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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Legally, the defendant was in the right. Is she a fucking scammer? Yes. Is what she did illegal? No. And Judge bitchy-pants had no legal or even moral right to threaten her with a Social Services investigation. That would be grounds for a lawsuit against the judge and the court. (arm-chair lawyers telling me how wrong I am in 3, 2, 1...) Besides, the plaintiff should have thought about buying anything off of eBay to begin with. Even my mom knows about the old "photo of what you buy" trick.
  2. From what I remember from my audio course several years ago, encoding/recording music in 5.1 is actually quite a bit more difficult that just normal stereo. If you're recording live instruments and/or singers, you have to have either multiple mics (and they ain't cheap) or one of those super fancy multi-directional mics (which are even more expensive). If you're using synths or electronic music, then you have to fiddle around with it to create each channel the way you want. You can't just blast it out equally in each speaker (then it's just mono pumped out in different directions, and not really 5.1). I think the real issue, though, is file size. That's more data to put in a file, raising the size a lot.
  3. I just got a PM asking me to come here and give my two cents on this remix. On one hand, I don't like getting PMs asking me to look at stuff (essentially spam, I think). On the other hand, I'm somewhat flattered that someone I've never heard of wants my opinion. I have to wonder why I was asked to take a look at this at all. Am I really that special? Or did someone just hit the "send to everybody" button I've never seen before? Must be the latter. Anyway... the second version is by far the better of the two. But the last minute and a half goes so far away from the basic tune that I can't make out any of it. The first bit, right up to 0:42 sounds very relaxed and almost slightly surreal. It brings to mind images of a night-time tropical lagoon, with colorful fish floating and swimming along the water's surface in the moonlight. But once those distorted percussion... things come in, it breaks that feeling and seems to go into some sort of spastic, irregular tempo. The base melody is lost almost entirely, and I can't make it out for the rest of the song. That "eeeerrrrrrr" instrument has to go, I'm sorry. It's annoying and stands out far too much for my liking. Continue working; concentrate more on what you had in the beginning.
  4. Oh yeah? Fuck you and your brain that's wired for languages better than mine. Yeah, that's right, fuck you up the ass. "Fuck" is an English word used in a variety of situations. It can be used to describe annoyance or anger, or excitment and joy. The origins of the word are thought to be from an old law in Middle Ages Europe, when sexual intercourse was considered a sin. The charge for committing this sin was "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge", in which later generations condensed it to "FUCK", or sinly "fuck". See Wikipedia for more information, or hit up our fansub site at www.awesomesuperfansubs.misc.org/extra/extranotes/OCR_Anime_Thread.php for more info, and links to other fansubs we're currently doing! SAYONARA! KAWIAII!!
  5. So, fansubbing. We all know about it, we all watch fansubs. So I wondered what the opinions about this would be like. Ignoring the shitty artwork and mid-level audio, he makes some interesting, and quite valid, points about fansub groups. They do everything he points out, and the reasons why seem perfectly correct. As someone that grew up on the old fansubs in the 90s, I can see what he's talking about. It has gotten pretty bad in the last five or so years. The fact that it took some random British guy and his shit artwork to bring it to anyone's attention means we've gotten used to having walls of text blocking the show. Discuss.
  6. You mean puberty? That was... what, three or four years ago? Again, just go with Sennheiser.
  7. Same. It was mostly Ad-Block that was doing it, though. Something about the address that the flash files was coming from... now it's fine. Eitehr they changed the source address, or the recent ad-block update included a proper filter. Whatever. I can't wait until he does MGS4. Yeah, it won't be for a lon time, but such a big game and all the hype about it... It will be fun to see how it turns out.
  8. Sennheiser. Why bother with anything else? Their cheap stuff is very good quality. Save up a bit more and get something decent
  9. I'm guessing it's just this site but more fleshed out and less updateable. http://gamers.guinnessworldrecords.com/ Seems like a lot of their "records" is just normal trivia and statistics, most of which can be found on Wikipedia or something. It must have some pretty damn cool layout thing going on to be worth putting into a book.
  10. Yeah, so I decided to check out what random pokémon I had laying around in my storage boxes, and I grabbed anything that was level 5 or higher, and had no EVs. Here's what I got after running them through an IV calculator. Growlithe Lax HP: 24 - 26 Att: 3 - 4 Def: 29 SpA: 27 - 29 SpD: 0 - 8 Speed: 26 - 29 Magby Adamant HP: 27 Att: 29 Def: 9 SpA: 28 SpD: 28 Speed: 7 Mamoswine Docile HP: 26 - 27 Att: 15 - 17 Def: 4 - 5 SpA: 26 - 28 SpD: 30 Speed: 25 - 26 Gorebyss Hardy HP: 26 Att: 27 Def: 2 SpA: 17 SpD: 26 Speed: 25 Huntail Serious HP: 27 Att: 27 Def: 30 SpA: 25 SpD: 9 Speed: 2 Smoochum Lax HP: 23 Att: 27 Def: 28 SpA: 23 SpD: 20 - 23 Speed: 6 Porygon Relaxed HP: 30 Att: 1 Def: 27 SpA: 21 SpD: 30 Speed: 1 I'm going to breed some of these guys up and fill in those lack-luster IVs, and try to get some better natures. That Magby could lead to one hell of a Magmortar. And that Porygon isn't looking too bad either. Maybe about a half dozen generations and some awesome incest, I can get it to full 29+'s. Go check your boxes, people! You may have caught an awesome pokémon and not realized it yet.
  11. That was the worst Cowboy Bebop remix I've ever hear, and I have 300 megs (or 121 files) of Cowboy Bebop remixes on my computer.
  12. Someone doesn't watch enough Simpsons reruns...
  13. Ah, come n, you told me you love to treated like that. OK, so I got the name of the person I got it from MONTHS ago wrong. Sorry. If I could trust someone to mail my game to, have them not delete/fuck around with my game, and then send it back to me, I'd do it. But I don't think anyone here wants to deal with the hassle.
  14. OLD! Kidding. But it's been floating around various pokemon sites for the last month. I'd go, but having just returned from the US, I have no desire to go back right away (home is, after all, home) and I've already secured a Darkrai from someone here (drack or Sephfire, I think). Might be kind of a lark to have the item and everything, but I doubt that it would be worth the day or two of driving (with gas prices as they are... ouch). Maybe if I shipped my cart to someone here that was going, and they could download the ticket for me... but it's only a week before it end, and I doubt it would get there in time.
  15. YOUR NAME IS DANIEL? All this time I've been calling you Dave, and no on told me! FUCK. Any plans for a third one?
  16. Ties? My cousin is married and has a kid with one of the writers at Bioware. I've been to their office a few times and got some free stuff the first time! Aside from that... nothing.
  17. I don't think you're going to get a decent projector for only $1000. You might want to just go with the largest LCD set you can get. It will have several advantages, like not being washed-out in color and tone.
  18. Sure, why not? We'll just completely ignore the whole point of releasing the album just for you. For the last time everybody: you get it when it's done!
  19. I turned thirty a few weeks ago. Does that count? /didn't get a b-day thread, even after four years...
  20. Official International Pokemon Tourney! Well, if by "international", you mean "only Japan and the US, screw the rest of the world,", then yes. http://showdown.pokemon.com/ Only US residents and Japanese residents can enter. Which sucks for Canada, Europe, South America and Australia. Oh, and any other place where there are people that play and want to take a shot at the grand prize, a week in New York or Tokyo. Fuck you, Pokemon Company. I suspect that this will go sort of like the last big official tourney. Skarm kicked ass right up until the last round of the finals, because someone used Fly on a Rayquazza. Incidentally, most Japanese players don't bother with EV training and seem to ignore Natures. So I expect there to be a massive one-sided US win.
  21. It's true. The entire thing is OVAR! FOR REALS! No, we've just been working on things, and no one really bothered to update this thread for a while.
  22. I thought we weren't allowed to make personalized birthday threads anymore. Because a week before mine, there was that thread about not making any more.
  23. What the fuck did you people do to my thread!? You guys seem to be mixing "generations" with "hardware" for some reason... The Gameboy and Gameboy Color had significantly different hardware, and the Gameboy Color had features that didn't exist in the regular Gameboy (the IR port, for instance). They are different systems. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Boy_Color#Specifications http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gameboy#Technical_information Even though they share many common design features, the fact that it's a massive increase in processing speed, memory and game capacity (from 8 megabits to 64 megabits) makes them not the same system. As for the issue with generations, they are two separate generations. I don't know that even got into the conversation. Someone somewhere along the line read/write something incorrectly. That, or I'm so used to using "generations" as a game term, that I'm misreading its use here. And as for being "rude"... when the hell did I say something rude? That little "eeeeh! Wrong"? That's your personal threashold for rudeness? Over-sensitive much? Now I'm going to sleep, being on night-shift and all, and I expect this thread to be back on topics like, "what news of this Platinum version has been revealed today?", and "I say, I think I may need a friend code from someone, one who has a certain pokemon I am looking for,". If it isn't, I'm deleting the entire internet.
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