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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. OF COURSE NOT! Why would anybody post opinions on something they haven't played yet? Unlike GameFAQs or most other places, the general population here can make opinions and statements basd upon actually having done something. Pretty much anyone posting here has played it or played the series, or something that gives their statements validity. Don't lump us in with the rest of the ignorant childish internet, please.
  2. Finally, someone says it. Thank you for pointing out what has been a unspoken but much thought concept.
  3. Without even going to where I think... nay, know this secret is going to be, I am already no longer at ease. EDIT: Ok, Fishy, what is it? It's not where I thought it would be, so now I'm slightly more not at ease. And then I realized that I didn't think about what it was, and that pushed me right over to "afraid". What is it,and how much is it going to cost to have it not happen to me?
  4. That Black Sludge still floating around? Also, I beat Palmer at level 21 in Battle Tower. It took forever to get the right team to do it (considering I'm using my UU/BL pokes, and not the usual "omg, time to blast shit into atoms!" teams that people are using to get to, like, 914 wins), so this was a rather happy achievement. The 100 BP I got at the end of it was nice bonus as well. (That would be 100 total, not 100 for winning that battle, of course).
  5. Yes, because a couple hundred people signing an anonymous document with no legal or even practical weight will really drive that point home. Even if a billion real people signed it with their actual names and signatures, that doesn't mean anything. All it says is that people want something; the studio(s) involved in the movie don't have to even look at it. They decide who gets to work on their movie, not the public. Oh my god... so many things to point out and say... head swimming... *sound of passing out and falling on floor* OK, one last time: online petitions do nothing. They are not agents of change, they are not awesome legal documents of power, they do not give anyone or any group any influence over anything. You would be better off sending a hand-written letter through the mail to said person than signing this. Not much better off, but a tenth of a percent is still more than zero, right?
  6. Would you if you were suddenly 2.1 years old? You know, when I was your age, the numbering system was a lot different...
  7. Case in point: I just finished a game and there was one of those moments. I fired the siege cannon, and the song that was playing ("Nirvash Type Zero" from the first Eureka Seven OST, a rather rousing battle song) just came on. For two minutes, I was watching my Destroyers plow through a small swarm of ion fridgets and fighters, swatting everything like some sort of awesome come-back-from-the-brink-of-defeat scene in a movie. Just as the song was nearing the end, I managed to fire my Siege Cannon. It was a direct hit. The timing went like this: 25 seconds left, I order the shot. 15 seconds left, the cannon fires (it's a long charge up time). 10 seconds left, the giant ball of white energy zooms past the flaming wreckage of what was the other guys last line of defeat. 5 seconds left, I can see it's going to be a direct hit. Song ends. I say (out loud, to just myself) "Boom, motherfucker," and the shot hits. The mothership goes up in a giant ring-explosion, and I watch as the various sections of the hull go in different directions. If I had been somehow recording that, it would have been youtube worthy. Maybe I should figure out a way to record these games...
  8. Homeworld Cataclysm. I got it for Christmas 1999, and I've had it on every computer I've owned since then. In fact, I'm playing through the fan-made mission pack right now. I've beat the main campaign enough times that I could write up a basic walkthrough without having to open the game. I like it because it's much more focused on long-term play, as in several hours. I've played a few matches against other people where I won by shear attrition and their desire to use the bathroom. Strategic hyper-space jumps, decoy fleets and fighter squadrons, using the Siege Cannon on the only crystal deposit on the map to blow up the other guy (the blast from the cannon is usually enough to seriously damage, if not blow up, your mothership. The energy released from blowing up a single crystal is about one and a half times that. Ten together in a single area is like setting on an array of nukes)... lots of good times. Sadly, not many people play it anymore, and far too many of those that are left go for quick kills. No one wants to build up a fleet and have epic battles with ion beams and missiles flying all over the place, all the while having Yoko Kanno's "Dog Fight" from Macross Plus playing loud enough for everyone to hear. Those times when the action in the map matches up with the music? Fucking awesome, and worth the twenty other times it doesn't. /why yes, I do have a playlist just for Homeworld
  9. The one thing about birthday threads that I hate is that during that two week period where everyone was arguing about them and they were temporarily suspended, I had my birthday. Four years and not one birthday thread. Not. One. I hate you, Zircon. I hate you, and your birthday thread-having soul. And birthday cake. I hate you birthday cake-having soul as well. Unless it's chocolate. Then that's fine. Chocolate's fine. If you're feeling old, it was my grandmother's 85th birthday today, so don't feel bad about aging another year. Happy birthday!
  10. Fucking. Flash movie. Pop-up ads. I fucking hate those things. They constantly come up, and I wish there was a way to get rid of them (no, Ad-Block doesn't have the ability to filter out built-in ad material in a flash player for some reason). I hate them, and any company that uses them to advertise is on my "do not give any business to" list. Anyway, as for the show itself, it's a little too emo-ish for me. Even the title is a give-away. I got to episode four and stopped. PS: shitty rotoscoping isn't artistic. It's just shitty.
  11. Well, it saved from having to read the books or watch the movies, so that's a 3 star rating right there...
  12. Actually, I have one acquired in a trade while attending that Toys R Us Mew event last year. Last year? Two years ago? I don't remember. I ran it through an IV calculator, and I'm pretty sure it was hacked. All 31 IVs except for Attack, and it has moves that Deoxys can't learn at all... yeah, poorly hacked. I was hoping for the event so I could get a legit one, and toss the hacked one onto GTS and get something good for it.
  13. What the fuck? Someone keeps removing my fucking posts for no reason at all! To repeat what I had posted before: There were a few scenes where they fucked up. The scene where the Hulk is carrying what's-her-face down a creek, watch his feet. For a guy that's over twelve feet tall and weights over a ton, he's pretty light on his feet, not splashing the water like that. Little details like that stand out for some reason.
  14. Was it techno like every other chiptune? Kidding, kidding... we all know chiptunes aren't real music like techno.
  15. PS: There are no Gamestops in Canada, that's why they bought EB Games. Officially, Canadian EB Games are not participating in the Deoxys event, even though multiple people from multiple sites (serebii, bulbbapedia, GameFAQs, etc) have called and asked. Personally, I'm just going to wonder down and see if they got it, but just haven't advertised it for some stupid reason. Way to go, Nintendo of Canada! Skip out on yet another easy-to-do, easy to set-up and wonderfully awesome promotional event again.
  16. No. We need less Simpson's refs these days. I have had an entire conversation with someone, using only quotes from the Simpsons. I don't mean like, three or four quotes back and forth, more like ten. Each. It was odd, because using quotes in a flowing, coherent way was rather an odd sensation. I never want to repeat that experience again.
  17. You're going to seriously regret making that offer. TMs 51 to... whatever the last one is, please.
  18. I was reading about this kid in the paper a week or two ago. He's 14, made his own TCG, and is in talks with Wizards of The Coast. It's a chemistry based battle system. "Argon! I CHOOSE YOU!" "Haa, fool! You fell for my trap! Oxidization! With this trap card in play, all metal-based attacks are nullified, and each turn weaken while in play!" "No! I knew I should have believed in the covalence of the cards!" ... Or so I would imagine a game would go. Maybe there is room for more educational games.
  19. Yes. Yes, I do. Want an Earthquake TM? I have like 6 of them. Multiple replays and trading over to my Sapphire game has left me with a rather significant abundance of 3rd gen TMs. Oh, and I'll take all of your 51 to 91 TMs if you want, since you said you don't need them.
  20. Go to Jublilife City and go to the GTS building. Go online and you will be given a Friend Code.
  21. What? I'm not talking about that at all. I'm talking about why they didn't want to put it out on a free, easy to use site so more people can watch it.
  22. I can't see why. If they are afraid of people "stealing" it, then why put it out on any website at all? Any format one can use to distribute media can be used to copy it. If it's the comments, there is the option to filter and screen comments before hey are even posted. If it's some sort of elitist mindset bullshit, tell them to suck it up and go with the bigger, wider way for people to see it. If it's an issue with image and sound quality, then there's no making them happy. /not some sort of youtube fanboy, it's just easier and quicker than signing up for some other site.
  23. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis? (There's only one officially recognized word that's longer after that, and I'm not sure it counts)
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