four hundred films released in the last ten years. He's falling into a giant hype pit, and the only way he will ever pull himself out of it is to have some objectivity. Otherwise he's going to be that guy that spends the next month after it comes out seeing it every weekend, telling people on the streets as they walk by "GO SEE BATMAN! WOOOHOOOOOO!", and talking about it at every opportunity. Weddings, nights out with the friends, everything.
  12. HA! Joke's on you! I never went to college! Besides, why is one person's utter devotion to a movie that he hasn't seen yet anymore valid than someone else's opinion that it isn't going to be the best thing ever? Besides, calling out blind fanboyism is a hobby, so go ruin someone else's fun.
  13. Lack of reading comprehension FTL. I said it will be good, just not as good as he thinks it will. All I said was it won't be THE SINGLE GREATEST MOVIE EVAR MAD!!1!1$ Reading comprehension: It's not just for college students.
  14. Nah. It might be a pretty good movie, but it won't be that good. Come on, you're falling into the hype waaaay too much. It's a pretty good Batman so far, but as good as you say? You're deluding yourself, buddy. Besides, The Lord of The Rings was our generation's Star Wars. Trilogy series, completely blew away every other movie for the next few years, set a standard for art, script and production... Yeah, I liked the last Batman, but it was no Citizen Kane. And I don't think the sequel will be either.
  15. It seems that local wireless play will feature 1 to 4 player co-op mode, whatever that is supposed to mean... You can have three other people take over other characters (but you can only have three characters at a time, though)? Mini-games? Agreed. This would be the sort of thing that would infuriate and annoy people, only to have those same people turn around and buy the new version as well.
  16. INTERNET. Serious fucking business of all kinds. I think SE was just being overly-protective of their property than anything else. They saw how far it was going, and they didn't want to risk any kind of problems in the future. It also resulted in funny SE-bitching and conspiracy theories involving an official 3D remake for a long time. Some fun was had, so it was all good.
  17. Related, but not actually the moves in question... There's a DVD called Batman: Gotham Knight. It's pretty much The Animatrix, but all Batman. I watched it, and while it was odd seeing effeminate animu Bruce Wayne voiced by Kevin Conroy (as in, the voice of Batman from the Animated Series, Justice League and JLU), they weren't really that bad. The art ranged from rather ugly stylized to smooth, high-quality. The stories are connected, but the first one is just a redo of a classic story used both in TAS and even the comic book years ago: three kids each tell their point of view about seeing Batman in action. One sees him as some sort of shadow demon, one sees him as a robot, and the other sees him as a giant bat creature. Not worth buying, but maybe a cheap rental or even just downloading.
  18. It's called "Screaming Retard" by The Monkey Asses. It was a mostly underrated single release, due to the fact that at the time, they were without a producer or a record company. This version seems to be slightly remixed though, as the original had a slower beat and isn't as short as the original. The Monkey Asses disbanded in 2006 due to a lack of development in their full album. I think the drummer is now filling in for local bands around New York, and the bassist is attempting to make another band. Any way, it was never their best work. If you can ever mange to find any of their really early stuff, like the noisy recordings from night clubs and their first concert, go with that. They were much more lively. PM me if you want some links (can't post them out in the open, you know... forum rules and all that).
  19. No, that's just Ontario. Here in Alberta, we blew up a car in a gravel pit. We used a shotgun to set off the dynamite sticks in the trunk. Good times.
  20. Wow, you came? Oh, wait... you spilled something. That's a lot less creepier, but not as awkwardly funny.
  21. Haa haa... that's awesomely racist. You should have told him it was right next to the watermelon and fried chicken.
  22. BORING. I want it to end at, like... noon. On the 10th. Yeah, no one would ever expect the 10th for anything.
  23. Because people on the internet like to yell their opinions at each other, and because we're all absolutely correct about everything. Also, http://www.gamekyo.com/news28155_chrono-trigger-ds-premieres-images.html Yes, it happens. Calm down, it's just a coincidence.
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