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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Oh, I'm not saying it doesn't! Most of the Ghibli/Miyazaki stuff is good in general. I just have a slight fondness for the older stuff more. Part of Howl's Moving Castle's soundtrack makes up my Homeworld playlist for LAN games.
  2. You never have? It's a classic bit of animation. Early Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli works are some of the better films out there.
  3. I would normally say "Google, motherfucker! Do you use it?" but I've been informed that no one realizes that I'm paraphrasing Pulp Fiction when I do so. Also, if someone doesn't know that they can go to any search engine and look it up themselves, then they are either lazy or stupid. I don't think anyone here is stupid, so that leaves lazy. I'm not helping someone who is too lazy to spend the five seconds to find it themselves.
  4. Someone beat you to it, bu more game-specific. http://www.japanator.com/elephant/post.phtml?pk=8389 This is sort of what you're going for, but with different series, right?
  5. From what shots I've seen from the movie and trailer, they seem to be doing almost literal shots from the books, so it may be safe to say that this movie will be a condensed but accurate adaptation of the original. And that's a good thing, because if they took anything out, it would ruin a lot of the atmosphere it had.
  6. That's subjective, but that's also a giant other conversation. The thing with Speed Racer is that it's an ancient series that hasn't been seen much of in decades. Most of its fame before the movie was from really old watchers and the occasional use in a Geico commercial. It's faded from most people's memories and interpretation is very open. Cowboy Bebop is still relatively new, and the series is well known amongst anime fans all over the place. It very fresh in people's minds. The two are rather different that way. That's why altering the source material even a little is going to be a major issue.
  7. NO USeriously, how is it funny? I don't get what you mean, exactly.
  8. Because there's so much of it, because there are lots of people that know lots about it, or because you kow a lot about it? Vague statement is vague.
  9. Officially, no. You're either going to have to find someone that has it and will lend it to you, or you will have to download it, which we can't help you with on the very public forums.
  10. No. Too old and not big enough. Besides, Jet wan't black, he was vaguely asian-ish. No. She's too old, tall and not odd-ball enough Oh, I get it, you're just being silly. You got me. Honestly, I can't see it working. Unless they have a large amount of the original staff overseeing things, and they keep the same style and feel to it (which is easily lost when going from animation to life action, and even more from a Japanese studio to an American one), and they cast very carefully, this will most likely be very bd. Also, I know that Hollywood is desperate for ideas, but do they really have to start making anime-to-live-action conversions? I mean, come on... some things don't covert well. Speed Racer seems to have been successful enough to make everyone think this is a good idea.
  11. I didn't day anything about hating Naruto. I didn't say it wasn't at all like Naruto. I didn't say that they weren't silimar. I didn't say anything about you being out of line. I honestly don't see anything that made it sound that way. I like Naruto too. I just don't see the connections between the two shows like you do.
  12. So, any photos of the honeymoon? Seriously, though, you got hitched? About time. Maybe she will make an honest man out of you now. And a bunch of single women sigh in regret...
  13. You're comparing shows based upon how they use the same standard clichés and genres (magical element control fighting). Of course you're going to see similarities. There are enough shows out there now and over the last few years that we're going to see similarities no matter what. Anime is hardly the poster boy for originality, and ninja/martial arts and magic is hardly a sparse genre. With just the beaten-to-death "fated warrior is the main character" bit, you've got pretty much every show that came out in the last thirty years.
  14. You should go read it. Even just flip through it. As for the "is there room?" thing, The Watchmen was a different enough story that a movie of it would also be different enough to allow it a share of the currently saturated super-hero movie summer we live in. If you haven't read it, you may want to just to familiarize yourself with the plot and characters. I can't see how a book with that much going on in it can come out as a movie without i either being cut back a lot, or 4 hours long.
  15. I just realized I could have made a better title. "Dead Rising coming to Wii? Wii-lly?" So, if I get this game, will my Wii get RROD?
  16. How did it feel Naruto-ish? Was it the giant fight scene between Ang and the Fire Lord? I can see some similarities, but only if you compare it directly to the big fight between Naruto and Sasuke that took place at the end of the first part (when Sasuke left to join Orichimaru). At least Avatar didn't have every secondary character do a ten minute long flashback narrative about why they decide to fight, and then have the battle span over five episodes, just to meet their quota for episodes. Naruto is really bad for that. Almost as bad a Dragonball Z. Oops, the entire series just accidentally fell onto my hard drive. Gotta go.
  17. Warning! Favorites Thread Approaching! There's Starcraft 2, but I don't think there's a release date yet. Luckily, it will be very easy on the hardware, so you can play it on pretty much any decent system. Maybe some of the FEAR games... I sort of liked the first one, but it lacked replay value. Also, The Orange Box. Half LIfe 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2 are getting high reviews. And to show how theses are not favorites of mine, I haven't played any of the Orange Box. And no one had played Starcraft 2 yet.
  18. It's easy. You just need a lot of volunteers to help practice it with. It might be best if they haven't seen this movie yet, and that they don't know what happens to the previous volunteers.
  19. Damn right. Making a show that had war, suffering, emotional outbursts, love, hate, death, destruction and character development is mostly likely never going to happen on that channel again. With any luck, they will see how successful this turned out and instead of being afraid of taking a chance, they will actively pursue shows with more mature content. Oh, and having finally found the torrent this morning, I watched the finale: -Metal Fighter Miku... I mean Toph was awesome, but they didn't show enough of her. -Avatar mode on was pretty epic. -I saw the whole "taking away his fire-bending" thing back in the second season. It was pretty much the only way to really go. -I'm glad they finally resolved most of the romance issues, but what about Toph? Again, needs more Toph. -They left a few things open, namely where Zuko's mother is and what they did with Azula. Hopefully they won't sully the ending with a tacked-on direct-to-DVD epilogue or movie. I may want more of the show but it's best to end on a high note then try to darw it out any more. Awesome series, I'm sort of sad it's over now, but at least we got something that was actually good from a network know for crappy shows.
  20. You have to remember, I-n-j-i-n is OCR's living internet-awesome-barometer. He is what we all should be comparing ourselves to.
  21. Is on now. Is not seeing anyone else there. Is asking people if they are there. Is not hearing anyone reply. Is now worried Japan finally sank into ocean. Is liking to say "is" for some reason.
  22. God damn it, someone needs to put up better quality files, not to mention more than just one episode.
  23. Well, they aren't actually movies. They are the last episodes of the series, shown together.
  24. Ditto. I was all "No, not another shitty anime wannabe..." but then I was all "ok, one week until the next episode, I can wait, I can wait..." I think this works better than most of the faux-anime shows because it don't really try to be anime, or at least, not for the sake of it. Take those god-awful show Team Galaxy, Totally Spies! and Martin Mysteries (all done by the same people, by the way... you can just tell from watching it for even a minute); they could have went with original art and styles, but they obviously tried to hook the anime-watching crowd. They don't fit. It doesn't work. Avatar, on the other hand, seems to be more interested in telling the story than showing off how much it looks like anime. I have watch the three above mentioned shows, and I can not stand them. But even though Avatar is aimed at the same age group, it comes off far better written. Maybe it the plot. Maybe it's because the characters actually evolve and grow with each season. Maybe it's because they just have better writers, period. Either way, it's a far more enjoyable show. I've been waiting for three months for the new episodes to come out. It's about time, and I will be hitting up the torrents tonight to see if anyone has them out already. The only thing I'm worried about is the movie; it's supposed to be directed by... M. Night Shyamalan. I swear to god, if there's one of his fucking stupid "twists" in it, I'm quitting television shows for good.
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